Proud of the 50-year tradition of building, fighting and growing of the Criminal Police Department

15:30 - 14/06/2024

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Criminal Police Department (February 22, 1973 - February 22, 2023), February 22, General Prof. Dr. To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Party Committee Central Police, Minister of Public Security wrote an important article: "Proud of the 50-year tradition of building, fighting and growing of the Criminal Police Department". The Ministry of Public Security's electronic information portal respectfully introduces the Minister's article.

During the Vietnamese revolutionary cause, the People's Public Security Force (CAND) has always played a pivotal role in protecting the country's security and order. The Criminal Police Department is an important part of the People's Public Security force, always absolutely loyal to the Party, Fatherland and People; overcome all difficulties and hardships; Serve the Fatherland with all your heart and soul and serve the People. After 50 years of building, fighting and growing through many ups and downs of history, many difficult challenges, the Criminal Police Department has achieved many glorious victories, writing pages of history worth being proud of. worthy of the core role in the fight against crime, protecting and maintaining the security and order of the Fatherland.

General Prof. Dr. To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security.

The August Revolution of 1945 was successful, a new young government was established in August 1945, under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, the people of the whole country successfully carried out a general uprising to seize power. The establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam marked a great turning point in the nation's history. The revolutionary government was established from the central to local levels, and the first organizations of the People's Public Security force were born. In the North, the revolutionary government established the Department of Northern Liberation; In the Central region, establish the Reconnaissance Department and in the South establish National Self-Defense to carry out the task of fighting to maintain political security and social order and safety, protect the Party, and protect the revolutionary government. , protecting the lives and property of the People.

Amidst the difficulties of the early days of the country's founding, we had to continue to fight against internal and external enemies, while building the economy in poor and deprived conditions; To create a legal basis for the struggle to consolidate and preserve the fledgling revolutionary government, President Ho Chi Minh issued decrees to suppress counter-revolutionary organizations and reactionary political elements. destroy public property. Handling criminals, thoroughly grasping the motto of suppressing the enemy right from the beginning of the activity, severely punishing the instigators, and dealing with workers who break the law because of circumstances, are dealt with in a reasonable and severe manner. on re-education has contributed to the victory of the cause of "resistance and national construction".

On February 21, 1946, President Ho Chi Minh signed Decree No. 23/SL unifying the Volunteer, Police, Reconnaissance, and National Self-Defense forces nationwide into "Vietnam Public Security Service". On April 18, 1946, the Ministry of Home Affairs issued Decree No. 121/NgD on the organization of the Vietnam Police Department, stipulating the organization of the Police apparatus with 3 levels: Central Police Department, State Police Department. and Provincial Police; The mission is: "Maintain order in the area, prevent illegal actions, investigate and search for perpetrators, and submit illegal actions to the Court for punishment." Implementing Decree No. 121/NgD, in the People's Public Security organization in localities, precursor forces of the Criminal Police have been formed, with many different names such as: Area Reconnaissance Team, Administrative Security Board. , the Civil Police Board... is directly responsible for protecting the newly established revolutionary government in all 3 regions: North - Central - South; Investigate, handle and suppress professional thieves, robbers, frauds, murderers and gangsters to maintain order and security. To effectively serve the resistance war against French colonialism, there was an urgent need to strengthen and consolidate the organization of the People's Public Security force. On February 16, 1953, President Ho Chi Minh signed Decree No. 141/SL-LCT changed the name of the Vietnam Public Security Department to the Deputy Ministry of Public Security under the Government Council. At the meeting from August 27-29, 1953, the Government Council issued a Resolution to change the name of the Ministry of Public Security to the Ministry of Public Security. This is an event marking the maturity and growth of Vietnam People's Public Security.

Faced with the new tasks of the revolution, the People's Public Security force in general and the Administrative Security force in particular have stepped up administrative management measures, fought against counter-revolutionaries and criminals, and maintained security. , quiet. On July 28, 1956, the Prime Minister issued Decree No. 982/TTg on the establishment of the People's Police Department under the Ministry of Public Security, whereby the administrative security force at all levels was renamed the People's Police. The organizational structure of the People's Police Department has 5 subordinate departments: Economic Department, Police Department, Security Management Department, Political General Department and Traffic Police Department (of which the Police Department is the unit). predecessor of the Criminal Police Department). This is an important event marking the maturity of the People's Police force in terms of organization, demonstrating the special attention of the Party and State in building a regular People's Police force, worthy of recognition. The Party's sharp, dictatorial tool.

Thoroughly grasping the spirit of Resolution No. 225/NQ-TW dated February 20, 1973 of the Politburo of the Party Central Committee (term III) on cadre work in the new phase of the revolution, dated February 22, 1973, the Party Central Committee's Politburo The Government Council issued Decree No. 32-CP regulating the organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security, including 36 units of Departments, Departments, Institutes, Inspection Boards, Offices, Security Officer Schools and Police Officer Schools. , including the Criminal Police Department. This is a milestone, with a particularly important meaning "consolidating the criminal police organizational system from the Department to the locality" for the maturity and growth of the criminal police force; become a spearhead, core, shock unit in the fight against crime, maintain social order and safety, firmly protect the Northern rear, and at the same time be an important premise for dividing forces, strengthening the fight against crime in the southern provinces after the day the South was completely liberated and unified the country.

Minister To Lam and delegates attended the conference summarizing the work of the criminal police force in fighting specialized cases in the period 2015 - 2020, April 15, 2021.

On April 30, 1975, the historic Ho Chi Minh Campaign ended successfully, the South was completely liberated; The puppet army and puppet government apparatus disintegrated. Taking advantage of the complicated situation in the early days of liberation, dangerous criminals and thugs who once colluded with the puppet police apparatus to commit many crimes against the people continue to operate and rob property. , destroying the peaceful life of the People. Faced with that situation, to protect the achievements of the revolution, the Ministry of Public Security continues to mobilize nearly ten thousand officers and soldiers to strengthen Southern Security, including a number of comrades from the Criminal Police Department and the Ministry of Public Security. On-site security forces urgently receive and classify documents left behind by the enemy, search for reinstalled spies, and exploit and clarify intelligence agents and secret informers to neutralize and clean up the internal affairs. ; Pursuing a number of intelligence agents, spies, police, puppet troops, puppet authorities, and reactionary parties with blood debts who have escaped reporting and reformation; At the same time, do a good job of preventing and fighting fiercely with hoodlums, thugs and other criminals, maintaining and basically managing security and order well in the newly liberated South.

Since the day the country was unified and moved to socialism, the Criminal Police Department has continued to enter a new battle, no less arduous, sacrificed, full of difficulties and complexity. Promoting glorious traditions and to meet new mission requirements, the Criminal Police Department has gradually been strengthened in both force and experience in crime prevention. Continue to deploy all aspects of work synchronously and comprehensively, advising the Ministry's leaders to launch dozens of attacks and suppress crime nationwide; arrested tens of thousands of professional gangsters, destroyed thousands of criminal gangs, contributed to reducing the crime situation, gradually restored social order and discipline, and successfully completed the political tasks assigned by the Party. , entrusted by the State and People.

During the period of innovation and integration, under the direction of the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Criminal Police Department has gradually been comprehensively reformed in the direction of concentration and professional expertise, meeting the mission requirements in new situation; proactively advise the Ministry of Public Security to propose many strategic policies to the Party and State in preventing and combating crimes related to social order; Continuously launch peak attacks to suppress crime every year, simultaneously deploy comprehensive professional measures to prevent and fight all types of criminal crimes, capture and destroy gangs using using military weapons to rob property in Lang Son, Quang Ninh, Hai Phong, Thanh Hoa; organized crime gangs led by notorious criminals such as Duong Van Khanh "White Khanh"; Truong Van Cam "Nam Cam", Minh Samasa; Pham Chi Tin, Ha Le... contribute to maintaining social order and safety, creating a stable environment to serve the country's socio-economic construction and development, and are a premise for the criminal police force to complete become tasks in the next phase.

On August 20, 2004, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly issued the Ordinance on the organization of criminal investigations, the organizational model of the Investigation Police Agency was changed, reconnaissance investigation and procedural investigation work was carried out. Closely linked, investigation activities are organized in a focused, unified, and intensive manner. The Ordinance on Organization of Criminal Investigations has marked an important step forward for the Criminal Police in terms of functions, tasks, reconnaissance and procedural investigation work being closely linked, and staffing being increased.

During the period of national construction and development, the Criminal Police Department has closely followed the policies of the Party and State, and the direction of the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, proactively advised and proposed and focused on implementing decisions. Lists many plans and measures to prevent and combat criminal crimes. Paying special attention to strategic consulting work, building many breakthrough plans, measures and macro solutions to solve emerging crime problems, preventing the formation of criminal organizations. Dangerous crime in the style of a "gangster"; Prevent criminal association, reduce criminality, and professional criminal gangs. Many gangs operate in a "gangster" style such as: the "Tung Ga" gang in Binh Duong; “Hung Vuon Cashew” and “Long Thanh” in Dong Nai; “Oanh Ha” in Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai; Phuong "Ninh Hat", Dung "Iron Face" in Quang Ninh; Tu "monkey" in Hung Yen; Hung "blood" and Vi "enlightenment" in Thanh Hoa... were destroyed, creating a strong deterrent, changing the situation of organized crime from open, reckless activities to "hidden" activities. ", moderately, some gangs appear to "lay dormant" and disintegrate on their own, contributing to regaining the initiative in the fight against crime.

After approving the Project "Some issues of continuing innovation and streamlining the organization of the Ministry of Public Security, operating effectively and efficiently" (Project No. 106), the Politburo issued Resolution No. 22-NQ/TW dated March 15, 2018 on "Continuing to innovate and organize the Ministry of Public Security's apparatus to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently". This is an important Resolution and is the basis for the Government to issue Decree No. 01/2018/ND-CP regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security.

Immediately after Decree No. 01/ND-CP dated August 6, 2018 of the Government was issued, the Ministry of Public Security issued Decision No. 3992/QD-BCA dated August 6, 2018 stipulating the functions, tasks, The powers and organizational structure of the Police Department for Investigation of Social Order Crimes, referred to as the Criminal Police Department (code name C02), directly under the Ministry of Public Security. The Criminal Police Department is one of the leading units in stabilizing the organization, developing working regulations, coordinating the building of functions and tasks of units within the Department, maintaining the implementation of basic work aspects. sticky, continuous, without interruption. Direct and guide the criminal police force nationwide to focus on fighting strongly and with focus on certain types of crime, especially organized crime, destroying 2,721 criminal gangs ( an increase of 11.06% compared to 2017), thereby preventing the formation of criminal gangs operating in a "gangster" style, preventing the existence of "hot spots" of criminal crimes that cause oppression. among the People; direct, guide and coordinate the force system; investigate and discover particularly serious cases and emerging crimes that cause public outrage.

In recent years, especially during the complicated developments of the COVID-19 epidemic; The "hidden" level of criminals is increasingly high, sophisticated methods and tricks, under many guises, take advantage of "loopholes" in the law to operate, criminals using high technology increase their activities to committing crimes of fraudulent appropriation of property, organizing gambling and gambling... The Department has proactively advised the Ministry of Public Security to promulgate a professional plan on handling and resolving a number of urgent situations , complicated when a particularly serious case that violates social order occurs, at the same time focusing on innovating the style of leadership, direction, speaking and doing, bravery, responsibility, innovation, and thoroughness location, object. The Criminal Police Department has directly directed and coordinated closely and effectively with Police units and localities in the fields of crime prevention and control and achieved many important results. The number of criminal cases every year has decreased, the rate of investigation and discovery has increased, and the subjects of very serious and especially serious cases have been investigated and arrested quickly, causing bad public opinion. , contributing to ensuring national security and maintaining social order and safety.

In the context of transnational crimes and crimes with foreign elements related to Vietnam, developments are extremely complicated and unpredictable with diverse tactics, nature and level of danger, the Criminal Police Department the strengthening of foreign cooperation; Host and organize many conferences, seminars, and forums on preventing and combating transnational crimes, human trafficking crimes, crimes using high technology... ensuring quality and efficiency , is highly appreciated by partners for the role of the Vietnam Criminal Police force. In addition, strengthen research and strong application of science, technology and technology to serve the work of synthesizing the situation and directing the force system.

After 50 years of building, fighting and growing up, under the leadership of the Central Public Security Party Committee and the leadership of the Ministry of Public Security, with the people's wholehearted love, support and assistance, generations of officials, Soldiers of the Criminal Police Department have overcome difficulties, gradually building an increasingly regular, elite, modern and increasingly strong force, achieving many outstanding achievements and victories, contributing to important in the cause of protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, fighting crime and building a heroic People's Public Security force.

As a revolutionary armed force originating from the People, the Criminal Police Department is deeply aware of its position and responsibility. To successfully complete assigned tasks, the Criminal Police Department always deeply grasps and seriously implements the teachings of beloved President Ho Chi Minh: "Our police are the People's Police, serving and relying on the people for the people." work on the People", always fully aware of the great historical role of the people in the cause of protecting national security, considering this as one of the determining factors in the strength of the People's Public Security Forces.

During the fighting process, the Criminal Police Department always strives to overcome all difficulties, is dedicated and highly responsible in its work, and wholeheartedly serves the People. With the action slogan "Stay awake so the people can sleep well, guard the people so they can have fun, take the joy and happiness of the people as our reason for living"; "Honor is the most noble sacred thing"... generation after generation of officers and soldiers of the Criminal Police Department have constantly cultivated revolutionary moral qualities, forged virtue, practiced talent, fought, Dedicated to the revolutionary cause of the Party, Uncle Ho, and the People chose. Practice has proven that the victories of the Criminal Police Department all have direct or indirect contributions from the People, that contribution has created the success of the Criminal Police force in general and the Police Department. criminality in particular through historical periods.

With the achievements, victories and silent sacrifices of each officer and soldier of the Criminal Police Department, throughout the journey of building, fighting and growing up; The Party, State, Public Security and ministries, departments, branches and localities always recognize and appreciate the Criminal Police Department being awarded the title "Hero of the People's Armed Forces"; Many collectives and individuals of the Criminal Police Department were awarded Military Medals and Victory Medals of all classes, including 4 First Class Victory Medals in the years: 2011, 2012, 2016, 2021; 1 Second Class Victory Medal in 1995; 1 Third Class Victory Medal in 1994. Many collectives and individuals were awarded Medals and Certificates of Merit from the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Public Security, ministries, departments, central branches, and Provincial People's Committees. , centrally run city and Certificate of Merit from the Criminal Police Department, Police units and localities. Many officers of the Criminal Police Department have grown up and are assigned to important leadership positions inside and outside the police sector.

Officers and soldiers of the Criminal Police Department organized a ceremony to pay tribute to Uncle Ho at the Memorial House of President Ho Chi Minh, K9 Relic area (Ba Vi district, Hanoi city).

In the coming time, the international and regional situation will still have many complicated developments, criminal crimes will increase with increasingly sophisticated, aggressive, reckless, and unpredictable crime methods and tricks. , poses extremely heavy tasks for the Criminal Police force in general and the Criminal Police Department in particular. To well and effectively carry out the work of preventing and combating criminal crimes in the coming time, it is recommended that the Criminal Police Department seriously implement some of the following main contents:

Firstly , focus on effectively implementing directives and resolutions of the Party Central Committee and the National Assembly, in order to promote the combined strength of the entire political system and the entire population in crime prevention and control; focus on Conclusion No. 13-KL/TW dated August 16, 2021 of the Politburo on continuing to implement Directive No. 48-CT/TW of the Politburo on strengthening the Party's leadership in prevention work. , fighting crime in the new situation; Conclusion No. 15-KL/TW dated September 30, 2021 of the Secretariat on continuing to implement Directive 46-CT/TW of the Politburo on strengthening the Party's leadership in ensuring security , order in the new situation and the Prime Minister's National Programs on crime prevention... Continue to implement the Ministry of Public Security's Plans on building a truly clean and stable People's Public Security force. strong, regular, elite, modern, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation and the Project to build a People's Public Security Investigation Agency by 2025, with a vision to 2030; Plan to strengthen crime prevention and control, ensure social order and safety, during and after the COVID-19 epidemic; Resolve a number of urgent and complicated situations when particularly serious cases violating social order occur...

Second , persistently implement solutions to sustainably reduce the number of crimes related to social order by 5%. Advise the Ministry's leadership on identifying areas with complex social order to concentrate forces to organize focused and focused struggles. Continue to implement basic professional work more effectively and substantially to proactively identify and discover new methods and tricks of criminals to prevent and fight. Actively review and fight strongly against criminal gangs; Criminal subjects operating on mobile devices; using high technology, targeting foreigners; Objects that are the "input" of criminals such as: the number of drug addicts, especially drug addicts with psychotic signs of "stoned addiction", gambling addictions, wanted subjects, criminals related to illegal activities. "black credit" movement...

Third , improve the quality of receiving, classifying, and handling denunciations and crime reports right from the grassroots, especially for commune-level police; investigation and handling, not to let criminals, especially the masterminds and leaders, escape. For particularly serious cases with public concern, cases caused by criminal gangs, it is necessary to focus on investigating and arresting the subjects as soon as possible.

Fourth , focus on converting the working status of the force system from "traditional" to "modern", enhancing the application of science and technology in crime prevention and control; Mobilize organizations and individuals to install security surveillance cameras; Effectively deploy the industry's professional software...; Connect and effectively exploit the national population database to serve the prevention and combat of criminal crimes.

Fifth , thoroughly grasp and implement the concept of protecting the Fatherland early, from afar, ensuring the peaceful and happy life of the People right from the grassroots, not being caught unawares in any situation. Thoroughly grasping the motto "prevention is key", combining harmoniously, reasonably and effectively between proactive prevention and active detection, fighting and handling in preventing and combating crimes and violations of the law. Ensuring strict handling, right person, right crime, lawful and humane.

Sixth , perform well the work of Party building, force building, and political and ideological education for officials and party members; promote the exemplary role of cadres and party members, especially heads of party committees; attach importance to the work of fostering and training qualities, ethics, and behavior according to the 6 Things Uncle Ho taught; constantly accumulating knowledge and experience; Absolutely respect the law, be dynamic and creative, master the situation, and master science and technology; In any situation, always be steadfast, not fall under the bribery, manipulation, influence of bad elements, criminals, or "group interests"; ready to accept and determined to successfully complete all tasks that the Fatherland, Party, State and People have entrusted.

After 50 years of building, fighting and growing, the tradition of the Criminal Police Department is truly glorious, honorable and proud. In each period of the country's history, the activities of the criminal police force have had their own difficulties and challenges, and their own key and urgent tasks. But no matter the difficult and challenging circumstances, generations of the Criminal Police Department are resilient and determined to overcome all difficulties and hardships and successfully complete the tasks assigned by the Party, State and Police sector. deputy, worthy of being the "Iron Fist" of the People's Public Security force in the field of crime prevention and combat.

Editorial board

Proud of the 50-year tradition of building, fighting and growing of the Criminal Police Department

15:30 - 14/06/2024

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Criminal Police Department (February 22, 1973 - February 22, 2023), February 22, General Prof. Dr. To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Party Committee Central Police, Minister of Public Security wrote an important article: "Proud of the 50-year tradition of building, fighting and growing of the Criminal Police Department". The Ministry of Public Security's electronic information portal respectfully introduces the Minister's article.

During the Vietnamese revolutionary cause, the People's Public Security Force (CAND) has always played a pivotal role in protecting the country's security and order. The Criminal Police Department is an important part of the People's Public Security force, always absolutely loyal to the Party, Fatherland and People; overcome all difficulties and hardships; Serve the Fatherland with all your heart and soul and serve the People. After 50 years of building, fighting and growing through many ups and downs of history, many difficult challenges, the Criminal Police Department has achieved many glorious victories, writing pages of history worth being proud of. worthy of the core role in the fight against crime, protecting and maintaining the security and order of the Fatherland.

General Prof. Dr. To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security.

The August Revolution of 1945 was successful, a new young government was established in August 1945, under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, the people of the whole country successfully carried out a general uprising to seize power. The establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam marked a great turning point in the nation's history. The revolutionary government was established from the central to local levels, and the first organizations of the People's Public Security force were born. In the North, the revolutionary government established the Department of Northern Liberation; In the Central region, establish the Reconnaissance Department and in the South establish National Self-Defense to carry out the task of fighting to maintain political security and social order and safety, protect the Party, and protect the revolutionary government. , protecting the lives and property of the People.

Amidst the difficulties of the early days of the country's founding, we had to continue to fight against internal and external enemies, while building the economy in poor and deprived conditions; To create a legal basis for the struggle to consolidate and preserve the fledgling revolutionary government, President Ho Chi Minh issued decrees to suppress counter-revolutionary organizations and reactionary political elements. destroy public property. Handling criminals, thoroughly grasping the motto of suppressing the enemy right from the beginning of the activity, severely punishing the instigators, and dealing with workers who break the law because of circumstances, are dealt with in a reasonable and severe manner. on re-education has contributed to the victory of the cause of "resistance and national construction".

On February 21, 1946, President Ho Chi Minh signed Decree No. 23/SL unifying the Volunteer, Police, Reconnaissance, and National Self-Defense forces nationwide into "Vietnam Public Security Service". On April 18, 1946, the Ministry of Home Affairs issued Decree No. 121/NgD on the organization of the Vietnam Police Department, stipulating the organization of the Police apparatus with 3 levels: Central Police Department, State Police Department. and Provincial Police; The mission is: "Maintain order in the area, prevent illegal actions, investigate and search for perpetrators, and submit illegal actions to the Court for punishment." Implementing Decree No. 121/NgD, in the People's Public Security organization in localities, precursor forces of the Criminal Police have been formed, with many different names such as: Area Reconnaissance Team, Administrative Security Board. , the Civil Police Board... is directly responsible for protecting the newly established revolutionary government in all 3 regions: North - Central - South; Investigate, handle and suppress professional thieves, robbers, frauds, murderers and gangsters to maintain order and security. To effectively serve the resistance war against French colonialism, there was an urgent need to strengthen and consolidate the organization of the People's Public Security force. On February 16, 1953, President Ho Chi Minh signed Decree No. 141/SL-LCT changed the name of the Vietnam Public Security Department to the Deputy Ministry of Public Security under the Government Council. At the meeting from August 27-29, 1953, the Government Council issued a Resolution to change the name of the Ministry of Public Security to the Ministry of Public Security. This is an event marking the maturity and growth of Vietnam People's Public Security.

Faced with the new tasks of the revolution, the People's Public Security force in general and the Administrative Security force in particular have stepped up administrative management measures, fought against counter-revolutionaries and criminals, and maintained security. , quiet. On July 28, 1956, the Prime Minister issued Decree No. 982/TTg on the establishment of the People's Police Department under the Ministry of Public Security, whereby the administrative security force at all levels was renamed the People's Police. The organizational structure of the People's Police Department has 5 subordinate departments: Economic Department, Police Department, Security Management Department, Political General Department and Traffic Police Department (of which the Police Department is the unit). predecessor of the Criminal Police Department). This is an important event marking the maturity of the People's Police force in terms of organization, demonstrating the special attention of the Party and State in building a regular People's Police force, worthy of recognition. The Party's sharp, dictatorial tool.

Thoroughly grasping the spirit of Resolution No. 225/NQ-TW dated February 20, 1973 of the Politburo of the Party Central Committee (term III) on cadre work in the new phase of the revolution, dated February 22, 1973, the Party Central Committee's Politburo The Government Council issued Decree No. 32-CP regulating the organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security, including 36 units of Departments, Departments, Institutes, Inspection Boards, Offices, Security Officer Schools and Police Officer Schools. , including the Criminal Police Department. This is a milestone, with a particularly important meaning "consolidating the criminal police organizational system from the Department to the locality" for the maturity and growth of the criminal police force; become a spearhead, core, shock unit in the fight against crime, maintain social order and safety, firmly protect the Northern rear, and at the same time be an important premise for dividing forces, strengthening the fight against crime in the southern provinces after the day the South was completely liberated and unified the country.

Minister To Lam and delegates attended the conference summarizing the work of the criminal police force in fighting specialized cases in the period 2015 - 2020, April 15, 2021.

On April 30, 1975, the historic Ho Chi Minh Campaign ended successfully, the South was completely liberated; The puppet army and puppet government apparatus disintegrated. Taking advantage of the complicated situation in the early days of liberation, dangerous criminals and thugs who once colluded with the puppet police apparatus to commit many crimes against the people continue to operate and rob property. , destroying the peaceful life of the People. Faced with that situation, to protect the achievements of the revolution, the Ministry of Public Security continues to mobilize nearly ten thousand officers and soldiers to strengthen Southern Security, including a number of comrades from the Criminal Police Department and the Ministry of Public Security. On-site security forces urgently receive and classify documents left behind by the enemy, search for reinstalled spies, and exploit and clarify intelligence agents and secret informers to neutralize and clean up the internal affairs. ; Pursuing a number of intelligence agents, spies, police, puppet troops, puppet authorities, and reactionary parties with blood debts who have escaped reporting and reformation; At the same time, do a good job of preventing and fighting fiercely with hoodlums, thugs and other criminals, maintaining and basically managing security and order well in the newly liberated South.

Since the day the country was unified and moved to socialism, the Criminal Police Department has continued to enter a new battle, no less arduous, sacrificed, full of difficulties and complexity. Promoting glorious traditions and to meet new mission requirements, the Criminal Police Department has gradually been strengthened in both force and experience in crime prevention. Continue to deploy all aspects of work synchronously and comprehensively, advising the Ministry's leaders to launch dozens of attacks and suppress crime nationwide; arrested tens of thousands of professional gangsters, destroyed thousands of criminal gangs, contributed to reducing the crime situation, gradually restored social order and discipline, and successfully completed the political tasks assigned by the Party. , entrusted by the State and People.

During the period of innovation and integration, under the direction of the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Criminal Police Department has gradually been comprehensively reformed in the direction of concentration and professional expertise, meeting the mission requirements in new situation; proactively advise the Ministry of Public Security to propose many strategic policies to the Party and State in preventing and combating crimes related to social order; Continuously launch peak attacks to suppress crime every year, simultaneously deploy comprehensive professional measures to prevent and fight all types of criminal crimes, capture and destroy gangs using using military weapons to rob property in Lang Son, Quang Ninh, Hai Phong, Thanh Hoa; organized crime gangs led by notorious criminals such as Duong Van Khanh "White Khanh"; Truong Van Cam "Nam Cam", Minh Samasa; Pham Chi Tin, Ha Le... contribute to maintaining social order and safety, creating a stable environment to serve the country's socio-economic construction and development, and are a premise for the criminal police force to complete become tasks in the next phase.

On August 20, 2004, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly issued the Ordinance on the organization of criminal investigations, the organizational model of the Investigation Police Agency was changed, reconnaissance investigation and procedural investigation work was carried out. Closely linked, investigation activities are organized in a focused, unified, and intensive manner. The Ordinance on Organization of Criminal Investigations has marked an important step forward for the Criminal Police in terms of functions, tasks, reconnaissance and procedural investigation work being closely linked, and staffing being increased.

During the period of national construction and development, the Criminal Police Department has closely followed the policies of the Party and State, and the direction of the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, proactively advised and proposed and focused on implementing decisions. Lists many plans and measures to prevent and combat criminal crimes. Paying special attention to strategic consulting work, building many breakthrough plans, measures and macro solutions to solve emerging crime problems, preventing the formation of criminal organizations. Dangerous crime in the style of a "gangster"; Prevent criminal association, reduce criminality, and professional criminal gangs. Many gangs operate in a "gangster" style such as: the "Tung Ga" gang in Binh Duong; “Hung Vuon Cashew” and “Long Thanh” in Dong Nai; “Oanh Ha” in Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai; Phuong "Ninh Hat", Dung "Iron Face" in Quang Ninh; Tu "monkey" in Hung Yen; Hung "blood" and Vi "enlightenment" in Thanh Hoa... were destroyed, creating a strong deterrent, changing the situation of organized crime from open, reckless activities to "hidden" activities. ", moderately, some gangs appear to "lay dormant" and disintegrate on their own, contributing to regaining the initiative in the fight against crime.

After approving the Project "Some issues of continuing innovation and streamlining the organization of the Ministry of Public Security, operating effectively and efficiently" (Project No. 106), the Politburo issued Resolution No. 22-NQ/TW dated March 15, 2018 on "Continuing to innovate and organize the Ministry of Public Security's apparatus to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently". This is an important Resolution and is the basis for the Government to issue Decree No. 01/2018/ND-CP regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security.

Immediately after Decree No. 01/ND-CP dated August 6, 2018 of the Government was issued, the Ministry of Public Security issued Decision No. 3992/QD-BCA dated August 6, 2018 stipulating the functions, tasks, The powers and organizational structure of the Police Department for Investigation of Social Order Crimes, referred to as the Criminal Police Department (code name C02), directly under the Ministry of Public Security. The Criminal Police Department is one of the leading units in stabilizing the organization, developing working regulations, coordinating the building of functions and tasks of units within the Department, maintaining the implementation of basic work aspects. sticky, continuous, without interruption. Direct and guide the criminal police force nationwide to focus on fighting strongly and with focus on certain types of crime, especially organized crime, destroying 2,721 criminal gangs ( an increase of 11.06% compared to 2017), thereby preventing the formation of criminal gangs operating in a "gangster" style, preventing the existence of "hot spots" of criminal crimes that cause oppression. among the People; direct, guide and coordinate the force system; investigate and discover particularly serious cases and emerging crimes that cause public outrage.

In recent years, especially during the complicated developments of the COVID-19 epidemic; The "hidden" level of criminals is increasingly high, sophisticated methods and tricks, under many guises, take advantage of "loopholes" in the law to operate, criminals using high technology increase their activities to committing crimes of fraudulent appropriation of property, organizing gambling and gambling... The Department has proactively advised the Ministry of Public Security to promulgate a professional plan on handling and resolving a number of urgent situations , complicated when a particularly serious case that violates social order occurs, at the same time focusing on innovating the style of leadership, direction, speaking and doing, bravery, responsibility, innovation, and thoroughness location, object. The Criminal Police Department has directly directed and coordinated closely and effectively with Police units and localities in the fields of crime prevention and control and achieved many important results. The number of criminal cases every year has decreased, the rate of investigation and discovery has increased, and the subjects of very serious and especially serious cases have been investigated and arrested quickly, causing bad public opinion. , contributing to ensuring national security and maintaining social order and safety.

In the context of transnational crimes and crimes with foreign elements related to Vietnam, developments are extremely complicated and unpredictable with diverse tactics, nature and level of danger, the Criminal Police Department the strengthening of foreign cooperation; Host and organize many conferences, seminars, and forums on preventing and combating transnational crimes, human trafficking crimes, crimes using high technology... ensuring quality and efficiency , is highly appreciated by partners for the role of the Vietnam Criminal Police force. In addition, strengthen research and strong application of science, technology and technology to serve the work of synthesizing the situation and directing the force system.

After 50 years of building, fighting and growing up, under the leadership of the Central Public Security Party Committee and the leadership of the Ministry of Public Security, with the people's wholehearted love, support and assistance, generations of officials, Soldiers of the Criminal Police Department have overcome difficulties, gradually building an increasingly regular, elite, modern and increasingly strong force, achieving many outstanding achievements and victories, contributing to important in the cause of protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, fighting crime and building a heroic People's Public Security force.

As a revolutionary armed force originating from the People, the Criminal Police Department is deeply aware of its position and responsibility. To successfully complete assigned tasks, the Criminal Police Department always deeply grasps and seriously implements the teachings of beloved President Ho Chi Minh: "Our police are the People's Police, serving and relying on the people for the people." work on the People", always fully aware of the great historical role of the people in the cause of protecting national security, considering this as one of the determining factors in the strength of the People's Public Security Forces.

During the fighting process, the Criminal Police Department always strives to overcome all difficulties, is dedicated and highly responsible in its work, and wholeheartedly serves the People. With the action slogan "Stay awake so the people can sleep well, guard the people so they can have fun, take the joy and happiness of the people as our reason for living"; "Honor is the most noble sacred thing"... generation after generation of officers and soldiers of the Criminal Police Department have constantly cultivated revolutionary moral qualities, forged virtue, practiced talent, fought, Dedicated to the revolutionary cause of the Party, Uncle Ho, and the People chose. Practice has proven that the victories of the Criminal Police Department all have direct or indirect contributions from the People, that contribution has created the success of the Criminal Police force in general and the Police Department. criminality in particular through historical periods.

With the achievements, victories and silent sacrifices of each officer and soldier of the Criminal Police Department, throughout the journey of building, fighting and growing up; The Party, State, Public Security and ministries, departments, branches and localities always recognize and appreciate the Criminal Police Department being awarded the title "Hero of the People's Armed Forces"; Many collectives and individuals of the Criminal Police Department were awarded Military Medals and Victory Medals of all classes, including 4 First Class Victory Medals in the years: 2011, 2012, 2016, 2021; 1 Second Class Victory Medal in 1995; 1 Third Class Victory Medal in 1994. Many collectives and individuals were awarded Medals and Certificates of Merit from the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Public Security, ministries, departments, central branches, and Provincial People's Committees. , centrally run city and Certificate of Merit from the Criminal Police Department, Police units and localities. Many officers of the Criminal Police Department have grown up and are assigned to important leadership positions inside and outside the police sector.

Officers and soldiers of the Criminal Police Department organized a ceremony to pay tribute to Uncle Ho at the Memorial House of President Ho Chi Minh, K9 Relic area (Ba Vi district, Hanoi city).

In the coming time, the international and regional situation will still have many complicated developments, criminal crimes will increase with increasingly sophisticated, aggressive, reckless, and unpredictable crime methods and tricks. , poses extremely heavy tasks for the Criminal Police force in general and the Criminal Police Department in particular. To well and effectively carry out the work of preventing and combating criminal crimes in the coming time, it is recommended that the Criminal Police Department seriously implement some of the following main contents:

Firstly , focus on effectively implementing directives and resolutions of the Party Central Committee and the National Assembly, in order to promote the combined strength of the entire political system and the entire population in crime prevention and control; focus on Conclusion No. 13-KL/TW dated August 16, 2021 of the Politburo on continuing to implement Directive No. 48-CT/TW of the Politburo on strengthening the Party's leadership in prevention work. , fighting crime in the new situation; Conclusion No. 15-KL/TW dated September 30, 2021 of the Secretariat on continuing to implement Directive 46-CT/TW of the Politburo on strengthening the Party's leadership in ensuring security , order in the new situation and the Prime Minister's National Programs on crime prevention... Continue to implement the Ministry of Public Security's Plans on building a truly clean and stable People's Public Security force. strong, regular, elite, modern, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation and the Project to build a People's Public Security Investigation Agency by 2025, with a vision to 2030; Plan to strengthen crime prevention and control, ensure social order and safety, during and after the COVID-19 epidemic; Resolve a number of urgent and complicated situations when particularly serious cases violating social order occur...

Second , persistently implement solutions to sustainably reduce the number of crimes related to social order by 5%. Advise the Ministry's leadership on identifying areas with complex social order to concentrate forces to organize focused and focused struggles. Continue to implement basic professional work more effectively and substantially to proactively identify and discover new methods and tricks of criminals to prevent and fight. Actively review and fight strongly against criminal gangs; Criminal subjects operating on mobile devices; using high technology, targeting foreigners; Objects that are the "input" of criminals such as: the number of drug addicts, especially drug addicts with psychotic signs of "stoned addiction", gambling addictions, wanted subjects, criminals related to illegal activities. "black credit" movement...

Third , improve the quality of receiving, classifying, and handling denunciations and crime reports right from the grassroots, especially for commune-level police; investigation and handling, not to let criminals, especially the masterminds and leaders, escape. For particularly serious cases with public concern, cases caused by criminal gangs, it is necessary to focus on investigating and arresting the subjects as soon as possible.

Fourth , focus on converting the working status of the force system from "traditional" to "modern", enhancing the application of science and technology in crime prevention and control; Mobilize organizations and individuals to install security surveillance cameras; Effectively deploy the industry's professional software...; Connect and effectively exploit the national population database to serve the prevention and combat of criminal crimes.

Fifth , thoroughly grasp and implement the concept of protecting the Fatherland early, from afar, ensuring the peaceful and happy life of the People right from the grassroots, not being caught unawares in any situation. Thoroughly grasping the motto "prevention is key", combining harmoniously, reasonably and effectively between proactive prevention and active detection, fighting and handling in preventing and combating crimes and violations of the law. Ensuring strict handling, right person, right crime, lawful and humane.

Sixth , perform well the work of Party building, force building, and political and ideological education for officials and party members; promote the exemplary role of cadres and party members, especially heads of party committees; attach importance to the work of fostering and training qualities, ethics, and behavior according to the 6 Things Uncle Ho taught; constantly accumulating knowledge and experience; Absolutely respect the law, be dynamic and creative, master the situation, and master science and technology; In any situation, always be steadfast, not fall under the bribery, manipulation, influence of bad elements, criminals, or "group interests"; ready to accept and determined to successfully complete all tasks that the Fatherland, Party, State and People have entrusted.

After 50 years of building, fighting and growing, the tradition of the Criminal Police Department is truly glorious, honorable and proud. In each period of the country's history, the activities of the criminal police force have had their own difficulties and challenges, and their own key and urgent tasks. But no matter the difficult and challenging circumstances, generations of the Criminal Police Department are resilient and determined to overcome all difficulties and hardships and successfully complete the tasks assigned by the Party, State and Police sector. deputy, worthy of being the "Iron Fist" of the People's Public Security force in the field of crime prevention and combat.

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