Nghe An Provincial Police: Worthy of being a heroic unit in the heroic Soviet homeland

15:30 - 14/06/2024

On March 11, 2024, in Nghe An province, General To Lam, Politburo member, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security attended and spoke at the 76th Anniversary Program The People's Police studied and implemented the Six Things Uncle Ho taught (March 11, 1948 - March 11, 2024) and received the title "Hero of the People's Armed Forces" from Nghe An Provincial Police.

Minister To Lam inspected the honor guard of Nghe An Provincial Police.

Also attending were comrades: Phan Dinh Trac, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Internal Affairs Commission; Lieutenant General Tran Quoc To, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security; Lieutenant General Le Quoc Hung, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security; Thai Thanh Quy, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation; Representatives of leaders of ministries, departments and branches of the Central Government, Nghe An province, Military Region 4 and Police units and localities, and Police of the provinces: Hua Phan, Xieng Khouang, Bolykhamxay, People's Democratic Republic Laos…

The six things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security (CAND) are profound and comprehensive legacies and teachings in the aspects of work, fighting, moral training, and lifestyle of officers and soldiers. become a guideline for all activities of the People's Public Security force. Looking back on the 76-year journey of the People's Public Security studying and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught, we can proudly evaluate: The People's Public Security force has been deeply aware of the great meaning and value of the Six Things Uncle Ho taught and Organized learning and implemented it very effectively. Through that, he has continuously matured and grown strong in all aspects, demonstrating heroic qualities, resilient bravery, loyalty to the Party, filial piety to the people, not being afraid of difficulties and hardships, and achieving many victories. glorious, affirming its position and role as a core force in the task of protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, gradually building an orderly, disciplined and secure society, safe, healthy, truly a "peaceful fulcrum" for the People, "when the people are in need, when the people are in difficulty, there is the Police".

Delegates attending the program.

The achievements and victories of the People's Public Security force demonstrate the solidarity, unity, great efforts and great determination of the Police units, localities and all People's Public Security officers. Among them, there is a very important dedication and contribution of Nghe An Provincial Police... During the revolutionary periods, Nghe An Provincial Police clearly demonstrated its pioneering and core role, with many innovations. , flexible and creative in implementing the task of ensuring security and order, effectively serving the construction and socio-economic development of the locality, worthy of being a Public Service unit. An outstanding example in the homeland of great President Ho Chi Minh. Notably, Nghe An Provincial Police proactively deployed synchronous solutions in preventing and fighting all types of crimes and other violations of the law, thereby significantly changing the security and order situation in the country. province. In the state management of security and order and building the movement of all people to protect national security, we have actively applied science and technology to effectively serve aspects of work associated with administrative reform to achieve results. excellent achievement. Party building and force building work is always emphasized, internal solidarity and unity; Major policies of the Party, State, and Central Public Security Party Committee were implemented promptly and effectively, with many aspects of work exceeding assigned expenditures and tasks.

With the results and achievements achieved over the past 79 years, Nghe An Provincial Police have been awarded 02 Ho Chi Minh Medals, 02 Independence Medals, 03 Labor Medals and nearly 2,500 honors by the Party and State. noble titles and rewards; There are 22 collectives and 09 individuals awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces by the President...

At the program, authorized by the Party and State leaders, Minister To Lam awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces to Nghe An Provincial Police.

Under authorization, Minister To Lam awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces to Nghe An Provincial Police.

On behalf of the Central Public Security Party Committee and the Ministry of Public Security, Minister To Lam praised, acknowledged and congratulated the achievements and results that Nghe An Provincial Police officers have achieved; congratulate the Provincial Police on being honored by the President with the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces.

To successfully carry out the task of ensuring security and order and building the People's Public Security force in the spirit of Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo, Minister To Lam requested that the entire People's Public Security force in general and Nghe An Provincial Police in particular continue to promote studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style, Six things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security, consider this as a guideline, a motto of action of the People's Public Security force in general, Nghe An Provincial Police in particular; clearly determine that continuing to study and implement the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security Forces is the central content of the work of building a truly clean and strong People's Public Security force in terms of politics, ideology, organization and ethics. in the current period. The entire People's Public Security force and Nghe An Provincial Police force must continue to maintain internal solidarity, unity in awareness, will and action, upholding the spirit of "Serving the Fatherland, serving the People", "when The people are in need, when the people are in trouble, there is the Police, which always excellently completes all assigned tasks."

Minister To Lam spoke at the program.

Each People's Public Security officer needs to continue to thoroughly grasp and seriously implement the content of the guiding speech of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the 75th Anniversary of People's Public Security studying and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught, so that learning Practicing and implementing Uncle Ho's Six Teachings has become the regular, daily way of life, thinking, and doing of every civil servant; constantly cultivate, train, strive, unite, make efforts, and be creative in all aspects of work, excellently completing all assigned tasks, firmly ensuring security and order in all situations. Nghe An Provincial Police in particular must truly "deserve to be a heroic unit in the heroic Soviet homeland, a place with a long history of formation and development, rich in revolutionary traditions, the homeland of President Ho Ho Chi Minh is loved by many" and must be "an exemplary, leading, typical unit" of the People's Public Security force in studying and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught.

Overview of the program.

For the Nghe An Provincial Police, learning and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught must be through practical movements and action programs associated with the political tasks of each unit, effectively grasping all aspects. police work. Continue to thoroughly implement and strictly comply with the absolute and comprehensive leadership and direction in all aspects of the Party and State, directly the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security, the Provincial Party Committee, and the People's Council. the people, the Provincial People's Committee and the supervision of the Provincial People; determined to build the Nghe An Provincial Police "truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation". Determined to build the reputation of the Provincial Police as a leading and pioneering unit in ensuring security and order in the area, effectively serving the construction and socio-economic development of the locality...

Comrade Thai Thanh Quy, Secretary of Nghe An Provincial Party Committee, spoke at the program.

At the program, comrade Thai Thanh Quy, Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee, believed and was proud to be a Hero unit of the People's Armed Forces and one of the units always leading the emulation movement of the province. , promoting the achievements and victories achieved, Nghe An Provincial Police will continue to take the lead in studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style, and the Six Things Uncle Ho taught. The People's Public Security as well as in performing the task of protecting national security, maintaining social order and safety. Thereby making an important contribution to the cause of building and protecting the homeland and the country, preserving the peaceful and happy life of the People, worthy of the trust of the Party Committee, Government and People of Nghe An Province. .

Major General Bui Quang Thanh, Director of Nghe An Provincial Police, spoke in response.

On behalf of the Party Committee, leaders and all officers of the Nghe An Provincial Police, Major General Bui Quang Thanh, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of the Provincial Police respectfully thanked and seriously received and fully understood the instructions of the Provincial Police. Comrade Minister and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to thoroughly organize and implement effectively the six things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security in association with the campaign "studying and following Ho Chi Minh's example, ethics, and style." Chi Minh" and emulation movements to create a deeper and more effective spread throughout the entire force...

Minister To Lam and delegates attending the program.
Phan Anh

Nghe An Provincial Police: Worthy of being a heroic unit in the heroic Soviet homeland

15:30 - 14/06/2024

On March 11, 2024, in Nghe An province, General To Lam, Politburo member, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security attended and spoke at the 76th Anniversary Program The People's Police studied and implemented the Six Things Uncle Ho taught (March 11, 1948 - March 11, 2024) and received the title "Hero of the People's Armed Forces" from Nghe An Provincial Police.

Minister To Lam inspected the honor guard of Nghe An Provincial Police.

Also attending were comrades: Phan Dinh Trac, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Internal Affairs Commission; Lieutenant General Tran Quoc To, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security; Lieutenant General Le Quoc Hung, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security; Thai Thanh Quy, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation; Representatives of leaders of ministries, departments and branches of the Central Government, Nghe An province, Military Region 4 and Police units and localities, and Police of the provinces: Hua Phan, Xieng Khouang, Bolykhamxay, People's Democratic Republic Laos…

The six things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security (CAND) are profound and comprehensive legacies and teachings in the aspects of work, fighting, moral training, and lifestyle of officers and soldiers. become a guideline for all activities of the People's Public Security force. Looking back on the 76-year journey of the People's Public Security studying and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught, we can proudly evaluate: The People's Public Security force has been deeply aware of the great meaning and value of the Six Things Uncle Ho taught and Organized learning and implemented it very effectively. Through that, he has continuously matured and grown strong in all aspects, demonstrating heroic qualities, resilient bravery, loyalty to the Party, filial piety to the people, not being afraid of difficulties and hardships, and achieving many victories. glorious, affirming its position and role as a core force in the task of protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, gradually building an orderly, disciplined and secure society, safe, healthy, truly a "peaceful fulcrum" for the People, "when the people are in need, when the people are in difficulty, there is the Police".

Delegates attending the program.

The achievements and victories of the People's Public Security force demonstrate the solidarity, unity, great efforts and great determination of the Police units, localities and all People's Public Security officers. Among them, there is a very important dedication and contribution of Nghe An Provincial Police... During the revolutionary periods, Nghe An Provincial Police clearly demonstrated its pioneering and core role, with many innovations. , flexible and creative in implementing the task of ensuring security and order, effectively serving the construction and socio-economic development of the locality, worthy of being a Public Service unit. An outstanding example in the homeland of great President Ho Chi Minh. Notably, Nghe An Provincial Police proactively deployed synchronous solutions in preventing and fighting all types of crimes and other violations of the law, thereby significantly changing the security and order situation in the country. province. In the state management of security and order and building the movement of all people to protect national security, we have actively applied science and technology to effectively serve aspects of work associated with administrative reform to achieve results. excellent achievement. Party building and force building work is always emphasized, internal solidarity and unity; Major policies of the Party, State, and Central Public Security Party Committee were implemented promptly and effectively, with many aspects of work exceeding assigned expenditures and tasks.

With the results and achievements achieved over the past 79 years, Nghe An Provincial Police have been awarded 02 Ho Chi Minh Medals, 02 Independence Medals, 03 Labor Medals and nearly 2,500 honors by the Party and State. noble titles and rewards; There are 22 collectives and 09 individuals awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces by the President...

At the program, authorized by the Party and State leaders, Minister To Lam awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces to Nghe An Provincial Police.

Under authorization, Minister To Lam awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces to Nghe An Provincial Police.

On behalf of the Central Public Security Party Committee and the Ministry of Public Security, Minister To Lam praised, acknowledged and congratulated the achievements and results that Nghe An Provincial Police officers have achieved; congratulate the Provincial Police on being honored by the President with the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces.

To successfully carry out the task of ensuring security and order and building the People's Public Security force in the spirit of Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo, Minister To Lam requested that the entire People's Public Security force in general and Nghe An Provincial Police in particular continue to promote studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style, Six things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security, consider this as a guideline, a motto of action of the People's Public Security force in general, Nghe An Provincial Police in particular; clearly determine that continuing to study and implement the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security Forces is the central content of the work of building a truly clean and strong People's Public Security force in terms of politics, ideology, organization and ethics. in the current period. The entire People's Public Security force and Nghe An Provincial Police force must continue to maintain internal solidarity, unity in awareness, will and action, upholding the spirit of "Serving the Fatherland, serving the People", "when The people are in need, when the people are in trouble, there is the Police, which always excellently completes all assigned tasks."

Minister To Lam spoke at the program.

Each People's Public Security officer needs to continue to thoroughly grasp and seriously implement the content of the guiding speech of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the 75th Anniversary of People's Public Security studying and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught, so that learning Practicing and implementing Uncle Ho's Six Teachings has become the regular, daily way of life, thinking, and doing of every civil servant; constantly cultivate, train, strive, unite, make efforts, and be creative in all aspects of work, excellently completing all assigned tasks, firmly ensuring security and order in all situations. Nghe An Provincial Police in particular must truly "deserve to be a heroic unit in the heroic Soviet homeland, a place with a long history of formation and development, rich in revolutionary traditions, the homeland of President Ho Ho Chi Minh is loved by many" and must be "an exemplary, leading, typical unit" of the People's Public Security force in studying and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught.

Overview of the program.

For the Nghe An Provincial Police, learning and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught must be through practical movements and action programs associated with the political tasks of each unit, effectively grasping all aspects. police work. Continue to thoroughly implement and strictly comply with the absolute and comprehensive leadership and direction in all aspects of the Party and State, directly the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security, the Provincial Party Committee, and the People's Council. the people, the Provincial People's Committee and the supervision of the Provincial People; determined to build the Nghe An Provincial Police "truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation". Determined to build the reputation of the Provincial Police as a leading and pioneering unit in ensuring security and order in the area, effectively serving the construction and socio-economic development of the locality...

Comrade Thai Thanh Quy, Secretary of Nghe An Provincial Party Committee, spoke at the program.

At the program, comrade Thai Thanh Quy, Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee, believed and was proud to be a Hero unit of the People's Armed Forces and one of the units always leading the emulation movement of the province. , promoting the achievements and victories achieved, Nghe An Provincial Police will continue to take the lead in studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style, and the Six Things Uncle Ho taught. The People's Public Security as well as in performing the task of protecting national security, maintaining social order and safety. Thereby making an important contribution to the cause of building and protecting the homeland and the country, preserving the peaceful and happy life of the People, worthy of the trust of the Party Committee, Government and People of Nghe An Province. .

Major General Bui Quang Thanh, Director of Nghe An Provincial Police, spoke in response.

On behalf of the Party Committee, leaders and all officers of the Nghe An Provincial Police, Major General Bui Quang Thanh, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of the Provincial Police respectfully thanked and seriously received and fully understood the instructions of the Provincial Police. Comrade Minister and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to thoroughly organize and implement effectively the six things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security in association with the campaign "studying and following Ho Chi Minh's example, ethics, and style." Chi Minh" and emulation movements to create a deeper and more effective spread throughout the entire force...

Minister To Lam and delegates attending the program.
Phan Anh