Minister To Lam received the Spanish Ambassador to Vietnam

15:29 - 14/06/2024

On the afternoon of April 15, 2024, in Hanoi, General To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Minister of Public Security received Spanish Ambassador to Vietnam Camen Cano de Lasala to greet and begin his working term.

On behalf of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, Minister To Lam congratulated Ambassador Camen Cano de Lasala on receiving a working term in Vietnam right at the time the two countries celebrated the 15th anniversary of establishing the framework "Strategic Partnership towards the Future". hybrid” (2009 - 2024); Wishing the Ambassador a successful term, performing well her assigned tasks, contributing to further promoting good traditional relations between Vietnam and Spain in general, as well as between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and relevant Spanish authorities in particular.

Minister To Lam and Ambassador Camen Cano de Lasala.

Minister To Lam emphasized that in recent times, the relationship between Vietnam and Spain has had positive and comprehensive development in all fields. Along with that, the relationship between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and Spanish law enforcement agencies has achieved many positive results in areas of cooperation such as preventing and combating crimes such as criminal crimes, drugs, etc. drugs, using high technology, terrorism..., fire prevention, fire fighting and rescue. The two sides signed many legal documents such as "Agreement on extradition", "Agreement on transfer of sentenced persons"...

To promote cooperation between the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and Spanish law enforcement agencies in the coming time, Minister To Lam proposed that the two sides strengthen cooperation in the field of crime prevention and combat. transnational, non-traditional security issues such as epidemics, climate change, food security; anti-money laundering; enhance cooperation in the fields of cyber security, aviation security, and personal data protection; Share information and experience in anti-terrorism work...

Overview of the meeting.

Negotiate to reach the signing of the "Agreement between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the Ministry of Interior of Spain on cooperation in fighting crime" to perfect the legal basis to promote cooperation in fighting crime. , fight crime between parties. Continue to coordinate information sharing, exchange views and positions, and consult on international and regional issues of mutual concern; Closely coordinate and support each other in multilateral forums, including the United Nations (UN) and ASEAN - EU cooperation frameworks.

On this occasion, Minister To Lam also proposed that the Spanish side promote cooperation and exchange of information in the field of immigration; Support training and capacity building for the specialized force of the Vietnam Police on preventing crimes using high technology, drug crimes, crimes of organizing the smuggling of migrants and illegal immigration, and other crimes. child abuse, anti-terrorism, participation in UN peacekeeping operations as well as the Spanish language.

Ambassador Carmen Cano de Lasala respectfully thanked Minister To Lam for taking the time to receive, agreed with Minister To Lam's opinions and affirmed that, in his new position, he will make every effort to contribute to the the development of cooperative relations between Spain and Vietnam in general, and between Spanish law enforcement agencies and the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security in particular.

Le Hoa

Minister To Lam received the Spanish Ambassador to Vietnam

15:29 - 14/06/2024

On the afternoon of April 15, 2024, in Hanoi, General To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Minister of Public Security received Spanish Ambassador to Vietnam Camen Cano de Lasala to greet and begin his working term.

On behalf of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, Minister To Lam congratulated Ambassador Camen Cano de Lasala on receiving a working term in Vietnam right at the time the two countries celebrated the 15th anniversary of establishing the framework "Strategic Partnership towards the Future". hybrid” (2009 - 2024); Wishing the Ambassador a successful term, performing well her assigned tasks, contributing to further promoting good traditional relations between Vietnam and Spain in general, as well as between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and relevant Spanish authorities in particular.

Minister To Lam and Ambassador Camen Cano de Lasala.

Minister To Lam emphasized that in recent times, the relationship between Vietnam and Spain has had positive and comprehensive development in all fields. Along with that, the relationship between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and Spanish law enforcement agencies has achieved many positive results in areas of cooperation such as preventing and combating crimes such as criminal crimes, drugs, etc. drugs, using high technology, terrorism..., fire prevention, fire fighting and rescue. The two sides signed many legal documents such as "Agreement on extradition", "Agreement on transfer of sentenced persons"...

To promote cooperation between the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and Spanish law enforcement agencies in the coming time, Minister To Lam proposed that the two sides strengthen cooperation in the field of crime prevention and combat. transnational, non-traditional security issues such as epidemics, climate change, food security; anti-money laundering; enhance cooperation in the fields of cyber security, aviation security, and personal data protection; Share information and experience in anti-terrorism work...

Overview of the meeting.

Negotiate to reach the signing of the "Agreement between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the Ministry of Interior of Spain on cooperation in fighting crime" to perfect the legal basis to promote cooperation in fighting crime. , fight crime between parties. Continue to coordinate information sharing, exchange views and positions, and consult on international and regional issues of mutual concern; Closely coordinate and support each other in multilateral forums, including the United Nations (UN) and ASEAN - EU cooperation frameworks.

On this occasion, Minister To Lam also proposed that the Spanish side promote cooperation and exchange of information in the field of immigration; Support training and capacity building for the specialized force of the Vietnam Police on preventing crimes using high technology, drug crimes, crimes of organizing the smuggling of migrants and illegal immigration, and other crimes. child abuse, anti-terrorism, participation in UN peacekeeping operations as well as the Spanish language.

Ambassador Carmen Cano de Lasala respectfully thanked Minister To Lam for taking the time to receive, agreed with Minister To Lam's opinions and affirmed that, in his new position, he will make every effort to contribute to the the development of cooperative relations between Spain and Vietnam in general, and between Spanish law enforcement agencies and the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security in particular.

Le Hoa