Meeting of the Project Implementation Working Group April 6, 2024

15:28 - 14/06/2024

On the morning of April 15, 2024, in Hanoi, the Working Group deployed the Project to develop application of population data, identification and electronic authentication to serve national digital transformation in the period 2022-2025, approximately The Government's vision to 2030 (Project 06) held a meeting in April 2024. General To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Minister of Public Security, Head of the Project 06 Implementation Working Group chaired the meeting.

Minister To Lam chaired the meeting.

Attending the meeting were Lieutenant General Nguyen Duy Ngoc, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security, Permanent Deputy Leader and members of the Project 06 Implementation Working Group, representatives of relevant ministries and branches. leaders of a number of functional units under the Ministry of Public Security... The meeting was held directly at the Hall of the Ministry of Public Security, online to 7 provinces and cities including: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Kien Giang, Thua Thien Hue, Quang Ninh, Khanh Hoa, Binh Duong.

Colonel Vu Van Tan, Deputy Director of the Police Department for Administrative Management of Social Order presented the Report at the meeting.
In April 2024, Hanoi City continued to promote the effective implementation of Project 06 and achieved many outstanding results. Accordingly, Hanoi has deployed the issuance of criminal record cards on the VneID application; Deployment of electronic health books: As of April 9, 2024, there were 378/673 units in Hanoi, equivalent to 1,994,045 numbers of received records transmitted to the Social Insurance system for full synchronization. 48 information fields. According to forecasts, the cost of buying a paper health book is 5,000 VND/case. With 10,000 annual examinations, saving 50 million VND; Deployed health examination Kiosks at Xanhpon Hospital and Dong Da Hospital, with more than 1,600 visits through the Kiosks/day. Cost savings: 01 kiosk instead of hiring 1 receptionist is about 200,000 VND/person/day and 52.8 million VND/year.
In addition, Hanoi City also piloted non-cash toll collection at parking spots and static parking lots in the City; Pilot implementation of digital school records at primary school level; At the same time, direct the Departments of Education and Training and educational establishments to promote equipping 100% of teachers and employees with digital signatures (for private schools registering to use the signature service). (paid) numbers with providers in the market)...
Regarding the task of developing digital citizenship, to date, the Ministry of Public Security has received over 86 million citizen identification cards with chips. Received over 75.16 million electronic identification records (an increase of 680 thousand accounts compared to March 2024), activated over 53.88 million accounts (an increase of 630 thousand accounts compared to March 2024; The activation rate on the total number of received records reached 71.68%).
Deputy Minister Nguyen Duy Ngoc moderated the discussion at the meeting.

For the 08 utilities on VNeID announced on January 25, 2024 and responded to by people, in April 2024 there were 29.45 million visits to VNeID (an increase of 153,308 compared to March). /2024), in which, some utilities have high users, such as: Accommodation notification public service: 222,269 visits; Notification and dissemination of new legal policies to citizens: 82,961 times; SSO public service portal login: 5.9 million times; Electronic household registration book: 3.27 million visits...

At the same time, for 13 new utilities on VNeID expected to be announced to the people in April 2024: on April 12, 2024, the Ministry of Public Security invited 46 citizens to try out the utilities on VNeID. The Ministry of Public Security has absorbed the results of the people's evaluation and continues to make adjustments to ensure stability and accuracy before expanding use by the entire population...
At the meeting, under the direction of Deputy Minister Nguyen Duy Ngoc, delegates discussed and focused on detailed assessments of difficulties and obstacles in implementing Project 06 in their units and localities. At the same time, delegates also proposed directions to effectively implement Project 06 in the coming time such as: Reviewing and correcting the issuance of Birth Certificates according to the prescribed form of the Ministry of Health; Research and amend legal documents related to the issuance and management of public digital signatures; Urgently direct the deployment of telecommunications coverage in all low-lying areas; Model guidance, standardize revenue data, make online payment of hospital fees on the National Public Translation Portal; Specific roadmap and solutions to overcome problems arising during the implementation of 02 interconnected public services...
Delegates spoke at the meeting.
Speaking at the conclusion of the meeting, Minister To Lam acknowledged and appreciated the determination and drastic leadership of ministries and branches in implementing Project 06 in recent times.
Regarding the tasks that need to be focused on implementation in the coming time, Minister To Lam said that to serve the implementation of the mid-term population and housing census in 2024, the Prime Minister has directed the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Planning and Investment presides and coordinates with the Ministry of Public Security to exploit the National Population Database to ensure the census is economical and effective, avoiding waste of resources and reducing investment costs. , convenient for people. With this task, Minister To Lam proposed that, in the immediate future, in May 2024, the Standing Agency (Police Department for Administrative Management of Social Order) analyzes population data in a number of areas. commune level for the Ministry of Planning and Investment to research, refer to and compare after the end of 1 month of the mid-term population and housing census.
To deploy electronic health books on VneID, Minister To Lam requested that the Ministry of Health, in the process of developing a Decree regulating medical data management, clearly supplement regulations on information content in health books. e-health, submit to the Government regulations on integrating health information on VNeID. Urgently research and report to the Government on piloting medical examination and treatment facilities that have not yet signed health insurance medical examination and treatment contracts to send data to the Data Receiving Portal of the Health Insurance Assessment Information System in April 2024.
Minister To Lam concluded the meeting.
In addition, to implement the instructions of Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha in Notice No. 28/TB-VPCP dated January 25, 2024 on searching, gathering and identifying martyrs' remains. There is still a lack of information, Minister To Lam requested the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to coordinate with relevant ministries and branches to develop technical and economic norms and cost norms for performing DNA assessment services to determine Information on the identity of martyrs' remains is lacking and will be completed in the third quarter of 2024. Build a national database on people with meritorious services to the revolution and a national database on martyrs to ensure integration with related databases.
Regarding the task of building a national digital address, Minister To Lam proposed that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment preside over and supplement the draft Decree detailing the implementation of the Land Law on registration. land, management of assets attached to land and construction, management, operation and exploitation of the National Land Information System. In particular, add 01 chapter regulating the national digital address database, including: information on national digital address identification in accordance with current law provisions and responsibilities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Home Affairs in naming, attaching house number plates, land information, house owners... uniform regulations to ensure Transparency of housing information, owner, address... serves to build a real estate trading floor.
Minister To Lam also requested that the Ministry of Transport coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security to urgently complete the checking and cleaning of driver's license data; Timely update data on new issues and renewals, ensuring "correct, complete, clean, valid" driver's license data so that people can use driver's licenses on VNeID instead of having to carry them with them. driving license when participating in traffic and serving the sanctioning of administrative traffic violations through the VneID application, revoking and revoking Driver's Licenses in the electronic environment...
Hong Giang

Meeting of the Project Implementation Working Group April 6, 2024

15:28 - 14/06/2024

On the morning of April 15, 2024, in Hanoi, the Working Group deployed the Project to develop application of population data, identification and electronic authentication to serve national digital transformation in the period 2022-2025, approximately The Government's vision to 2030 (Project 06) held a meeting in April 2024. General To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Minister of Public Security, Head of the Project 06 Implementation Working Group chaired the meeting.

Minister To Lam chaired the meeting.

Attending the meeting were Lieutenant General Nguyen Duy Ngoc, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security, Permanent Deputy Leader and members of the Project 06 Implementation Working Group, representatives of relevant ministries and branches. leaders of a number of functional units under the Ministry of Public Security... The meeting was held directly at the Hall of the Ministry of Public Security, online to 7 provinces and cities including: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Kien Giang, Thua Thien Hue, Quang Ninh, Khanh Hoa, Binh Duong.

Colonel Vu Van Tan, Deputy Director of the Police Department for Administrative Management of Social Order presented the Report at the meeting.
In April 2024, Hanoi City continued to promote the effective implementation of Project 06 and achieved many outstanding results. Accordingly, Hanoi has deployed the issuance of criminal record cards on the VneID application; Deployment of electronic health books: As of April 9, 2024, there were 378/673 units in Hanoi, equivalent to 1,994,045 numbers of received records transmitted to the Social Insurance system for full synchronization. 48 information fields. According to forecasts, the cost of buying a paper health book is 5,000 VND/case. With 10,000 annual examinations, saving 50 million VND; Deployed health examination Kiosks at Xanhpon Hospital and Dong Da Hospital, with more than 1,600 visits through the Kiosks/day. Cost savings: 01 kiosk instead of hiring 1 receptionist is about 200,000 VND/person/day and 52.8 million VND/year.
In addition, Hanoi City also piloted non-cash toll collection at parking spots and static parking lots in the City; Pilot implementation of digital school records at primary school level; At the same time, direct the Departments of Education and Training and educational establishments to promote equipping 100% of teachers and employees with digital signatures (for private schools registering to use the signature service). (paid) numbers with providers in the market)...
Regarding the task of developing digital citizenship, to date, the Ministry of Public Security has received over 86 million citizen identification cards with chips. Received over 75.16 million electronic identification records (an increase of 680 thousand accounts compared to March 2024), activated over 53.88 million accounts (an increase of 630 thousand accounts compared to March 2024; The activation rate on the total number of received records reached 71.68%).
Deputy Minister Nguyen Duy Ngoc moderated the discussion at the meeting.

For the 08 utilities on VNeID announced on January 25, 2024 and responded to by people, in April 2024 there were 29.45 million visits to VNeID (an increase of 153,308 compared to March). /2024), in which, some utilities have high users, such as: Accommodation notification public service: 222,269 visits; Notification and dissemination of new legal policies to citizens: 82,961 times; SSO public service portal login: 5.9 million times; Electronic household registration book: 3.27 million visits...

At the same time, for 13 new utilities on VNeID expected to be announced to the people in April 2024: on April 12, 2024, the Ministry of Public Security invited 46 citizens to try out the utilities on VNeID. The Ministry of Public Security has absorbed the results of the people's evaluation and continues to make adjustments to ensure stability and accuracy before expanding use by the entire population...
At the meeting, under the direction of Deputy Minister Nguyen Duy Ngoc, delegates discussed and focused on detailed assessments of difficulties and obstacles in implementing Project 06 in their units and localities. At the same time, delegates also proposed directions to effectively implement Project 06 in the coming time such as: Reviewing and correcting the issuance of Birth Certificates according to the prescribed form of the Ministry of Health; Research and amend legal documents related to the issuance and management of public digital signatures; Urgently direct the deployment of telecommunications coverage in all low-lying areas; Model guidance, standardize revenue data, make online payment of hospital fees on the National Public Translation Portal; Specific roadmap and solutions to overcome problems arising during the implementation of 02 interconnected public services...
Delegates spoke at the meeting.
Speaking at the conclusion of the meeting, Minister To Lam acknowledged and appreciated the determination and drastic leadership of ministries and branches in implementing Project 06 in recent times.
Regarding the tasks that need to be focused on implementation in the coming time, Minister To Lam said that to serve the implementation of the mid-term population and housing census in 2024, the Prime Minister has directed the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Planning and Investment presides and coordinates with the Ministry of Public Security to exploit the National Population Database to ensure the census is economical and effective, avoiding waste of resources and reducing investment costs. , convenient for people. With this task, Minister To Lam proposed that, in the immediate future, in May 2024, the Standing Agency (Police Department for Administrative Management of Social Order) analyzes population data in a number of areas. commune level for the Ministry of Planning and Investment to research, refer to and compare after the end of 1 month of the mid-term population and housing census.
To deploy electronic health books on VneID, Minister To Lam requested that the Ministry of Health, in the process of developing a Decree regulating medical data management, clearly supplement regulations on information content in health books. e-health, submit to the Government regulations on integrating health information on VNeID. Urgently research and report to the Government on piloting medical examination and treatment facilities that have not yet signed health insurance medical examination and treatment contracts to send data to the Data Receiving Portal of the Health Insurance Assessment Information System in April 2024.
Minister To Lam concluded the meeting.
In addition, to implement the instructions of Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha in Notice No. 28/TB-VPCP dated January 25, 2024 on searching, gathering and identifying martyrs' remains. There is still a lack of information, Minister To Lam requested the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to coordinate with relevant ministries and branches to develop technical and economic norms and cost norms for performing DNA assessment services to determine Information on the identity of martyrs' remains is lacking and will be completed in the third quarter of 2024. Build a national database on people with meritorious services to the revolution and a national database on martyrs to ensure integration with related databases.
Regarding the task of building a national digital address, Minister To Lam proposed that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment preside over and supplement the draft Decree detailing the implementation of the Land Law on registration. land, management of assets attached to land and construction, management, operation and exploitation of the National Land Information System. In particular, add 01 chapter regulating the national digital address database, including: information on national digital address identification in accordance with current law provisions and responsibilities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Home Affairs in naming, attaching house number plates, land information, house owners... uniform regulations to ensure Transparency of housing information, owner, address... serves to build a real estate trading floor.
Minister To Lam also requested that the Ministry of Transport coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security to urgently complete the checking and cleaning of driver's license data; Timely update data on new issues and renewals, ensuring "correct, complete, clean, valid" driver's license data so that people can use driver's licenses on VNeID instead of having to carry them with them. driving license when participating in traffic and serving the sanctioning of administrative traffic violations through the VneID application, revoking and revoking Driver's Licenses in the electronic environment...
Hong Giang