Important contributions of police women in the cause of protecting security and order

15:31 - 14/06/2024

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Women's Union of the Ministry of Public Security (March 8, 1983 - March 8, 2023), March 6, 2023, General, Prof. Dr. To Lam, Member of the Politburo, The Minister of Public Security has an important article: "Important contributions of police women in the cause of protecting security and order". The Ministry of Public Security's electronic information portal respectfully introduces the Minister's article.

1. Throughout the 78 years of building, fighting and growing up, the Vietnam People's Public Security force (CAND) has recorded the contributions of police women. Under the leadership of the Central Public Security Party Committee, leaders of the Ministry of Public Security and the Central Vietnam Women's Union, generations of female People's Public Security officers have cultivated, trained, and strived in all aspects. rise up, affirm their position and role, and make important and positive contributions to the cause of protecting security, order and the general movement of Vietnamese women. Regardless of any field or work position, People's Public Security women promote the qualities of diligence, diligence, meticulousness, perseverance, patience, overcoming all difficulties and hardships, dynamism, and creativity. Create and successfully complete all assigned political tasks.

During the resistance war against invaders and the struggle for national liberation, People's Public Security women were present on many fronts against the enemy; with the role of both being a direct fighter and participating in building and protecting the rear, and at the same time being a strong rear. During those fierce resistance wars, 321 female police officers heroically sacrificed their lives, and 35 comrades were awarded the title of Hero of the Armed Forces; Hundreds of examples of steadfast women, willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause of the Party, the revolution, and the nation have been recorded in history. Typical examples are: Heroic Martyr of the People's Armed Forces Vo Thi Sau, a member of the Dat Do Volunteer Police who bravely and creatively participated in many battles to protect his homeland; Martyr Bui Thi Cuc, Hero of the People's Armed Forces, set a shining example of a resilient and indomitable fighting spirit, enduring all torture from the enemy to keep the secrets of her comrades and the people. President Ho Chi Minh presented the Six Golden Words "Live heroically, die gloriously"; Martyr Nguyen Thi Loi, a female spy who courageously sacrificed herself and her teammates to sink the information ship Amyot D'Inville, was posthumously awarded the Third Class Military Merit Medal and the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces. ; Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Hien, armed reconnaissance of Ben Tre province, operated in the enemy area, competing with intelligence, spies, and police of the puppet army, accomplished many outstanding feats, and was awarded the title. Heroes of the people's armed forces... Those typical examples are the origin of the tradition of People's Public Security women, a beautiful symbol of the tradition of "For the country, forget yourself, serve the people", worthy of recognition. The entire People's Public Security force learns and follows.

Minister To Lam presented the Banner "People's Public Security Women with Bravery - Humanity - Wisdom - Discipline for National Security, for Progress and Comprehensive Development" to the Congress.

The country is unified and promotes the role of People's Public Security women in implementing the "Three Responsibilities" movement during the resistance war against the US to save the country. Generations of People's Public Security women have actively responded to the implementation of the "Woman's Responsibility" movement. newly built, protecting the Fatherland, building a new cultural family", together with the entire People's Public Security force, successfully fought against reactionary organizations, spies, and all kinds of criminals, contributing to firmly protecting security. nation, social order and safety, creating a peaceful and stable environment to build and develop the country's economy and society.

During the period of innovation and international integration, united in the organization of the Vietnam Women's Union, People's Public Security women have always demonstrated their role and position as the core armed forces, with outstanding achievements. Making important contributions in advising, directing and implementing the Party's policies and guidelines, and the State's policies and laws on protecting national security and ensuring social order and safety. . No matter what position they are in, People's Public Security women have always raised their sense of responsibility for their work. Many initiatives and projects undertaken by women contribute to fulfilling the political tasks of the assigned unit. Highly appreciated by the Party Committee and police leaders at all levels.

In recent years, the role and position of People's Public Security women have been increasingly promoted, and many typical "steel flowers" have appeared. Regardless of any field or work position, People's Public Security women try to actively strive and promote the virtues of diligence, hard work, meticulousness, perseverance, patience, overcoming difficulties, and ability. Dynamic, creative, complete assigned tasks well. Many comrades undertook many difficult, arduous, and complex tasks, directly participating in destroying many criminal organizations and apprehending many dangerous subjects; Successfully dismantled many lines of illegal buying, selling and transporting of large quantities of armed drugs; Participate in investigating and discovering many major economic "crimes", contributing to ensuring security and order, serving the country's economic and social development, and strengthening people's trust in People's Public Security force.

Implementing the policy of the Central Public Security Party Committee and the Ministry of Public Security on building a regular Commune Police with the motto "when the people need it, when the people are in difficulty, there is a Police", many comrades have shown their political awareness. of People's Public Security soldiers, upholding the sense of responsibility before the Party, State and People, ready to volunteer to take on tasks in communes and towns, including disadvantaged towns and communes, remote areas , to enhance security and order. In the campaign to implement the National Population Database Project, the Project to produce, issue and manage citizen identification cards, and implement the Government's Project 06/CP, People's Public Security women have actively participated. Contribute your effort and intelligence, work continuously without days off to complete the assigned schedule, make an important contribution to innovating and improving the effectiveness of state management of security and order. similarly, at the same time creating a data platform to serve national digital transformation. In particular, in 2022, there was 01 female officer sent by the Ministry of Public Security to participate in the UN peacekeeping mission at the South Sudan Mission. This is an important milestone demonstrating the role and responsibility of women's People's Public Security in solving common international problems, continuing to enhance the position of Vietnam's People's Public Security in foreign security activities, contributing to affirming consistent view that Vietnam is a friend, a reliable partner, and a responsible member of the international community.

In addition to professional work, women of the Ministry of Public Security always actively carry out emulation movements, notably the movement: "Women of the People's Public Security Police study and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style." ; proactive, responsible, disciplined and creative for national security; building a happy, sustainable family", "Police women are brave, humane, disciplined, responsible for national security, for family happiness", "Building a 5-zero, 3-clean family" ” creating a pervasive force throughout the force. Volunteer work, gratitude, and social security are also given special attention by women's associations at all levels, affirming the strength of the association's work, increasing solidarity and attachment between the People's Public Security force and the people. .

Minister To Lam; President of the Vietnam Women's Union Ha Thi Nga presented flowers to congratulate the Executive Committee of the Women's Union of the Ministry of Public Security, term IX, term 2021 - 2026.

It can be affirmed that the achievements and victories of the People's Public Security force are imprinted with the contributions and silent sacrifices of generations of female People's Public Security officers and members. Going through revolutionary periods and operating under different organizational models, People's Public Security women are constantly developing and maturing in all aspects; The organizational apparatus is regularly reinforced and perfected in accordance with the situation and work requirements. The work of women's associations and movements has been promoted and operated effectively, and is an indispensable part in the work of building the party and building the People's Public Security force. The Party, State, Central Public Security Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security, Central Vietnam Women's Union have recognized, appreciated and awarded many noble awards to People's Public Security Women, such as: Ministry Women's Union Police were awarded Military Merit Medals of First, Second, and Third Classes; First Class Fatherland Defense Medal, 39 consecutive years awarded the Excellent Emulation Flag by the Vietnam Women's Union. 02 collectives under the Ministry's Women's Union were awarded the Second Class Fatherland Defense Medal by the President; 08 groups were awarded the Third Class Fatherland Defense Medal; 3 collectives and 165 individuals were awarded the Vietnamese Women's Award, Outstanding Police Award... Many mature female officers, striving well, with many outstanding achievements were recognized and appointed to positions of responsibility. important leadership position, was awarded the military rank of general. These are typical examples of the maturity, growth and important contributions of People's Public Security women in the cause of protecting security and order.

2. Currently, the trend of globalization and international integration is becoming deeper and deeper, the world and regional situation continues to have complicated developments, with many potential uncertainties and unpredictable factors. The 4.0 digital technology revolution has been developing and changing every aspect of economic and social life. Traditional and non-traditional security challenges are intertwined and increasing, especially the complicated situation of epidemics and natural disasters that have strongly impacted the security, well-being and safety of every country. , including Vietnam. Besides the advantages of the integration process and the digital technology revolution, our country faces many difficulties and challenges. Hostile forces have increased sabotage activities; The crime situation is complicated, making the task of protecting security and order extremely difficult.

To continue with the entire force to successfully implement Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo term XIII on "Promoting the building of a truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern People's Public Security force that meets the requirements of the People's Public Security Forces." needs and tasks in the new situation", People's Public Security women need to continue to promote good traditions and achievements in recent times, and at the same time need to focus on well implementing some of the following key tasks:

Firstly , closely following the theme of the 13th National Women's Congress "Promoting tradition, solidarity, creativity, integration; building a strong Association organization, for the happiness of women, for the prosperity of the country", and the 9th Congress of Women's Representatives of the Ministry of Public Security "Proactive, disciplined, united, creative, integration", Women's Associations at all levels in the People's Public Security Forces need to focus on building a strong Association, worthy of being an organization representing the legitimate rights and interests of its members, and increasingly taking better care of their material lives. , culture and spirit for members; innovate the content and form of association activities to suit the needs and aspirations of members and the characteristics of each unit. Continue to review and research to improve the functions, tasks and powers of the Association; supplement and strengthen the team of specialized staff; Build working processes and regulations, especially the direction, administration, and guidance of the women's movement throughout the Industry, gradually ensuring that the Association's activities are unified, focused, and placed under the leadership of the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security, the Central Vietnam Women's Union and party committees and authorities at all levels.

Second , women's associations at all levels need to further promote their advisory role with party committees and authorities at all levels to organize and deeply grasp the Party's views and guidelines on  female cadre work and gender equality, for progress of women,  especially Directive No. 21-CT/TW dated January 20, 2018 of the Central Secretariat (term XII) on continuing to promote women's work in the new situation, Chapter Action Plan No. 12/CTHD-DU(X16) dated November 16, 2007 of the Central Public Security Party Committee on "Women's work in the period of promoting industrialization and modernization of the country" and the Equality Program period 2021 - 2030 in the People's Public Security. Have a plan to recruit, evaluate, and arrange a team of female officers appropriate to each field of work and each level of Police; Identify potential female cadres and include them in planning and training; create conditions for women to perform well their family and social functions, contributing more to the cause of protecting security and order.

Third , do a good job of political and ideological education, propaganda, and educating cadres and members to strive to cultivate and practice morality and a clean and healthy lifestyle associated with an extensive emulation movement. Implement Directive No. 05-CT/TW dated May 15, 2016 of the Politburo "on promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style", Directive No. 04/CT-BCA dated May 19, 2018 of the Ministry of Public Security "on promoting learning and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security". Special attention should be paid to building People's Public Security women into a typical beautiful image of Vietnamese women with the qualities of "Confidence - Self-respect - Loyalty - Dedication", strong political courage, and dignity. Good moral character, good health, knowledge, professional skills, responsibility, discipline, creativity, a cultural lifestyle serving the people, building a happy family.

Fourth , in carrying out assigned political tasks, each member needs to continue to uphold the sense of responsibility, overcome all difficulties and hardships, to dedicate themselves to the profession, serving the people. No matter what position they hold, each member strives to fulfill assigned responsibilities and tasks well, promoting the spirit of regular learning, lifelong learning, taking self-study as the main priority to improve qualifications. professional capacity, proactive international integration and adaptation to the era of digital transformation, application and mastery of science and technology, contributing to building a truly clean, strong, regular and refined People's Public Security force. elegant, modern, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation.

Editorial board

Important contributions of police women in the cause of protecting security and order

15:31 - 14/06/2024

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Women's Union of the Ministry of Public Security (March 8, 1983 - March 8, 2023), March 6, 2023, General, Prof. Dr. To Lam, Member of the Politburo, The Minister of Public Security has an important article: "Important contributions of police women in the cause of protecting security and order". The Ministry of Public Security's electronic information portal respectfully introduces the Minister's article.

1. Throughout the 78 years of building, fighting and growing up, the Vietnam People's Public Security force (CAND) has recorded the contributions of police women. Under the leadership of the Central Public Security Party Committee, leaders of the Ministry of Public Security and the Central Vietnam Women's Union, generations of female People's Public Security officers have cultivated, trained, and strived in all aspects. rise up, affirm their position and role, and make important and positive contributions to the cause of protecting security, order and the general movement of Vietnamese women. Regardless of any field or work position, People's Public Security women promote the qualities of diligence, diligence, meticulousness, perseverance, patience, overcoming all difficulties and hardships, dynamism, and creativity. Create and successfully complete all assigned political tasks.

During the resistance war against invaders and the struggle for national liberation, People's Public Security women were present on many fronts against the enemy; with the role of both being a direct fighter and participating in building and protecting the rear, and at the same time being a strong rear. During those fierce resistance wars, 321 female police officers heroically sacrificed their lives, and 35 comrades were awarded the title of Hero of the Armed Forces; Hundreds of examples of steadfast women, willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause of the Party, the revolution, and the nation have been recorded in history. Typical examples are: Heroic Martyr of the People's Armed Forces Vo Thi Sau, a member of the Dat Do Volunteer Police who bravely and creatively participated in many battles to protect his homeland; Martyr Bui Thi Cuc, Hero of the People's Armed Forces, set a shining example of a resilient and indomitable fighting spirit, enduring all torture from the enemy to keep the secrets of her comrades and the people. President Ho Chi Minh presented the Six Golden Words "Live heroically, die gloriously"; Martyr Nguyen Thi Loi, a female spy who courageously sacrificed herself and her teammates to sink the information ship Amyot D'Inville, was posthumously awarded the Third Class Military Merit Medal and the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces. ; Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Hien, armed reconnaissance of Ben Tre province, operated in the enemy area, competing with intelligence, spies, and police of the puppet army, accomplished many outstanding feats, and was awarded the title. Heroes of the people's armed forces... Those typical examples are the origin of the tradition of People's Public Security women, a beautiful symbol of the tradition of "For the country, forget yourself, serve the people", worthy of recognition. The entire People's Public Security force learns and follows.

Minister To Lam presented the Banner "People's Public Security Women with Bravery - Humanity - Wisdom - Discipline for National Security, for Progress and Comprehensive Development" to the Congress.

The country is unified and promotes the role of People's Public Security women in implementing the "Three Responsibilities" movement during the resistance war against the US to save the country. Generations of People's Public Security women have actively responded to the implementation of the "Woman's Responsibility" movement. newly built, protecting the Fatherland, building a new cultural family", together with the entire People's Public Security force, successfully fought against reactionary organizations, spies, and all kinds of criminals, contributing to firmly protecting security. nation, social order and safety, creating a peaceful and stable environment to build and develop the country's economy and society.

During the period of innovation and international integration, united in the organization of the Vietnam Women's Union, People's Public Security women have always demonstrated their role and position as the core armed forces, with outstanding achievements. Making important contributions in advising, directing and implementing the Party's policies and guidelines, and the State's policies and laws on protecting national security and ensuring social order and safety. . No matter what position they are in, People's Public Security women have always raised their sense of responsibility for their work. Many initiatives and projects undertaken by women contribute to fulfilling the political tasks of the assigned unit. Highly appreciated by the Party Committee and police leaders at all levels.

In recent years, the role and position of People's Public Security women have been increasingly promoted, and many typical "steel flowers" have appeared. Regardless of any field or work position, People's Public Security women try to actively strive and promote the virtues of diligence, hard work, meticulousness, perseverance, patience, overcoming difficulties, and ability. Dynamic, creative, complete assigned tasks well. Many comrades undertook many difficult, arduous, and complex tasks, directly participating in destroying many criminal organizations and apprehending many dangerous subjects; Successfully dismantled many lines of illegal buying, selling and transporting of large quantities of armed drugs; Participate in investigating and discovering many major economic "crimes", contributing to ensuring security and order, serving the country's economic and social development, and strengthening people's trust in People's Public Security force.

Implementing the policy of the Central Public Security Party Committee and the Ministry of Public Security on building a regular Commune Police with the motto "when the people need it, when the people are in difficulty, there is a Police", many comrades have shown their political awareness. of People's Public Security soldiers, upholding the sense of responsibility before the Party, State and People, ready to volunteer to take on tasks in communes and towns, including disadvantaged towns and communes, remote areas , to enhance security and order. In the campaign to implement the National Population Database Project, the Project to produce, issue and manage citizen identification cards, and implement the Government's Project 06/CP, People's Public Security women have actively participated. Contribute your effort and intelligence, work continuously without days off to complete the assigned schedule, make an important contribution to innovating and improving the effectiveness of state management of security and order. similarly, at the same time creating a data platform to serve national digital transformation. In particular, in 2022, there was 01 female officer sent by the Ministry of Public Security to participate in the UN peacekeeping mission at the South Sudan Mission. This is an important milestone demonstrating the role and responsibility of women's People's Public Security in solving common international problems, continuing to enhance the position of Vietnam's People's Public Security in foreign security activities, contributing to affirming consistent view that Vietnam is a friend, a reliable partner, and a responsible member of the international community.

In addition to professional work, women of the Ministry of Public Security always actively carry out emulation movements, notably the movement: "Women of the People's Public Security Police study and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style." ; proactive, responsible, disciplined and creative for national security; building a happy, sustainable family", "Police women are brave, humane, disciplined, responsible for national security, for family happiness", "Building a 5-zero, 3-clean family" ” creating a pervasive force throughout the force. Volunteer work, gratitude, and social security are also given special attention by women's associations at all levels, affirming the strength of the association's work, increasing solidarity and attachment between the People's Public Security force and the people. .

Minister To Lam; President of the Vietnam Women's Union Ha Thi Nga presented flowers to congratulate the Executive Committee of the Women's Union of the Ministry of Public Security, term IX, term 2021 - 2026.

It can be affirmed that the achievements and victories of the People's Public Security force are imprinted with the contributions and silent sacrifices of generations of female People's Public Security officers and members. Going through revolutionary periods and operating under different organizational models, People's Public Security women are constantly developing and maturing in all aspects; The organizational apparatus is regularly reinforced and perfected in accordance with the situation and work requirements. The work of women's associations and movements has been promoted and operated effectively, and is an indispensable part in the work of building the party and building the People's Public Security force. The Party, State, Central Public Security Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security, Central Vietnam Women's Union have recognized, appreciated and awarded many noble awards to People's Public Security Women, such as: Ministry Women's Union Police were awarded Military Merit Medals of First, Second, and Third Classes; First Class Fatherland Defense Medal, 39 consecutive years awarded the Excellent Emulation Flag by the Vietnam Women's Union. 02 collectives under the Ministry's Women's Union were awarded the Second Class Fatherland Defense Medal by the President; 08 groups were awarded the Third Class Fatherland Defense Medal; 3 collectives and 165 individuals were awarded the Vietnamese Women's Award, Outstanding Police Award... Many mature female officers, striving well, with many outstanding achievements were recognized and appointed to positions of responsibility. important leadership position, was awarded the military rank of general. These are typical examples of the maturity, growth and important contributions of People's Public Security women in the cause of protecting security and order.

2. Currently, the trend of globalization and international integration is becoming deeper and deeper, the world and regional situation continues to have complicated developments, with many potential uncertainties and unpredictable factors. The 4.0 digital technology revolution has been developing and changing every aspect of economic and social life. Traditional and non-traditional security challenges are intertwined and increasing, especially the complicated situation of epidemics and natural disasters that have strongly impacted the security, well-being and safety of every country. , including Vietnam. Besides the advantages of the integration process and the digital technology revolution, our country faces many difficulties and challenges. Hostile forces have increased sabotage activities; The crime situation is complicated, making the task of protecting security and order extremely difficult.

To continue with the entire force to successfully implement Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo term XIII on "Promoting the building of a truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern People's Public Security force that meets the requirements of the People's Public Security Forces." needs and tasks in the new situation", People's Public Security women need to continue to promote good traditions and achievements in recent times, and at the same time need to focus on well implementing some of the following key tasks:

Firstly , closely following the theme of the 13th National Women's Congress "Promoting tradition, solidarity, creativity, integration; building a strong Association organization, for the happiness of women, for the prosperity of the country", and the 9th Congress of Women's Representatives of the Ministry of Public Security "Proactive, disciplined, united, creative, integration", Women's Associations at all levels in the People's Public Security Forces need to focus on building a strong Association, worthy of being an organization representing the legitimate rights and interests of its members, and increasingly taking better care of their material lives. , culture and spirit for members; innovate the content and form of association activities to suit the needs and aspirations of members and the characteristics of each unit. Continue to review and research to improve the functions, tasks and powers of the Association; supplement and strengthen the team of specialized staff; Build working processes and regulations, especially the direction, administration, and guidance of the women's movement throughout the Industry, gradually ensuring that the Association's activities are unified, focused, and placed under the leadership of the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security, the Central Vietnam Women's Union and party committees and authorities at all levels.

Second , women's associations at all levels need to further promote their advisory role with party committees and authorities at all levels to organize and deeply grasp the Party's views and guidelines on  female cadre work and gender equality, for progress of women,  especially Directive No. 21-CT/TW dated January 20, 2018 of the Central Secretariat (term XII) on continuing to promote women's work in the new situation, Chapter Action Plan No. 12/CTHD-DU(X16) dated November 16, 2007 of the Central Public Security Party Committee on "Women's work in the period of promoting industrialization and modernization of the country" and the Equality Program period 2021 - 2030 in the People's Public Security. Have a plan to recruit, evaluate, and arrange a team of female officers appropriate to each field of work and each level of Police; Identify potential female cadres and include them in planning and training; create conditions for women to perform well their family and social functions, contributing more to the cause of protecting security and order.

Third , do a good job of political and ideological education, propaganda, and educating cadres and members to strive to cultivate and practice morality and a clean and healthy lifestyle associated with an extensive emulation movement. Implement Directive No. 05-CT/TW dated May 15, 2016 of the Politburo "on promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style", Directive No. 04/CT-BCA dated May 19, 2018 of the Ministry of Public Security "on promoting learning and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security". Special attention should be paid to building People's Public Security women into a typical beautiful image of Vietnamese women with the qualities of "Confidence - Self-respect - Loyalty - Dedication", strong political courage, and dignity. Good moral character, good health, knowledge, professional skills, responsibility, discipline, creativity, a cultural lifestyle serving the people, building a happy family.

Fourth , in carrying out assigned political tasks, each member needs to continue to uphold the sense of responsibility, overcome all difficulties and hardships, to dedicate themselves to the profession, serving the people. No matter what position they hold, each member strives to fulfill assigned responsibilities and tasks well, promoting the spirit of regular learning, lifelong learning, taking self-study as the main priority to improve qualifications. professional capacity, proactive international integration and adaptation to the era of digital transformation, application and mastery of science and technology, contributing to building a truly clean, strong, regular and refined People's Public Security force. elegant, modern, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation.

Editorial board