Combine closely and effectively the task of socio-economic development with firmly ensuring national defense and security

15:30 - 14/06/2024

On March 7, 2024, the working delegation of the Central Public Security Party Committee (CATW), Ministry of Public Security was led by General To Lam, Politburo member, Secretary of the CATW Party Committee, Minister of Public Security. visited and worked with the Standing Committee of the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee on assessing the situation and results of implementing the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the Resolution of the 15th Quang Ninh Provincial Party Congress, term 2020 - 2025 and the coordination of leadership and direction in implementing the tasks of ensuring security and order and building the People's Police force.

Receiving and working with the delegation were comrade Nguyen Xuan Ky, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Quang Ninh province; comrades in the Provincial Party Standing Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, representatives of leaders of a number of departments and branches in the province...

With the spirit of solidarity, responsibility, and high political determination, the Party Committee, government, and people of all ethnic groups in Quang Ninh province have seriously, promptly, and effectively implemented the resolutions, directives, and conclusions of the The Central Government, National Assembly, and Government on economic development, foreign affairs, social security, ensuring national defense and security, achieved many important achievements. Notably, as of mid-term, 17/19 major targets have basically met and exceeded the targets set by the Resolution of the 15th Congress of the Provincial Party Committee. The economy continues to maintain high and stable growth momentum. Pay special attention to ensuring social security and welfare, completing many cultural, social and human development goals for the entire period 2020 - 2025; People's lives are constantly improving. The work of building and rectifying the Party and political system is emphasized; National defense, security and social safety are guaranteed; Sovereignty, security of national borders and islands is maintained.

Panoramic meeting.

In the field of ensuring security and order, fighting crime prevention, the Party Committee of the Central Police and the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee always pay attention to leading, directing, and mobilizing the combined strength of the entire political system to participate in the work of ensuring security. ANTT. Focus on drastically and synchronously deploying measures to restrain and reduce crime; The results of investigation and discovery of cases are high. In implementing Project 06 of the Government, Quang Ninh is one of the first provinces to complete connecting the province's e-Government system with the national population database; is one of the first 19 provinces to complete the issuance of chip-embedded Citizen Identification Cards for 100% of people in the area. In building the people's security posture and the movement of all people to protect national security, party committees and authorities at all levels have synchronously and effectively deployed mass mobilization work; Deploying creative, pioneering, and groundbreaking models such as "Grassroots Security" - this is a movement model that Quang Ninh is the first and only province in the country to implement and promote. high efficiency...

Along with that, the Central Committee of the Central Committee and the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee also regularly exchange and coordinate to carry out contents on party work, political work, inspection and supervision work, and organizational and staff work. ; In particular, it has paid attention to directing the effective implementation of Resolution No. 12-NQ/TW of the Politburo.

Speaking at the working session, on behalf of the Party Committee of Central Security and the Ministry of Public Security, Minister To Lam congratulated and highly appreciated the achievements and results that the Party Committee, government and people of all ethnic groups in Quang Ninh province have achieved. been in recent years. At the same time, emphasizing that from the above results, it can be affirmed that the regular coordination and unity in the leadership and direction of the Central Committee of the Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, and the People's Committee The people of Quang Ninh province in recent times have been a prerequisite to successfully carry out the task of ensuring security and order, contributing to promoting economic, cultural, social development and expanding the province's foreign relations.

Minister To Lam spoke at the working session.

Agreeing with the direction and tasks set by the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee, Minister To Lam requested the Provincial Party Committee to closely follow the goals, tasks and solutions of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, Decision No. 80/ Decision-TTg dated February 11, 2023 of the Prime Minister on approving the Planning of Quang Ninh province for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050; closely follow the leadership and direction of the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, and the Government; In the immediate future, focus on striving to complete the tasks and targets set in 2024 - considered a year of acceleration contributing to the successful completion of tasks throughout the term. Continue to build and rectify the Party and political system to be truly clean and strong in all aspects; Resolutely prevent, push back, and strictly handle cadres and party members who degrade in political ideology, morality, and lifestyle, and demonstrate "self-evolution" and "self-transformation". Drastically focus on administrative reform measures and improve the business and investment environment to remove bottlenecks and free up resources. Pay attention and care to ensure social security, constantly improve social welfare; improve the material and spiritual lives of the people...

For the work of ensuring security and order in the coming time in Quang Ninh province, the highest and most comprehensive goal is: "Regardless of any situation, we must maintain the strategic initiative and firmly ensure Security and order, do not allow passivity or surprise, absolutely do not allow terrorism, sabotage or disruption of order and security, ensuring security and safety for the people, serving socio-economic development. Pay attention and focus on ensuring national defense and security; maintain political stability, social order and safety... Focus on crime prevention in the direction of smoothly combining social prevention with professional prevention, determined to achieve the goal target to reduce crime in a fundamental and sustainable way. Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of security and order, associated with reform of administrative procedures and building a movement of all people to protect national security.

Comrade Nguyen Xuan Ky, Secretary of the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee, spoke at the meeting.

On behalf of the Standing Committee of the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Xuan Ky respectfully thanked and fully absorbed the opinions of the Working Group, especially the direction of the Minister to focus centrally lead and direct the implementation and concretization of programs and plans in 2024 and the following years, in order to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Party and the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Party. 15th Quang Ninh Provincial Party Congress. Strive to build Quang Ninh province to develop rapidly, comprehensively, firmly, become increasingly rich, beautiful, civilized and modern, one of the places where socio-economic development of the North converges and spreads.

Phan Anh

Combine closely and effectively the task of socio-economic development with firmly ensuring national defense and security

15:30 - 14/06/2024

On March 7, 2024, the working delegation of the Central Public Security Party Committee (CATW), Ministry of Public Security was led by General To Lam, Politburo member, Secretary of the CATW Party Committee, Minister of Public Security. visited and worked with the Standing Committee of the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee on assessing the situation and results of implementing the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the Resolution of the 15th Quang Ninh Provincial Party Congress, term 2020 - 2025 and the coordination of leadership and direction in implementing the tasks of ensuring security and order and building the People's Police force.

Receiving and working with the delegation were comrade Nguyen Xuan Ky, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Quang Ninh province; comrades in the Provincial Party Standing Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, representatives of leaders of a number of departments and branches in the province...

With the spirit of solidarity, responsibility, and high political determination, the Party Committee, government, and people of all ethnic groups in Quang Ninh province have seriously, promptly, and effectively implemented the resolutions, directives, and conclusions of the The Central Government, National Assembly, and Government on economic development, foreign affairs, social security, ensuring national defense and security, achieved many important achievements. Notably, as of mid-term, 17/19 major targets have basically met and exceeded the targets set by the Resolution of the 15th Congress of the Provincial Party Committee. The economy continues to maintain high and stable growth momentum. Pay special attention to ensuring social security and welfare, completing many cultural, social and human development goals for the entire period 2020 - 2025; People's lives are constantly improving. The work of building and rectifying the Party and political system is emphasized; National defense, security and social safety are guaranteed; Sovereignty, security of national borders and islands is maintained.

Panoramic meeting.

In the field of ensuring security and order, fighting crime prevention, the Party Committee of the Central Police and the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee always pay attention to leading, directing, and mobilizing the combined strength of the entire political system to participate in the work of ensuring security. ANTT. Focus on drastically and synchronously deploying measures to restrain and reduce crime; The results of investigation and discovery of cases are high. In implementing Project 06 of the Government, Quang Ninh is one of the first provinces to complete connecting the province's e-Government system with the national population database; is one of the first 19 provinces to complete the issuance of chip-embedded Citizen Identification Cards for 100% of people in the area. In building the people's security posture and the movement of all people to protect national security, party committees and authorities at all levels have synchronously and effectively deployed mass mobilization work; Deploying creative, pioneering, and groundbreaking models such as "Grassroots Security" - this is a movement model that Quang Ninh is the first and only province in the country to implement and promote. high efficiency...

Along with that, the Central Committee of the Central Committee and the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee also regularly exchange and coordinate to carry out contents on party work, political work, inspection and supervision work, and organizational and staff work. ; In particular, it has paid attention to directing the effective implementation of Resolution No. 12-NQ/TW of the Politburo.

Speaking at the working session, on behalf of the Party Committee of Central Security and the Ministry of Public Security, Minister To Lam congratulated and highly appreciated the achievements and results that the Party Committee, government and people of all ethnic groups in Quang Ninh province have achieved. been in recent years. At the same time, emphasizing that from the above results, it can be affirmed that the regular coordination and unity in the leadership and direction of the Central Committee of the Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, and the People's Committee The people of Quang Ninh province in recent times have been a prerequisite to successfully carry out the task of ensuring security and order, contributing to promoting economic, cultural, social development and expanding the province's foreign relations.

Minister To Lam spoke at the working session.

Agreeing with the direction and tasks set by the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee, Minister To Lam requested the Provincial Party Committee to closely follow the goals, tasks and solutions of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, Decision No. 80/ Decision-TTg dated February 11, 2023 of the Prime Minister on approving the Planning of Quang Ninh province for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050; closely follow the leadership and direction of the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, and the Government; In the immediate future, focus on striving to complete the tasks and targets set in 2024 - considered a year of acceleration contributing to the successful completion of tasks throughout the term. Continue to build and rectify the Party and political system to be truly clean and strong in all aspects; Resolutely prevent, push back, and strictly handle cadres and party members who degrade in political ideology, morality, and lifestyle, and demonstrate "self-evolution" and "self-transformation". Drastically focus on administrative reform measures and improve the business and investment environment to remove bottlenecks and free up resources. Pay attention and care to ensure social security, constantly improve social welfare; improve the material and spiritual lives of the people...

For the work of ensuring security and order in the coming time in Quang Ninh province, the highest and most comprehensive goal is: "Regardless of any situation, we must maintain the strategic initiative and firmly ensure Security and order, do not allow passivity or surprise, absolutely do not allow terrorism, sabotage or disruption of order and security, ensuring security and safety for the people, serving socio-economic development. Pay attention and focus on ensuring national defense and security; maintain political stability, social order and safety... Focus on crime prevention in the direction of smoothly combining social prevention with professional prevention, determined to achieve the goal target to reduce crime in a fundamental and sustainable way. Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of security and order, associated with reform of administrative procedures and building a movement of all people to protect national security.

Comrade Nguyen Xuan Ky, Secretary of the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee, spoke at the meeting.

On behalf of the Standing Committee of the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Xuan Ky respectfully thanked and fully absorbed the opinions of the Working Group, especially the direction of the Minister to focus centrally lead and direct the implementation and concretization of programs and plans in 2024 and the following years, in order to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Party and the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Party. 15th Quang Ninh Provincial Party Congress. Strive to build Quang Ninh province to develop rapidly, comprehensively, firmly, become increasingly rich, beautiful, civilized and modern, one of the places where socio-economic development of the North converges and spreads.

Phan Anh