Build Lao Cai province to develop rapidly, comprehensively, firmly, increasingly rich, beautiful, civilized and modern

15:28 - 14/06/2024

On the morning of February 22, 2024, the working delegation of the Central Public Security Party Committee (CATW), Ministry of Public Security was led by General To Lam, Politburo member, Secretary of the CATW Party Committee, Minister of Public Security. visited and worked with the Standing Committee of the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee on assessing the situation and results of implementing the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the Resolution of the 16th Lao Cai Provincial Party Congress, term 2020 - 2025 and the coordination of leadership and direction in implementing the tasks of ensuring security and order and building the People's Police force.

Participating in the Working Group were leaders of units under the Ministry of Public Security.
Receiving and working with the delegation were comrade Dang Xuan Phong, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Lao Cai province; Comrades in the Provincial Party Standing Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, representatives of some departments and branches of Lao Cai province... 
Under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province, with the spirit of solidarity, responsibility, and high political determination, the Party, government, and people People of all ethnic groups in Lao Cai province have seriously, promptly and effectively implemented resolutions, directives and conclusions of the Central Government, National Assembly and Government on economic development, foreign affairs, social security, ensuring national defense and security, achieving many important achievements. 
Panoramic meeting.
Notably, the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee issued Action Program No. 56-CTr/TU dated June 30, 2021 of the 16th Lao Cai Provincial Party Executive Committee to implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, Resolution of the 16th Lao Cai Provincial Party Congress. In 2023 alone, the GRDP growth rate will reach 5.11%; The economic structure continues to shift in a positive direction. State budget revenue reached 9,399 billion VND. The fields of health, education, culture, sports, and tourism are valued; National defense and security continue to be maintained, the province's foreign relations are expanded...
In the field of ensuring security and order, fighting crime prevention, the Party Committee of the Central Police and the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee always pay attention to leading, directing, and mobilizing the combined strength of the entire political system to participate in ensuring security and order. Therefore, national security in the province is basically stable, ensuring absolute security and safety of strategic areas, important events, international delegations, important goals and projects. point, don't be passive or surprised. Focus on drastically and synchronously deploying measures to restrain and reduce crime; Preventing gangs, dens, or organized criminal groups from forming or operating rampantly. The rate of discovery of criminal cases all reached or exceeded the targets assigned by the National Assembly.
Minister To Lam spoke at the working session.
Regarding Party building and building the Provincial Police force, the Party Committee of the Central Police and the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee regularly exchange and coordinate to carry out contents on party work, political work, and inspection work. , supervision and organizational and staff work according to Regulation No. 192 of the Politburo; Decision No. 90, Decision No. 17 of the Secretariat; In particular, it has paid attention to directing the effective implementation of Resolution No. 12-NQ/TW of the Politburo.
On behalf of the CATW Party Committee and the Ministry of Public Security, Minister To Lam congratulated and appreciated the achievements and results that the Party Committee, government and people of all ethnic groups in Lao Cai province have achieved in recent years.  At the same time, emphasizing that from the above results, it can be affirmed that the regular coordination and unity in the leadership and direction of the Central Committee of the Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, and the Committee The people of Lao Cai province in recent times have been a prerequisite to successfully carry out the task of ensuring security and order, contributing to promoting economic, cultural, social development and expanding foreign relations of the province. 
In the coming time, Minister To Lam requested that the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee continue to closely follow the leadership and direction of the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, and the Government to strive to complete the tasks and targets set in 2024. - is considered a year of acceleration, contributing to the successful completion of tasks during the term, especially the general direction determined in the Resolution of the 16th Lao Cai Provincial Party Congress: "Building Lao Cai Comprehensive development, becoming a center and bridge for economic and foreign trade between Vietnam and ASEAN countries with the Southwest region - China; By 2025, Lao Cai will continue to be a developed province of the Northern Midlands and Mountainous region; In 2030, Lao Cai will become a good province of the country; In 2045, it will be a developed province of the country". 
Minister To Lam presented gifts to the Standing Committee of the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee.
Continue to promote building and rectifying the Party and the political system to be truly clean and strong in all aspects. Drastically focus on administrative reform measures and improve the business and investment environment to remove bottlenecks and free up resources. Thoroughly grasp and effectively implement Resolution No. 11-NQ/TW dated February 10, 2022 of the Politburo on socio-economic development directions, ensuring national defense and security in the Midlands and Mountainous regions Northern region to 2030, vision to 2045. Pay attention and pay attention to well implementing hunger eradication, poverty reduction, social security policies...

For the work of ensuring security and order in the coming time in Lao Cai province, the highest and most comprehensive goal is: "Regardless of any situation, we must maintain the strategic initiative and firmly ensure Security and order, do not let passivity or surprise, absolutely do not let terrorism, sabotage or disrupt security and order occur, ensure security and safety for the people, serving socio-economic development"... Focus on crime prevention in the direction of smoothly combining social prevention with professional prevention, determined to achieve the goal of reducing crime in a fundamental and sustainable way...

The Minister requested the Standing Committee of the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee to continue implementing Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo and Decision No. 90 of the Secretariat, focusing on effectively implementing the Resolution and Project to build Lao Cai Provincial Police force that is truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation...

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Dang Xuan Phong spoke at the working session.

On behalf of the Standing Committee of the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Dang Xuan Phong respectfully thanked and fully absorbed the opinions of the Working Group, especially the direction of the Minister to focus centrally lead and direct the implementation and concretization of programs and plans in 2024 and the following years, in order to effectively carry out the task of ensuring national security, preserving social order and safety. Association, contributing to building Lao Cai province to develop rapidly, comprehensively, firmly, increasingly rich, beautiful, civilized and modern. 

Minister To Lam; Provincial Party Secretary Dang Xuan Phong and delegates attended the meeting.

Build Lao Cai province to develop rapidly, comprehensively, firmly, increasingly rich, beautiful, civilized and modern

15:28 - 14/06/2024

On the morning of February 22, 2024, the working delegation of the Central Public Security Party Committee (CATW), Ministry of Public Security was led by General To Lam, Politburo member, Secretary of the CATW Party Committee, Minister of Public Security. visited and worked with the Standing Committee of the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee on assessing the situation and results of implementing the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the Resolution of the 16th Lao Cai Provincial Party Congress, term 2020 - 2025 and the coordination of leadership and direction in implementing the tasks of ensuring security and order and building the People's Police force.

Participating in the Working Group were leaders of units under the Ministry of Public Security.
Receiving and working with the delegation were comrade Dang Xuan Phong, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Lao Cai province; Comrades in the Provincial Party Standing Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, representatives of some departments and branches of Lao Cai province... 
Under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province, with the spirit of solidarity, responsibility, and high political determination, the Party, government, and people People of all ethnic groups in Lao Cai province have seriously, promptly and effectively implemented resolutions, directives and conclusions of the Central Government, National Assembly and Government on economic development, foreign affairs, social security, ensuring national defense and security, achieving many important achievements. 
Panoramic meeting.
Notably, the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee issued Action Program No. 56-CTr/TU dated June 30, 2021 of the 16th Lao Cai Provincial Party Executive Committee to implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, Resolution of the 16th Lao Cai Provincial Party Congress. In 2023 alone, the GRDP growth rate will reach 5.11%; The economic structure continues to shift in a positive direction. State budget revenue reached 9,399 billion VND. The fields of health, education, culture, sports, and tourism are valued; National defense and security continue to be maintained, the province's foreign relations are expanded...
In the field of ensuring security and order, fighting crime prevention, the Party Committee of the Central Police and the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee always pay attention to leading, directing, and mobilizing the combined strength of the entire political system to participate in ensuring security and order. Therefore, national security in the province is basically stable, ensuring absolute security and safety of strategic areas, important events, international delegations, important goals and projects. point, don't be passive or surprised. Focus on drastically and synchronously deploying measures to restrain and reduce crime; Preventing gangs, dens, or organized criminal groups from forming or operating rampantly. The rate of discovery of criminal cases all reached or exceeded the targets assigned by the National Assembly.
Minister To Lam spoke at the working session.
Regarding Party building and building the Provincial Police force, the Party Committee of the Central Police and the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee regularly exchange and coordinate to carry out contents on party work, political work, and inspection work. , supervision and organizational and staff work according to Regulation No. 192 of the Politburo; Decision No. 90, Decision No. 17 of the Secretariat; In particular, it has paid attention to directing the effective implementation of Resolution No. 12-NQ/TW of the Politburo.
On behalf of the CATW Party Committee and the Ministry of Public Security, Minister To Lam congratulated and appreciated the achievements and results that the Party Committee, government and people of all ethnic groups in Lao Cai province have achieved in recent years.  At the same time, emphasizing that from the above results, it can be affirmed that the regular coordination and unity in the leadership and direction of the Central Committee of the Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, and the Committee The people of Lao Cai province in recent times have been a prerequisite to successfully carry out the task of ensuring security and order, contributing to promoting economic, cultural, social development and expanding foreign relations of the province. 
In the coming time, Minister To Lam requested that the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee continue to closely follow the leadership and direction of the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, and the Government to strive to complete the tasks and targets set in 2024. - is considered a year of acceleration, contributing to the successful completion of tasks during the term, especially the general direction determined in the Resolution of the 16th Lao Cai Provincial Party Congress: "Building Lao Cai Comprehensive development, becoming a center and bridge for economic and foreign trade between Vietnam and ASEAN countries with the Southwest region - China; By 2025, Lao Cai will continue to be a developed province of the Northern Midlands and Mountainous region; In 2030, Lao Cai will become a good province of the country; In 2045, it will be a developed province of the country". 
Minister To Lam presented gifts to the Standing Committee of the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee.
Continue to promote building and rectifying the Party and the political system to be truly clean and strong in all aspects. Drastically focus on administrative reform measures and improve the business and investment environment to remove bottlenecks and free up resources. Thoroughly grasp and effectively implement Resolution No. 11-NQ/TW dated February 10, 2022 of the Politburo on socio-economic development directions, ensuring national defense and security in the Midlands and Mountainous regions Northern region to 2030, vision to 2045. Pay attention and pay attention to well implementing hunger eradication, poverty reduction, social security policies...

For the work of ensuring security and order in the coming time in Lao Cai province, the highest and most comprehensive goal is: "Regardless of any situation, we must maintain the strategic initiative and firmly ensure Security and order, do not let passivity or surprise, absolutely do not let terrorism, sabotage or disrupt security and order occur, ensure security and safety for the people, serving socio-economic development"... Focus on crime prevention in the direction of smoothly combining social prevention with professional prevention, determined to achieve the goal of reducing crime in a fundamental and sustainable way...

The Minister requested the Standing Committee of the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee to continue implementing Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo and Decision No. 90 of the Secretariat, focusing on effectively implementing the Resolution and Project to build Lao Cai Provincial Police force that is truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation...

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Dang Xuan Phong spoke at the working session.

On behalf of the Standing Committee of the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Dang Xuan Phong respectfully thanked and fully absorbed the opinions of the Working Group, especially the direction of the Minister to focus centrally lead and direct the implementation and concretization of programs and plans in 2024 and the following years, in order to effectively carry out the task of ensuring national security, preserving social order and safety. Association, contributing to building Lao Cai province to develop rapidly, comprehensively, firmly, increasingly rich, beautiful, civilized and modern. 

Minister To Lam; Provincial Party Secretary Dang Xuan Phong and delegates attended the meeting.