75 years of implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught - The People's Public Security Force "practices virtue, practices talent, achieves military achievements, forgets self for the country, serves the people"

15:31 - 14/06/2024

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh's Six Teachings for the People's Public Security (March 11, 1948 - March 11, 2023), March 6, 2023, General, Prof. Dr. To Lam, Committee Politburo member, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security wrote the article "75 years of implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught - The People's Public Security Force "honing virtue, practicing talent, achieving victories, For the sake of the country, forget yourself, serve the people." The Ministry of Public Security's electronic information portal respectfully introduces the Minister's article.

1. Dear President Ho Chi Minh has left the entire Party, the entire army, and the entire people an invaluable treasure of theory in many fields, including profound and comprehensive teachings on all aspects of work, fighting and training the ethics and lifestyle of officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security (CAND), demonstrating his special concern for the People's Public Security force. On March 11, 1948, in a letter to comrade Hoang Mai, Director of Zone XII Police, President Ho Chi Minh stated six contents about "The status of a revolutionary police officer", which are: 

"For self-esteem, yourself, you must be diligent, thrifty, honest, and upright. 

 For colleagues, have cordial help. 

To the Government, must be absolutely loyal. 

For the people, must respect, politeness.

For work, have committed.

For the enemy, we must be determined, clever."

The six things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security, the content was very considerate, simple, and concise, but comprehensively summarized the typical nature of the "Revolutionary Police". This is also the core content of President Ho Chi Minh's thought on human issues, revolutionary ethics, practicing democracy and building the People's Public Security force, building the most fundamental and pivotal relationships. of police officers in life and work. Uncle Ho's six teachings have become a guideline for all activities of the People's Public Security force during revolutionary periods. 

Deeply aware of the revolutionary and scientific significance of the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security Forces, since 1948, the People's Public Security Forces have organized propaganda, launched emulation movements, and opened political activities to study and contemplate. Thoroughly and well implement Uncle Ho's teachings in association with the patriotic emulation movement of the entire Party, entire army, and entire people, creating a vibrant competitive atmosphere in the entire force. Police officers did not hesitate to face difficulties, hardships, and sacrifices, upholding the spirit of revolutionary vigilance, cunning, and courage, defeating all plots and sabotage activities of "internal and external enemies"; Safely protecting revolutionary bases in the resistance war against the French, protecting the construction of socialism in the North, and actively supporting the Southern battlefield in the resistance war against the US to save the country. Police officers are resilient in "sticking to the ground, clinging to the people, eliminating evil, breaking the grip", protecting the Party, the Government and promoting the people's strength in "eliminating evil, eliminating fraud", "security, preventing fraud", making an important contribution to defeating the enemy's war strategies, achieving the great victory in the Spring of 1975, completely liberating the South and reunifying the country.

General, Prof. Dr. To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security.

2. After 75 years, the movement of studying and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security has increasingly been innovated and promoted, becoming a major emulation movement throughout the period of peace, construction, integration and development of the country, contributing to helping the People's Public Security force fulfill its core role, taking charge on the front of ensuring security and order, participating in overcoming the consequences of war, and stabilizing the people's lives. , defeating the enemy's destructive war in many aspects, preserving every inch of the Fatherland's sacred land and fulfilling noble international obligations. This is also a great motivation for the People's Public Security force to always firmly grasp the situation, maintain strategic initiative, promptly advise the Party and State to quickly innovate strategic policies and policies, and fight to prevent Prevented and failed many plots to carry out sabotage activities and break the siege, embargo, "peaceful evolution" activities, riots, subversion, and incitement of hostile and reactionary forces and subjects. commit crimes, firmly protect security, sovereignty of territory, sea, islands, national interests, maintain political and social stability; contributing to promoting innovation, industrialization, modernization of the country and international integration. 

In particular, in the period of integration, the internet age, the 4.0 scientific and technological revolution, the methods and tricks of criminals and types of criminals are increasingly diverse, sophisticated, and potentially complex. complex, with many types of non-traditional crimes appearing, the People's Public Security force has thoroughly grasped Uncle Ho's teachings: "To deal with the enemy, we must be resolute and clever", applying the motto "actively prevent, actively attack, prevent blocking and neutralizing sabotage activities early, from afar, from outside the national territory", not allowing the formation of reactionary organizations, opposition political organizations, and not allowing domestic terrorism to occur; promptly detect and proactively handle complex security and order cases from the beginning and at the grassroots level, building a people's security posture and a people's security base on the basis of a strong people's heart posture. sure. The fight against crime is organized effectively: every year we strive to reduce at least 05% of crimes related to social order; Focus on destroying major drug projects, especially drug transport lines from abroad to Vietnam according to the motto "don't fight in the middle, arrest the whole line, especially the leader". Drug prevention and combat in 03 layers (across the border, border areas, inland); Strengthen detection, investigation, and handling of economic crimes and corruption with the motto "Handling one case, alerting the whole region and field" in the spirit of "no prohibited areas, no exceptions" , which has focused on investigating and discovering many major economic crimes; many major environmental cases and crimes using high technology; Strike hard and destroy many criminal gangs. State management of security and order has many important milestones, the People's Public Security force is constantly innovating the application of science and technology, promoting digital transformation in the fields of social management, population management, and facilitating Favorable conditions for the activities of people and businesses, serving socio-economic development, contributing to ensuring the peace and happiness of the People, such as: advising on the effective implementation of Project 06 of the Government. Government, organized drastic implementation and completed the main and key tasks and targets of Project 06, associated with promoting administrative reform, many administrative procedures were simplified, creating more Convenient for organizations, businesses and people, with the motto "taking people and businesses as the center"; improve capacity and efficiency of State management of security and order; perform well the management of immigration and residence, especially the management of foreigners; restrain the increase in traffic accidents and fires and explosions, reduce the number of particularly serious traffic accidents and large fires and explosions; Detention and detention facilities are guaranteed to be secure and safe; The recidivism rate among amnesties decreased. The work of building the People's Public Security force has also achieved significant achievements: Political and ideological work is regularly concerned with extensive and widespread organization of political activities on building and rectifying the Party and political system in the People's Public Security; educating cadres and party members,Soldiers practice ethics, manners, working habits, and maintain the prestige of the force. Promote traditional education for civil servants that is truly practical, effective, and profound, creating a vibrant competitive atmosphere throughout the force. In the work of building the force, the Ministry of Public Security proactively advised and submitted to the Politburo to promulgate Resolution No. 22-NQ/TW, dated March 15, 2018 on "Continuing to innovate and arrange the organization of the Ministry The Ministry of Public Security is streamlined, operates effectively and efficiently" in the direction of "Strong Ministry, strong province, comprehensive district, grassroots-based commune"; associated with adjusting assignment, professional decentralization, and staff structure according to standards and criteria for placement at 04 levels of Police; Drastically implement key breakthrough solutions to build commune and town police that meet requirements and tasks; pilot construction of "Typical ward police, a model of security and order and urban civilization", contributing to effectively solving the situation of order and security from the grassroots with the motto "Police find the people", "close to the people, understand people", "when the people need it, when it is difficult for them to have the police", for the peace and happiness of the people right from the hamlet, hamlet, and hamlet. In particular, thoroughly grasping the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress on building a revolutionary, regular, elite and modern People's Police, the Central Committee of the Central Committee advised the Politburo to issue Resolution No. 12-NQ/TW, dated December 16. March 2022 on "Promoting the building of a truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern People's Public Security force that meets the requirements and tasks in the new situation", after one year of implementation to create atmosphere emulation and determination in party committees and units nationwide to successfully implement the goals, tasks and solutions of the Resolution according to the roadmap: by 2025, build a lean, compact and strong People's Public Security force. , the forces directly fighting crime prevention and fighting move straight to modernity; By 2030, build a fully modern People's Public Security force.March 16, 2022 on "Promoting the building of a truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern People's Public Security force that meets the requirements and tasks in the new situation", after one year of implementation create a competitive atmosphere and determination in party committees and units nationwide to successfully implement the goals, tasks and solutions of the Resolution according to the roadmap: by 2025, build a lean and compact People's Public Security force. , strong, forces that directly fight crime prevention and advance towards modernity; By 2030, build a fully modern People's Public Security force.March 16, 2022 on "Promoting the building of a truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern People's Public Security force that meets the requirements and tasks in the new situation", after one year of implementation create a competitive atmosphere and determination in party committees and units nationwide to successfully implement the goals, tasks and solutions of the Resolution according to the roadmap: by 2025, build a lean and compact People's Public Security force. , strong, forces that directly fight crime prevention and advance towards modernity; By 2030, build a fully modern People's Public Security force.   

During 75 years of implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught, there have been many collectives and individuals of police officers who fought bravely and cunningly, achieving many outstanding feats, typically: Discovering the case at No. 7 Street. On Nhu Hau (Hanoi); sank the French information ship Amyot d'Inville at Sam Son (Thanh Hoa); anti-espionage, capture of spies, commandos, and bandits; espionage work, urban security, eliminating evil, eliminating fraud, destroying strategic hamlets, participating in the 1968 Tet Offensive and uprising and the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign; fight, suppress, and dismantle many reactionary organizations, arrest and handle counter-revolutionary subjects in the CM12 Plan and fight against FULRO...; Thousands of officers and soldiers have been mobilized to strengthen security and order to deal with complicated cases of security and order such as: riots and security disruptions in the Central Highlands (2001, 2004, 2008), Muong Nhe - Binh Duong province. Dien Bien (2011); case related to Formosa, Ha Tinh (from 2016 - 2018); protest and destruction of government headquarters in Binh Thuan province (2018); Incidents arising from conflicts in land management and use in Thu Thiem, City. Ho Chi Minh City, case of crimes against people performing public duties in Dong Tam - My Duc - Hanoi (2019)...; There are tens of thousands of civil servants who are not afraid of sacrifices and hardships to volunteer to participate in the front line of disease prevention (COVID - 19 epidemic), search and rescue, and rescue in natural disasters, storms, floods, and major landslides. caused heavy damage to the People of the Central, Northern Mountainous and Mekong Delta provinces, volunteered to join the Earthquake Disaster Rescue Team in Turkey, and participated in peacekeeping in United Nations, in Sudan... Along with that, the People's Public Security force has organized volunteer activities, social security, blood donation, relief for poor households, people in difficulty, and visits to policy families. , people with meritorious services... contribute to bringing a peaceful and happy life to the People.

In the struggle to protect the peace and happiness of the People, there have been more than 14,800 People's Public Security martyrs, nearly 6,000 wounded and sick soldiers and thousands of examples of brave People's Public Security soldiers, despite dangers, ready to sacrifice. their lives for the cause of national liberation and protection of national security, typically comrades Buu Doa (Khanh Hoa), Bui Thi Cuc (Hung Yen), Vo Thi Sau (Ba Ria), Nguyen Thi Loi (An Giang), Pham Ngoc Thao (Ho Chi Minh City), Tran Van Viet (Can Tho), Pham Van Chien (Ha Giang), Le Thanh A (Hai Phong), Pham Van Cuong (Dien Bien), Thao Van Sua (Thanh Hoa), Hoang Van Yen (Khanh Hoa), Dang Anh Quan, Do Duc Viet, Nguyen Dinh Phuc (Hanoi), Le Chi Phuoc (Quang Ngai)... were honored by the People, contributing to building the image People's Public Security "For the sake of the country, forget yourself, serve the people."

The achievements, victories and learning results of the Six Things Uncle Ho taught of the People's Public Security forces have been recognized and highly appreciated by the Party and State, awarded 16 Gold Star Medals, 102 Ho Chi Minh Medals; Thousands of groups and individuals were awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces and many other noble awards. 


3. In the coming time, the world and regional situation will continue to become complicated, affecting the work of ensuring security and order. To carry out the tasks of protecting the Party, protecting the government, protecting the people, ensuring national security and social order and safety, meeting the requirements of proactive integration and strengthening cooperation. international cooperation, firmly protecting national security and interests, in addition to participating in building a truly regular, elite and modern People's Public Security force, imbuing and implementing the Six Articles of Uncle Ho Teaching CAND is extremely important and necessary. The six things Uncle Ho taught are the guideline for all activities, the ethical standards, lifestyle, goals of striving, training, action guidelines, and working measures of generations of police officers; is the source and motivation that motivates the entire People's Public Security force to strive, overcome all difficulties and challenges, and successfully complete assigned tasks. To achieve the above goal, in the coming time, the People's Public Security force will continue to focus on well implementing the following contents:
Firstly, ensuring absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the Party, unified management State authority over the People's Public Security force. The People's Public Security force is always absolutely loyal to the Party and the Government, worthy of being the "protective sword" of the Party, the force that protects the Party, the State and the People, and protects the socialist regime, so , no matter the circumstances, we must be steadfast in the principle of the Communist Party of Vietnam's absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the armed forces in general and the People's Public Security forces in particular. The People's Public Security Force must be built to be politically strong, serving as a basis for improving comprehensive strength and combat power to meet the requirements and tasks of protecting national security and ensuring social order and safety in the new era. Continue to be exemplary, take the lead, and thoroughly grasp the serious and effective implementation of the Party's guidelines and State's legal policies on protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety and building the People's Public Security force as follows: Resolution 13th Party Congress, Resolution No. 28-NQ/TW, October 25, 2013 of the Eighth Conference of the 11th Central Executive Committee on "Strategy to protect the Fatherland in the new situation", Resolution No. 51-NQ/TW, dated September 5, 2019 of the Politburo on "Strategy for protecting national security";... In particular, it is necessary to effectively implement Resolution No. 12-NQ/TW of the Politburo policy on "Promoting the building of a truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern People's Public Security force that meets the requirements and tasks in the new situation". This is a decisive task, the foundation for building a People's Public Security force that is truly a sharp tool to protect the Party, the State, the socialist regime, and the People. 

Second, strengthen political and ideological work, promote studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style associated with the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security. Every police officer must regularly cultivate, "self-reflect, self-correct", train themselves to be "diligent, frugal, honest, righteous, public-minded, impartial", truly pure, steadfast, and not fall. , “degeneration, metamorphosis”; Do not be tempted by benefits or fame; Do not take advantage of your position to violate the law, causing damage to the common interests of the Party, the State and the legitimate interests of the People. For comrades and teammates, there must be a spirit of solidarity, love, sincerity, and help in life, work, and combat; Build and maintain internal solidarity, focus on protecting prestige, preserving the honor and good traditions of the People's Public Security force. Focus on building a team of officials with strong political courage, strictly comply with work discipline, and maintain the regularity of the force; The team of leaders and commanders has enough qualities, qualifications, capacity, prestige, and is on par with their tasks. Party committees, leaders, and commanders of the Police at all levels, especially the heads, continue to promote their leadership role, exemplary spirit, integrity, and purity in combat, work, and activities so that civil servants can learn. , follow.

Third, continue to promote the core role of the Police force, proactively grasp the situation, research, evaluate strategic forecasts, regularly be aware of opportunities and risks for security and order, and proactively Advise the Party and State on guidelines, policies, laws, solutions, and "resolute and clever" and effective responses to traditional and non-traditional security threats systematically, not to be "passive and surprised in any situation". Organize the fight against crime with the motto "take prevention as important; Closely combine prevention with determination to attack, hit hard, hit, hit right, hit at the root of all types of crimes" in the spirit of "positive, urgent, effective"; ensure progress and improve the quality of investigation and handling of crimes, especially cases and cases under the Central Steering Committee on anti-corruption and negative monitoring and direction. Focus on repelling, preventing and reducing all types of crime, gradually building an orderly, disciplined, safe and healthy society.

Fourth, each police officer needs to work with a high sense of responsibility, self-awareness, volunteering, wholeheartedly, with all his might, wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly, and devoted to his work in order to contribute to improving effectiveness and efficiency. state management of security and order with the goal of "taking people and businesses as the center"; Promote administrative reform and application of science and technology in police work. Ensuring the progress of tasks and the effectiveness of solutions to apply and exploit the National Database on population, citizen identification, and utilities of the Government's Project 06; Advise on building the National Data Center. Continue to synchronously deploy solutions to ensure traffic order and safety, curb accidents and traffic congestion. Improve the effectiveness of fire and explosion prevention and rescue; Synchronously deploy measures to control fires and explosions, reduce large fires and explosions; Proactively use forces, means, plans and conditions to promptly respond to fires, explosions, incidents and accidents, minimizing damage to people and property. Do a good job of managing, educating, and reforming prisoners, reducing the risk of recidivism after serving prison sentences.

Fifth, focus on building close relationships with the people, relying on the people, building and strongly promoting the "people's heart posture", always promoting the spirit of "respect, politeness", for peace. peace and happiness of the People. This is a strategic, long-term, sustainable solution to mobilize the strength of the entire political system and the entire population to participate in building a movement of all people to protect national security and ensure security and order. The People's Public Security force, especially the grassroots police force, must adjust, improve, and innovate working methods to create favorable conditions for the people; Always be aware and act with concern and care for the People, regularly carry out the movement "Gratefulness and gratitude", organize many charity and social security activities. Leaders and commanders of the Police at all levels must innovate the mechanism, content, form and methods of building and consolidating people's security and a solid people's security posture; regularly listen to people's opinions, have a mechanism to inspect, supervise and evaluate the spirit and attitude of serving the people of public servants. 

During the past 75 years, our beloved Uncle Ho's six teachings on "Being a Revolutionary Policeman" have remained valid and are always deeply topical, especially at the present time, when the entire Party, Our entire people and army are fiercely implementing Resolution 4 of the 4th Central Committee, term XIII on building and rectifying the Party; Study and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style. Studying and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught is always one of the most comprehensive, vibrant, and effective emulation movements, most closely linked to the patriotic emulation movement, and is a vivid and concrete expression. the unity of studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style in the People's Public Security Forces. Promoting the glorious heroic tradition, absolute loyalty to the Party, the Fatherland, and dedication to the People, the People's Public Security force continues to study and seriously grasp the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security Forces, practice and maintain. political bravery, revolutionary qualities, "knowing only that as long as the Party is concerned, there is only me", always considering "honor as the most sacred and noble thing"; build a beautiful image of the revolutionary policeman "for the country, forget yourself - serve the people" in the hearts of the people and international friends; contributing to effectively serving the cause of building, protecting and developing socialist Vietnam./. 

Editorial board

75 years of implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught - The People's Public Security Force "practices virtue, practices talent, achieves military achievements, forgets self for the country, serves the people"

15:31 - 14/06/2024

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh's Six Teachings for the People's Public Security (March 11, 1948 - March 11, 2023), March 6, 2023, General, Prof. Dr. To Lam, Committee Politburo member, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security wrote the article "75 years of implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught - The People's Public Security Force "honing virtue, practicing talent, achieving victories, For the sake of the country, forget yourself, serve the people." The Ministry of Public Security's electronic information portal respectfully introduces the Minister's article.

1. Dear President Ho Chi Minh has left the entire Party, the entire army, and the entire people an invaluable treasure of theory in many fields, including profound and comprehensive teachings on all aspects of work, fighting and training the ethics and lifestyle of officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security (CAND), demonstrating his special concern for the People's Public Security force. On March 11, 1948, in a letter to comrade Hoang Mai, Director of Zone XII Police, President Ho Chi Minh stated six contents about "The status of a revolutionary police officer", which are: 

"For self-esteem, yourself, you must be diligent, thrifty, honest, and upright. 

 For colleagues, have cordial help. 

To the Government, must be absolutely loyal. 

For the people, must respect, politeness.

For work, have committed.

For the enemy, we must be determined, clever."

The six things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security, the content was very considerate, simple, and concise, but comprehensively summarized the typical nature of the "Revolutionary Police". This is also the core content of President Ho Chi Minh's thought on human issues, revolutionary ethics, practicing democracy and building the People's Public Security force, building the most fundamental and pivotal relationships. of police officers in life and work. Uncle Ho's six teachings have become a guideline for all activities of the People's Public Security force during revolutionary periods. 

Deeply aware of the revolutionary and scientific significance of the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security Forces, since 1948, the People's Public Security Forces have organized propaganda, launched emulation movements, and opened political activities to study and contemplate. Thoroughly and well implement Uncle Ho's teachings in association with the patriotic emulation movement of the entire Party, entire army, and entire people, creating a vibrant competitive atmosphere in the entire force. Police officers did not hesitate to face difficulties, hardships, and sacrifices, upholding the spirit of revolutionary vigilance, cunning, and courage, defeating all plots and sabotage activities of "internal and external enemies"; Safely protecting revolutionary bases in the resistance war against the French, protecting the construction of socialism in the North, and actively supporting the Southern battlefield in the resistance war against the US to save the country. Police officers are resilient in "sticking to the ground, clinging to the people, eliminating evil, breaking the grip", protecting the Party, the Government and promoting the people's strength in "eliminating evil, eliminating fraud", "security, preventing fraud", making an important contribution to defeating the enemy's war strategies, achieving the great victory in the Spring of 1975, completely liberating the South and reunifying the country.

General, Prof. Dr. To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security.

2. After 75 years, the movement of studying and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security has increasingly been innovated and promoted, becoming a major emulation movement throughout the period of peace, construction, integration and development of the country, contributing to helping the People's Public Security force fulfill its core role, taking charge on the front of ensuring security and order, participating in overcoming the consequences of war, and stabilizing the people's lives. , defeating the enemy's destructive war in many aspects, preserving every inch of the Fatherland's sacred land and fulfilling noble international obligations. This is also a great motivation for the People's Public Security force to always firmly grasp the situation, maintain strategic initiative, promptly advise the Party and State to quickly innovate strategic policies and policies, and fight to prevent Prevented and failed many plots to carry out sabotage activities and break the siege, embargo, "peaceful evolution" activities, riots, subversion, and incitement of hostile and reactionary forces and subjects. commit crimes, firmly protect security, sovereignty of territory, sea, islands, national interests, maintain political and social stability; contributing to promoting innovation, industrialization, modernization of the country and international integration. 

In particular, in the period of integration, the internet age, the 4.0 scientific and technological revolution, the methods and tricks of criminals and types of criminals are increasingly diverse, sophisticated, and potentially complex. complex, with many types of non-traditional crimes appearing, the People's Public Security force has thoroughly grasped Uncle Ho's teachings: "To deal with the enemy, we must be resolute and clever", applying the motto "actively prevent, actively attack, prevent blocking and neutralizing sabotage activities early, from afar, from outside the national territory", not allowing the formation of reactionary organizations, opposition political organizations, and not allowing domestic terrorism to occur; promptly detect and proactively handle complex security and order cases from the beginning and at the grassroots level, building a people's security posture and a people's security base on the basis of a strong people's heart posture. sure. The fight against crime is organized effectively: every year we strive to reduce at least 05% of crimes related to social order; Focus on destroying major drug projects, especially drug transport lines from abroad to Vietnam according to the motto "don't fight in the middle, arrest the whole line, especially the leader". Drug prevention and combat in 03 layers (across the border, border areas, inland); Strengthen detection, investigation, and handling of economic crimes and corruption with the motto "Handling one case, alerting the whole region and field" in the spirit of "no prohibited areas, no exceptions" , which has focused on investigating and discovering many major economic crimes; many major environmental cases and crimes using high technology; Strike hard and destroy many criminal gangs. State management of security and order has many important milestones, the People's Public Security force is constantly innovating the application of science and technology, promoting digital transformation in the fields of social management, population management, and facilitating Favorable conditions for the activities of people and businesses, serving socio-economic development, contributing to ensuring the peace and happiness of the People, such as: advising on the effective implementation of Project 06 of the Government. Government, organized drastic implementation and completed the main and key tasks and targets of Project 06, associated with promoting administrative reform, many administrative procedures were simplified, creating more Convenient for organizations, businesses and people, with the motto "taking people and businesses as the center"; improve capacity and efficiency of State management of security and order; perform well the management of immigration and residence, especially the management of foreigners; restrain the increase in traffic accidents and fires and explosions, reduce the number of particularly serious traffic accidents and large fires and explosions; Detention and detention facilities are guaranteed to be secure and safe; The recidivism rate among amnesties decreased. The work of building the People's Public Security force has also achieved significant achievements: Political and ideological work is regularly concerned with extensive and widespread organization of political activities on building and rectifying the Party and political system in the People's Public Security; educating cadres and party members,Soldiers practice ethics, manners, working habits, and maintain the prestige of the force. Promote traditional education for civil servants that is truly practical, effective, and profound, creating a vibrant competitive atmosphere throughout the force. In the work of building the force, the Ministry of Public Security proactively advised and submitted to the Politburo to promulgate Resolution No. 22-NQ/TW, dated March 15, 2018 on "Continuing to innovate and arrange the organization of the Ministry The Ministry of Public Security is streamlined, operates effectively and efficiently" in the direction of "Strong Ministry, strong province, comprehensive district, grassroots-based commune"; associated with adjusting assignment, professional decentralization, and staff structure according to standards and criteria for placement at 04 levels of Police; Drastically implement key breakthrough solutions to build commune and town police that meet requirements and tasks; pilot construction of "Typical ward police, a model of security and order and urban civilization", contributing to effectively solving the situation of order and security from the grassroots with the motto "Police find the people", "close to the people, understand people", "when the people need it, when it is difficult for them to have the police", for the peace and happiness of the people right from the hamlet, hamlet, and hamlet. In particular, thoroughly grasping the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress on building a revolutionary, regular, elite and modern People's Police, the Central Committee of the Central Committee advised the Politburo to issue Resolution No. 12-NQ/TW, dated December 16. March 2022 on "Promoting the building of a truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern People's Public Security force that meets the requirements and tasks in the new situation", after one year of implementation to create atmosphere emulation and determination in party committees and units nationwide to successfully implement the goals, tasks and solutions of the Resolution according to the roadmap: by 2025, build a lean, compact and strong People's Public Security force. , the forces directly fighting crime prevention and fighting move straight to modernity; By 2030, build a fully modern People's Public Security force.March 16, 2022 on "Promoting the building of a truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern People's Public Security force that meets the requirements and tasks in the new situation", after one year of implementation create a competitive atmosphere and determination in party committees and units nationwide to successfully implement the goals, tasks and solutions of the Resolution according to the roadmap: by 2025, build a lean and compact People's Public Security force. , strong, forces that directly fight crime prevention and advance towards modernity; By 2030, build a fully modern People's Public Security force.March 16, 2022 on "Promoting the building of a truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern People's Public Security force that meets the requirements and tasks in the new situation", after one year of implementation create a competitive atmosphere and determination in party committees and units nationwide to successfully implement the goals, tasks and solutions of the Resolution according to the roadmap: by 2025, build a lean and compact People's Public Security force. , strong, forces that directly fight crime prevention and advance towards modernity; By 2030, build a fully modern People's Public Security force.   

During 75 years of implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught, there have been many collectives and individuals of police officers who fought bravely and cunningly, achieving many outstanding feats, typically: Discovering the case at No. 7 Street. On Nhu Hau (Hanoi); sank the French information ship Amyot d'Inville at Sam Son (Thanh Hoa); anti-espionage, capture of spies, commandos, and bandits; espionage work, urban security, eliminating evil, eliminating fraud, destroying strategic hamlets, participating in the 1968 Tet Offensive and uprising and the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign; fight, suppress, and dismantle many reactionary organizations, arrest and handle counter-revolutionary subjects in the CM12 Plan and fight against FULRO...; Thousands of officers and soldiers have been mobilized to strengthen security and order to deal with complicated cases of security and order such as: riots and security disruptions in the Central Highlands (2001, 2004, 2008), Muong Nhe - Binh Duong province. Dien Bien (2011); case related to Formosa, Ha Tinh (from 2016 - 2018); protest and destruction of government headquarters in Binh Thuan province (2018); Incidents arising from conflicts in land management and use in Thu Thiem, City. Ho Chi Minh City, case of crimes against people performing public duties in Dong Tam - My Duc - Hanoi (2019)...; There are tens of thousands of civil servants who are not afraid of sacrifices and hardships to volunteer to participate in the front line of disease prevention (COVID - 19 epidemic), search and rescue, and rescue in natural disasters, storms, floods, and major landslides. caused heavy damage to the People of the Central, Northern Mountainous and Mekong Delta provinces, volunteered to join the Earthquake Disaster Rescue Team in Turkey, and participated in peacekeeping in United Nations, in Sudan... Along with that, the People's Public Security force has organized volunteer activities, social security, blood donation, relief for poor households, people in difficulty, and visits to policy families. , people with meritorious services... contribute to bringing a peaceful and happy life to the People.

In the struggle to protect the peace and happiness of the People, there have been more than 14,800 People's Public Security martyrs, nearly 6,000 wounded and sick soldiers and thousands of examples of brave People's Public Security soldiers, despite dangers, ready to sacrifice. their lives for the cause of national liberation and protection of national security, typically comrades Buu Doa (Khanh Hoa), Bui Thi Cuc (Hung Yen), Vo Thi Sau (Ba Ria), Nguyen Thi Loi (An Giang), Pham Ngoc Thao (Ho Chi Minh City), Tran Van Viet (Can Tho), Pham Van Chien (Ha Giang), Le Thanh A (Hai Phong), Pham Van Cuong (Dien Bien), Thao Van Sua (Thanh Hoa), Hoang Van Yen (Khanh Hoa), Dang Anh Quan, Do Duc Viet, Nguyen Dinh Phuc (Hanoi), Le Chi Phuoc (Quang Ngai)... were honored by the People, contributing to building the image People's Public Security "For the sake of the country, forget yourself, serve the people."

The achievements, victories and learning results of the Six Things Uncle Ho taught of the People's Public Security forces have been recognized and highly appreciated by the Party and State, awarded 16 Gold Star Medals, 102 Ho Chi Minh Medals; Thousands of groups and individuals were awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces and many other noble awards. 


3. In the coming time, the world and regional situation will continue to become complicated, affecting the work of ensuring security and order. To carry out the tasks of protecting the Party, protecting the government, protecting the people, ensuring national security and social order and safety, meeting the requirements of proactive integration and strengthening cooperation. international cooperation, firmly protecting national security and interests, in addition to participating in building a truly regular, elite and modern People's Public Security force, imbuing and implementing the Six Articles of Uncle Ho Teaching CAND is extremely important and necessary. The six things Uncle Ho taught are the guideline for all activities, the ethical standards, lifestyle, goals of striving, training, action guidelines, and working measures of generations of police officers; is the source and motivation that motivates the entire People's Public Security force to strive, overcome all difficulties and challenges, and successfully complete assigned tasks. To achieve the above goal, in the coming time, the People's Public Security force will continue to focus on well implementing the following contents:
Firstly, ensuring absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the Party, unified management State authority over the People's Public Security force. The People's Public Security force is always absolutely loyal to the Party and the Government, worthy of being the "protective sword" of the Party, the force that protects the Party, the State and the People, and protects the socialist regime, so , no matter the circumstances, we must be steadfast in the principle of the Communist Party of Vietnam's absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the armed forces in general and the People's Public Security forces in particular. The People's Public Security Force must be built to be politically strong, serving as a basis for improving comprehensive strength and combat power to meet the requirements and tasks of protecting national security and ensuring social order and safety in the new era. Continue to be exemplary, take the lead, and thoroughly grasp the serious and effective implementation of the Party's guidelines and State's legal policies on protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety and building the People's Public Security force as follows: Resolution 13th Party Congress, Resolution No. 28-NQ/TW, October 25, 2013 of the Eighth Conference of the 11th Central Executive Committee on "Strategy to protect the Fatherland in the new situation", Resolution No. 51-NQ/TW, dated September 5, 2019 of the Politburo on "Strategy for protecting national security";... In particular, it is necessary to effectively implement Resolution No. 12-NQ/TW of the Politburo policy on "Promoting the building of a truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern People's Public Security force that meets the requirements and tasks in the new situation". This is a decisive task, the foundation for building a People's Public Security force that is truly a sharp tool to protect the Party, the State, the socialist regime, and the People. 

Second, strengthen political and ideological work, promote studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style associated with the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security. Every police officer must regularly cultivate, "self-reflect, self-correct", train themselves to be "diligent, frugal, honest, righteous, public-minded, impartial", truly pure, steadfast, and not fall. , “degeneration, metamorphosis”; Do not be tempted by benefits or fame; Do not take advantage of your position to violate the law, causing damage to the common interests of the Party, the State and the legitimate interests of the People. For comrades and teammates, there must be a spirit of solidarity, love, sincerity, and help in life, work, and combat; Build and maintain internal solidarity, focus on protecting prestige, preserving the honor and good traditions of the People's Public Security force. Focus on building a team of officials with strong political courage, strictly comply with work discipline, and maintain the regularity of the force; The team of leaders and commanders has enough qualities, qualifications, capacity, prestige, and is on par with their tasks. Party committees, leaders, and commanders of the Police at all levels, especially the heads, continue to promote their leadership role, exemplary spirit, integrity, and purity in combat, work, and activities so that civil servants can learn. , follow.

Third, continue to promote the core role of the Police force, proactively grasp the situation, research, evaluate strategic forecasts, regularly be aware of opportunities and risks for security and order, and proactively Advise the Party and State on guidelines, policies, laws, solutions, and "resolute and clever" and effective responses to traditional and non-traditional security threats systematically, not to be "passive and surprised in any situation". Organize the fight against crime with the motto "take prevention as important; Closely combine prevention with determination to attack, hit hard, hit, hit right, hit at the root of all types of crimes" in the spirit of "positive, urgent, effective"; ensure progress and improve the quality of investigation and handling of crimes, especially cases and cases under the Central Steering Committee on anti-corruption and negative monitoring and direction. Focus on repelling, preventing and reducing all types of crime, gradually building an orderly, disciplined, safe and healthy society.

Fourth, each police officer needs to work with a high sense of responsibility, self-awareness, volunteering, wholeheartedly, with all his might, wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly, and devoted to his work in order to contribute to improving effectiveness and efficiency. state management of security and order with the goal of "taking people and businesses as the center"; Promote administrative reform and application of science and technology in police work. Ensuring the progress of tasks and the effectiveness of solutions to apply and exploit the National Database on population, citizen identification, and utilities of the Government's Project 06; Advise on building the National Data Center. Continue to synchronously deploy solutions to ensure traffic order and safety, curb accidents and traffic congestion. Improve the effectiveness of fire and explosion prevention and rescue; Synchronously deploy measures to control fires and explosions, reduce large fires and explosions; Proactively use forces, means, plans and conditions to promptly respond to fires, explosions, incidents and accidents, minimizing damage to people and property. Do a good job of managing, educating, and reforming prisoners, reducing the risk of recidivism after serving prison sentences.

Fifth, focus on building close relationships with the people, relying on the people, building and strongly promoting the "people's heart posture", always promoting the spirit of "respect, politeness", for peace. peace and happiness of the People. This is a strategic, long-term, sustainable solution to mobilize the strength of the entire political system and the entire population to participate in building a movement of all people to protect national security and ensure security and order. The People's Public Security force, especially the grassroots police force, must adjust, improve, and innovate working methods to create favorable conditions for the people; Always be aware and act with concern and care for the People, regularly carry out the movement "Gratefulness and gratitude", organize many charity and social security activities. Leaders and commanders of the Police at all levels must innovate the mechanism, content, form and methods of building and consolidating people's security and a solid people's security posture; regularly listen to people's opinions, have a mechanism to inspect, supervise and evaluate the spirit and attitude of serving the people of public servants. 

During the past 75 years, our beloved Uncle Ho's six teachings on "Being a Revolutionary Policeman" have remained valid and are always deeply topical, especially at the present time, when the entire Party, Our entire people and army are fiercely implementing Resolution 4 of the 4th Central Committee, term XIII on building and rectifying the Party; Study and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style. Studying and implementing the Six Things Uncle Ho taught is always one of the most comprehensive, vibrant, and effective emulation movements, most closely linked to the patriotic emulation movement, and is a vivid and concrete expression. the unity of studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style in the People's Public Security Forces. Promoting the glorious heroic tradition, absolute loyalty to the Party, the Fatherland, and dedication to the People, the People's Public Security force continues to study and seriously grasp the Six Things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security Forces, practice and maintain. political bravery, revolutionary qualities, "knowing only that as long as the Party is concerned, there is only me", always considering "honor as the most sacred and noble thing"; build a beautiful image of the revolutionary policeman "for the country, forget yourself - serve the people" in the hearts of the people and international friends; contributing to effectively serving the cause of building, protecting and developing socialist Vietnam./. 

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