Approving the joint statement of the Annual Conference of Ministers of Public Security and Home Affairs of the three countries of Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam

16:28 - 14/06/2024

After an urgent, positive and responsible working session, the 1st Annual Conference of Ministers of Public Security and Home Affairs of the three countries Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam took place in Da Nang city on the morning of March 29/ 2024 has been a great success.

Minister To Lam with Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Security of Laos and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs of Cambodia
Co-chaired by General To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Minister of Public Security of Vietnam; General Vi-lay La-ham-phong, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Security of Laos and Mr. Sar Sokha, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs of Cambodia, the Conference reached a consensus through the contents in The joint statement includes 8 points. 
Accordingly, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Interior of the three countries of Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam agreed to cooperate and coordinate closely to defeat all plots and activities to sabotage and divide the traditional neighborly relationship. good between 03 countries. Resolutely not let any individual or organization take advantage of the territory of one country to harm the other; coordinate to effectively fight against criminal activities, especially drug crimes, human trafficking, terrorism, crimes using high technology, smuggling, trade fraud...
Assign the police of provinces sharing borders with the three countries to maintain regular and unscheduled briefings to exchange information, share experiences and coordinate to promptly resolve border incidents. , not to affect the traditional neighborly friendship and comprehensive, strategic cooperation between the three countries.
Minister To Lam spoke at the Conference.
Assign functional units of the 03 Ministries of Public Security, Home Affairs of 03 countries and functional forces of provinces sharing a common border to research and agree on measures to create favorable conditions for people of 03 countries to cross the border Visit relatives, study, do business, travel...
Agree to strengthen cooperation in propaganda and mobilization of the masses to raise awareness, respect and strictly implement border regulations; The customs and laws of each country aim to minimize incidents occurring in border areas such as free migration, illegal marriage, and illegal immigration.
Determined to coordinate to ensure security and order in border areas and the CLV Development Triangle area; ensure safety for construction investment projects and socio-economic development; create favorable conditions for people, vehicles and transport to transit within its territory.
The Parties regularly exchange investment and economic activities in border areas, coordinate to ensure security and safety for activities in the above areas; regularly exchange information about the situation of citizens of one country violating the laws of the other country.
Delegations of the Ministry of Public Security and Home Affairs of 03 countries attended the conference.
Commit to being ready to support and help each other in international and regional forums for the common interests of the three countries and each country's own interests.
Agree to alternately organize the annual Conference of Ministers of Public Security and Home Affairs of Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam every year and organize an exchange activity between the police and internal affairs forces of the three countries within the framework of the Conference. The 2nd conference (2025) will be held in Cambodia. Specific time and location will be announced later by the Cambodian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Delegations of the Ministry of Public Security and Home Affairs of three countries took souvenir photos at the Conference.
Some results of cooperation between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, the Ministry of Public Security of Laos and the Ministry of Home Affairs of Cambodia recently:
Cooperation between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, the Ministry of Home Affairs of Cambodia and the Ministry of Public Security of Laos has been consolidated and enhanced in both breadth and depth, bringing practical results, making an important contribution to maintaining national security and order. social security, effectively serving the integration and socio-economic development of each country.
Every year, senior leaders of 03 Ministries regularly meet bilaterally both inside and outside the plan, increasing contact at international and regional forums; Exchange information of mutual interest to each other, give each other support and assistance, and promptly coordinate to effectively resolve requests at the request of each Party. 
In the field of national security protection: The functional forces of the 03 Ministries always maintain close cooperation in exchanging information and sharing work experiences; Coordinate the implementation of professional plans to fight and prevent plots and destructive activities of hostile forces, reactionary forces, and plots to divide the traditional solidarity and friendship between the two countries. people of 03 countries.
In the field of ensuring social order and safety: Police forces and other law enforcement forces of the three countries have implemented comprehensive cooperation in many areas such as: Exchange of transnational crime information , especially drug crimes, human trafficking crimes, crimes using high technology...; Coordinate investigation, verification, arrest, and transfer of law violators in this country to another country... 
Cooperation in training, improving staff capacity, exchanging research teams, and learning from experience is increasingly emphasized, promptly meeting work requirements and improving combat capacity for the three countries' police forces. .    
Cooperation between the police of bordering provinces and sister provinces and cities has seen many clear and positive changes: On the basis of agreements between bordering local police and neighboring provinces and cities. Sister cities, the Parties have done a good job in exchanging situations and coordinating to promptly resolve cases related to security and order in border areas, without affecting traditional friendly relations. and comprehensive cooperation between the three countries; create favorable conditions for investment activities, transportation, tourism, immigration... to actively serve socio-economic development and improve people's lives in border areas; coordinate to effectively prevent plots and activities of hostile forces, defeat propaganda activities, and mobilize ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands and Northwest regions of Vietnam to flee to Cambodia , Laos and vice versa to cause political instability and social order; coordinate to fight all types of crimes, especially transnational organized crimes such as drug crimes, human trafficking crimes, and crimes using high technology, achieving many encouraging results, ensuring legal regulations of each country and current international treaties. 
The annual conference of Ministers of Public Security, Ministry of Home Affairs of Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam aims to strengthen and deepen cooperation between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam with the Ministry of Home Affairs of Cambodia and the Ministry of Public Security of Laos, contributing An important part of maintaining national security and social order and safety, effectively serving the integration and socio-economic development of each country.
Doan Hung - Lan Anh

Approving the joint statement of the Annual Conference of Ministers of Public Security and Home Affairs of the three countries of Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam

16:28 - 14/06/2024

After an urgent, positive and responsible working session, the 1st Annual Conference of Ministers of Public Security and Home Affairs of the three countries Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam took place in Da Nang city on the morning of March 29/ 2024 has been a great success.

Minister To Lam with Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Security of Laos and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs of Cambodia
Co-chaired by General To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Minister of Public Security of Vietnam; General Vi-lay La-ham-phong, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Security of Laos and Mr. Sar Sokha, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs of Cambodia, the Conference reached a consensus through the contents in The joint statement includes 8 points. 
Accordingly, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Interior of the three countries of Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam agreed to cooperate and coordinate closely to defeat all plots and activities to sabotage and divide the traditional neighborly relationship. good between 03 countries. Resolutely not let any individual or organization take advantage of the territory of one country to harm the other; coordinate to effectively fight against criminal activities, especially drug crimes, human trafficking, terrorism, crimes using high technology, smuggling, trade fraud...
Assign the police of provinces sharing borders with the three countries to maintain regular and unscheduled briefings to exchange information, share experiences and coordinate to promptly resolve border incidents. , not to affect the traditional neighborly friendship and comprehensive, strategic cooperation between the three countries.
Minister To Lam spoke at the Conference.
Assign functional units of the 03 Ministries of Public Security, Home Affairs of 03 countries and functional forces of provinces sharing a common border to research and agree on measures to create favorable conditions for people of 03 countries to cross the border Visit relatives, study, do business, travel...
Agree to strengthen cooperation in propaganda and mobilization of the masses to raise awareness, respect and strictly implement border regulations; The customs and laws of each country aim to minimize incidents occurring in border areas such as free migration, illegal marriage, and illegal immigration.
Determined to coordinate to ensure security and order in border areas and the CLV Development Triangle area; ensure safety for construction investment projects and socio-economic development; create favorable conditions for people, vehicles and transport to transit within its territory.
The Parties regularly exchange investment and economic activities in border areas, coordinate to ensure security and safety for activities in the above areas; regularly exchange information about the situation of citizens of one country violating the laws of the other country.
Delegations of the Ministry of Public Security and Home Affairs of 03 countries attended the conference.
Commit to being ready to support and help each other in international and regional forums for the common interests of the three countries and each country's own interests.
Agree to alternately organize the annual Conference of Ministers of Public Security and Home Affairs of Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam every year and organize an exchange activity between the police and internal affairs forces of the three countries within the framework of the Conference. The 2nd conference (2025) will be held in Cambodia. Specific time and location will be announced later by the Cambodian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Delegations of the Ministry of Public Security and Home Affairs of three countries took souvenir photos at the Conference.
Some results of cooperation between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, the Ministry of Public Security of Laos and the Ministry of Home Affairs of Cambodia recently:
Cooperation between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, the Ministry of Home Affairs of Cambodia and the Ministry of Public Security of Laos has been consolidated and enhanced in both breadth and depth, bringing practical results, making an important contribution to maintaining national security and order. social security, effectively serving the integration and socio-economic development of each country.
Every year, senior leaders of 03 Ministries regularly meet bilaterally both inside and outside the plan, increasing contact at international and regional forums; Exchange information of mutual interest to each other, give each other support and assistance, and promptly coordinate to effectively resolve requests at the request of each Party. 
In the field of national security protection: The functional forces of the 03 Ministries always maintain close cooperation in exchanging information and sharing work experiences; Coordinate the implementation of professional plans to fight and prevent plots and destructive activities of hostile forces, reactionary forces, and plots to divide the traditional solidarity and friendship between the two countries. people of 03 countries.
In the field of ensuring social order and safety: Police forces and other law enforcement forces of the three countries have implemented comprehensive cooperation in many areas such as: Exchange of transnational crime information , especially drug crimes, human trafficking crimes, crimes using high technology...; Coordinate investigation, verification, arrest, and transfer of law violators in this country to another country... 
Cooperation in training, improving staff capacity, exchanging research teams, and learning from experience is increasingly emphasized, promptly meeting work requirements and improving combat capacity for the three countries' police forces. .    
Cooperation between the police of bordering provinces and sister provinces and cities has seen many clear and positive changes: On the basis of agreements between bordering local police and neighboring provinces and cities. Sister cities, the Parties have done a good job in exchanging situations and coordinating to promptly resolve cases related to security and order in border areas, without affecting traditional friendly relations. and comprehensive cooperation between the three countries; create favorable conditions for investment activities, transportation, tourism, immigration... to actively serve socio-economic development and improve people's lives in border areas; coordinate to effectively prevent plots and activities of hostile forces, defeat propaganda activities, and mobilize ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands and Northwest regions of Vietnam to flee to Cambodia , Laos and vice versa to cause political instability and social order; coordinate to fight all types of crimes, especially transnational organized crimes such as drug crimes, human trafficking crimes, and crimes using high technology, achieving many encouraging results, ensuring legal regulations of each country and current international treaties. 
The annual conference of Ministers of Public Security, Ministry of Home Affairs of Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam aims to strengthen and deepen cooperation between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam with the Ministry of Home Affairs of Cambodia and the Ministry of Public Security of Laos, contributing An important part of maintaining national security and social order and safety, effectively serving the integration and socio-economic development of each country.
Doan Hung - Lan Anh