Adding many support regimes for victims of human trafficking

16:28 - 14/06/2024

On the morning of April 1, at the Law Development Session, the National Assembly Standing Committee (UBTVQH) gave opinions on the draft Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking (amended). General To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Minister of Public Security attended and spoke at the meeting.

Amending and supplementing 52 articles, building 9 new articles, removing 1 article.

Authorized by the Prime Minister to present the Proposal on the law project, Minister To Lam said that the Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking was approved by the National Assembly. Session XII passed on March 29, 2011, effective from January 1, 2012. Through the implementation process, many positive results have been achieved.

However, after 12 years of implementing the law, there has been a necessary requirement to amend and supplement this law to institutionalize the Party's viewpoint on human trafficking prevention and combat; ensure the consistency of the legal system and compatibility with international treaties; Resolve existing problems, difficulties, obstacles, and inadequacies in the process of implementing the law, meeting practical requirements of human trafficking prevention and combat today and in the future.

Minister To Lam presented the report at the meeting.

The amendment to the Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking aims to perfect the law on prevention and combat of human trafficking, creating unified and complete awareness of human trafficking prevention and combat in the coming time; Enhance the responsibility of individuals, families, agencies, organizations and the entire society in preventing and combating human trafficking, contributing to stabilizing the situation of security and social safety; Improve the effectiveness of State management on human trafficking prevention and combat.

Regarding the viewpoint of directing the development of the law project, the Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking (amended) continues to institutionalize the Party's viewpoint on the prevention and combat of human trafficking; concretize the provisions of the 2013 Constitution on human rights, basic rights and obligations of citizens, ensuring consistency and synchronization with other relevant legal documents. Selectively refer to legislative and practical experience in preventing and combating human trafficking from a number of countries around the world in accordance with Vietnam's practical conditions...

Also according to Minister To Lam, the project application The law has been developed by the Ministry of Public Security in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents. The draft Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking (amended) includes 8 chapters and 66 articles. Compared to the 2011 Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking, the draft law maintains the same number of chapters, amends and supplements 52 articles, builds 9 new articles, and removes 1 article.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Khac Dinh moderated the discussion.

Improving support regimes for victims of human trafficking

Specifically, the draft law adds regulations on the concept of "human trafficking"; Amend and supplement regulations on bases for identifying victims and regulations on sources of documents and evidence to identify victims and a number of other bases to identify victims.

"This amendment and supplement is intended to create consistency in the provisions of law, in accordance with the Protocol on preventing, punishing and suppressing trafficking in persons, especially women and children ( Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Organized Crime and Transnational Crime), the ASEAN Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, and other relevant international treaties relating to which Vietnam is a member; ensuring compliance with the provisions of the 2015 Penal Code (amended and supplemented in 2017)" - Minister To Lam explained.

The draft law also adds regulations on the concept of "persons who are in the process of being identified as victims" and adds regulations on support and protection regimes for people who are in the process of being identified as victims; including: Support for essential needs and travel expenses; medical support; psychological support; legal aid; Support interpreter costs during the victim identification process. Recent practice shows that this is a group of people in dire need of support and protection; The addition of these regulations is to meet practical requirements, creating a legal basis for the authorities when receiving these subjects to implement regimes to support essential needs (food, clothing, shelter). , medical care, psychological stabilization...) for them.

Delegates attended the meeting.

The draft law adds regulations to improve support for victims compared to the provisions of current law; including: All victims who wish to return to their place of residence will be supported with travel and food expenses to return to their place of residence; Consider supporting medical examination and treatment costs; receive support for psychological stability; all victims receive legal aid; When returning to the place of residence, vocational training support will be considered, creating conditions for finding a job and stabilizing life; All victims receive one-time initial hardship allowance; If there is a need to borrow capital for production and business, loans will be considered at the Bank for Social Policies according to preferential credit policies; receive support for interpretation costs during their stay at a social assistance facility or victim support facility.

"This amendment and supplement is intended to ensure and protect human rights and victims' rights, in accordance with the socio-economic conditions of Vietnam today and in the coming time," Minister To Lam emphasized. stronger.

Along with that, the draft law also adds other contents to comply with the provisions of the 2013 Constitution and related laws; in accordance with international treaties to which Vietnam is a member; consistent with the current practice of preventing and combating human trafficking and meeting the requirements of this work in the coming time...

Thanh Luan - Quynh Vinh

Adding many support regimes for victims of human trafficking

16:28 - 14/06/2024

On the morning of April 1, at the Law Development Session, the National Assembly Standing Committee (UBTVQH) gave opinions on the draft Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking (amended). General To Lam, Member of the Politburo, Minister of Public Security attended and spoke at the meeting.

Amending and supplementing 52 articles, building 9 new articles, removing 1 article.

Authorized by the Prime Minister to present the Proposal on the law project, Minister To Lam said that the Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking was approved by the National Assembly. Session XII passed on March 29, 2011, effective from January 1, 2012. Through the implementation process, many positive results have been achieved.

However, after 12 years of implementing the law, there has been a necessary requirement to amend and supplement this law to institutionalize the Party's viewpoint on human trafficking prevention and combat; ensure the consistency of the legal system and compatibility with international treaties; Resolve existing problems, difficulties, obstacles, and inadequacies in the process of implementing the law, meeting practical requirements of human trafficking prevention and combat today and in the future.

Minister To Lam presented the report at the meeting.

The amendment to the Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking aims to perfect the law on prevention and combat of human trafficking, creating unified and complete awareness of human trafficking prevention and combat in the coming time; Enhance the responsibility of individuals, families, agencies, organizations and the entire society in preventing and combating human trafficking, contributing to stabilizing the situation of security and social safety; Improve the effectiveness of State management on human trafficking prevention and combat.

Regarding the viewpoint of directing the development of the law project, the Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking (amended) continues to institutionalize the Party's viewpoint on the prevention and combat of human trafficking; concretize the provisions of the 2013 Constitution on human rights, basic rights and obligations of citizens, ensuring consistency and synchronization with other relevant legal documents. Selectively refer to legislative and practical experience in preventing and combating human trafficking from a number of countries around the world in accordance with Vietnam's practical conditions...

Also according to Minister To Lam, the project application The law has been developed by the Ministry of Public Security in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents. The draft Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking (amended) includes 8 chapters and 66 articles. Compared to the 2011 Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking, the draft law maintains the same number of chapters, amends and supplements 52 articles, builds 9 new articles, and removes 1 article.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Khac Dinh moderated the discussion.

Improving support regimes for victims of human trafficking

Specifically, the draft law adds regulations on the concept of "human trafficking"; Amend and supplement regulations on bases for identifying victims and regulations on sources of documents and evidence to identify victims and a number of other bases to identify victims.

"This amendment and supplement is intended to create consistency in the provisions of law, in accordance with the Protocol on preventing, punishing and suppressing trafficking in persons, especially women and children ( Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Organized Crime and Transnational Crime), the ASEAN Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, and other relevant international treaties relating to which Vietnam is a member; ensuring compliance with the provisions of the 2015 Penal Code (amended and supplemented in 2017)" - Minister To Lam explained.

The draft law also adds regulations on the concept of "persons who are in the process of being identified as victims" and adds regulations on support and protection regimes for people who are in the process of being identified as victims; including: Support for essential needs and travel expenses; medical support; psychological support; legal aid; Support interpreter costs during the victim identification process. Recent practice shows that this is a group of people in dire need of support and protection; The addition of these regulations is to meet practical requirements, creating a legal basis for the authorities when receiving these subjects to implement regimes to support essential needs (food, clothing, shelter). , medical care, psychological stabilization...) for them.

Delegates attended the meeting.

The draft law adds regulations to improve support for victims compared to the provisions of current law; including: All victims who wish to return to their place of residence will be supported with travel and food expenses to return to their place of residence; Consider supporting medical examination and treatment costs; receive support for psychological stability; all victims receive legal aid; When returning to the place of residence, vocational training support will be considered, creating conditions for finding a job and stabilizing life; All victims receive one-time initial hardship allowance; If there is a need to borrow capital for production and business, loans will be considered at the Bank for Social Policies according to preferential credit policies; receive support for interpretation costs during their stay at a social assistance facility or victim support facility.

"This amendment and supplement is intended to ensure and protect human rights and victims' rights, in accordance with the socio-economic conditions of Vietnam today and in the coming time," Minister To Lam emphasized. stronger.

Along with that, the draft law also adds other contents to comply with the provisions of the 2013 Constitution and related laws; in accordance with international treaties to which Vietnam is a member; consistent with the current practice of preventing and combating human trafficking and meeting the requirements of this work in the coming time...

Thanh Luan - Quynh Vinh