
Every afternoon, from the small house located in Minh Thanh village (Ha Giang commune, Dong Hung district, Thai Binh province), the sounds of teacher Hoang Thi Diu reading lessons and tapping the blackboard can be heard. The image of the diligent girl in a wheelchair has been engraved in the minds of many students here and has become an example of extraordinary strength, overcoming adversity to create good values.

As the youngest child in a family of 5 siblings, her parents were attached to the fields all year round. She thought she would live a peaceful life, but events happened one after another to Hoang Thi Diu. At the age of 18, at the most beautiful age for a girl, Diu realized that her body was not like other girls. She went to the doctor and found out she had Kallman syndrome, a rare disease in the world that causes women to be born without a uterus or ovaries, losing their role as mothers.

Hiding her sadness deep in her heart, Ms. Diu continued to diligently work as a janitor at Dong Hung General Hospital for 10 years to help her parents make ends meet. At the age of 27, disaster once again struck her life. She discovered that she had osteoporosis. From a healthy and healthy girl, she can no longer walk with her legs, and for the rest of her life she must be accompanied by a wheelchair.