Vietnam - UK strengthen cooperation in preventing crimes of human trafficking and smuggling of migrants

09:25 - 30/05/2024

On the afternoon of April 15, 2024, in Hanoi, General To Lam, Minister of Public Security, had a phone call with British Minister of Home Affairs James Cleverly to discuss cooperation between the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and the British Ministry of Home Affairs. next time.

At the phone call, Minister To Lam emphasized that the Vietnamese Government always attaches importance to developing relations with the UK. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the relationship between the two countries has developed positively, comprehensively and increasingly deepened. Through delegation exchanges, high-level contacts and cooperation mechanisms, the two countries have actively promoted practical and effective cooperation in the fields of politics, diplomacy, economics, security, defense, science - technology, culture and education, local connection.

In the field of law enforcement, the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the British Ministry of Home Affairs have been cooperating closely in fighting and preventing crime. A number of areas of cooperation are increasingly deepening, becoming the focus of law enforcement cooperation between the two countries, including: cooperation on migration issues, immigration management, crime prevention and control. human trafficking and illegal migration... The two sides regularly exchange information and effectively implement the "Memorandum of Understanding on migration issues between the Government of Vietnam and the British Government"; “Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in preventing and combating human trafficking crimes”…

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Minister To Lam has a phone call with British Home Affairs Minister James Cleverly.

In order to improve the cooperative relationship between the two Ministries, during the phone call, the two Ministers agreed on a number of cooperation contents such as: The two Parties continue to implement signed cooperation documents, especially the Memorandum of Understanding. Remember to cooperate on preventing and combating human trafficking, Memorandum of Understanding on sharing immigration information, Memorandum of Understanding on migration issues; Maintain and deploy delegation exchange activities at all levels to exchange information and share experiences in preventing and combating human trafficking and smuggling of illegal migrants. 

Minister To Lam said that the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security supports and commits to cooperate with the British side in preventing and combating human trafficking and illegal migration, and is ready to coordinate and exchange experiences with enforcement agencies. British law enforcement in the fight against criminal organizations.

Vietnam reaffirms that there are no victims of human trafficking directly from Vietnam to the UK, Vietnamese citizens are victims of organized crime in Europe.

During the phone call, the two Ministers also agreed on a number of contents to strengthen cooperation in the coming time such as coordinating to implement propaganda projects, disseminating laws, community communication on safe migration and prevent and combat illegal migration; Strengthen the organization of training courses and workshops to improve technical and foreign language capacity to serve the work of controlling entry and exit, preventing and combating illegal migration, and sharing experiences in preventing and combating illegal migration. human trafficking; Strengthen cooperation in fighting crimes using technology, property appropriation fraud, financial and banking crimes, money laundering.../.

Hoang Thanh

Vietnam - UK strengthen cooperation in preventing crimes of human trafficking and smuggling of migrants

09:25 - 30/05/2024

On the afternoon of April 15, 2024, in Hanoi, General To Lam, Minister of Public Security, had a phone call with British Minister of Home Affairs James Cleverly to discuss cooperation between the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and the British Ministry of Home Affairs. next time.

At the phone call, Minister To Lam emphasized that the Vietnamese Government always attaches importance to developing relations with the UK. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the relationship between the two countries has developed positively, comprehensively and increasingly deepened. Through delegation exchanges, high-level contacts and cooperation mechanisms, the two countries have actively promoted practical and effective cooperation in the fields of politics, diplomacy, economics, security, defense, science - technology, culture and education, local connection.

In the field of law enforcement, the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the British Ministry of Home Affairs have been cooperating closely in fighting and preventing crime. A number of areas of cooperation are increasingly deepening, becoming the focus of law enforcement cooperation between the two countries, including: cooperation on migration issues, immigration management, crime prevention and control. human trafficking and illegal migration... The two sides regularly exchange information and effectively implement the "Memorandum of Understanding on migration issues between the Government of Vietnam and the British Government"; “Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in preventing and combating human trafficking crimes”…

Img 8915
Minister To Lam has a phone call with British Home Affairs Minister James Cleverly.

In order to improve the cooperative relationship between the two Ministries, during the phone call, the two Ministers agreed on a number of cooperation contents such as: The two Parties continue to implement signed cooperation documents, especially the Memorandum of Understanding. Remember to cooperate on preventing and combating human trafficking, Memorandum of Understanding on sharing immigration information, Memorandum of Understanding on migration issues; Maintain and deploy delegation exchange activities at all levels to exchange information and share experiences in preventing and combating human trafficking and smuggling of illegal migrants. 

Minister To Lam said that the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security supports and commits to cooperate with the British side in preventing and combating human trafficking and illegal migration, and is ready to coordinate and exchange experiences with enforcement agencies. British law enforcement in the fight against criminal organizations.

Vietnam reaffirms that there are no victims of human trafficking directly from Vietnam to the UK, Vietnamese citizens are victims of organized crime in Europe.

During the phone call, the two Ministers also agreed on a number of contents to strengthen cooperation in the coming time such as coordinating to implement propaganda projects, disseminating laws, community communication on safe migration and prevent and combat illegal migration; Strengthen the organization of training courses and workshops to improve technical and foreign language capacity to serve the work of controlling entry and exit, preventing and combating illegal migration, and sharing experiences in preventing and combating illegal migration. human trafficking; Strengthen cooperation in fighting crimes using technology, property appropriation fraud, financial and banking crimes, money laundering.../.

Hoang Thanh