Strengthen urgent measures to prevent and fight forest fires

09:24 - 30/05/2024

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang has just signed Official Telegram 31/CD-TTg dated April 4, 2024 of the Prime Minister on proactively and strengthening urgent measures for forest fire prevention and fighting.

The dispatch stated:

Currently, heat conditions are becoming complicated and unusual in the Southern provinces, the Central Highlands, and some Northern provinces. Many forests are at level IV and V forest fire warning levels ( dangerous level, extremely dangerous level). Recently, there have been continuous forest fires in the provinces: Lao Cai, Son La, Yen Bai, Khanh Hoa, Dak Nong, Lam Dong, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Kien Giang,...

Strengthen urgent measures to prevent and fight forest fires.

According to forecasts of the National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasting, due to the impact of climate change and the influence of the El Nino phenomenon, in 2024 severe heat will occur in many localities, with higher temperatures. 2023. Heat accompanied by a lack of rainfall makes the risk of forest fires in many places very high, causing damage to forests and the environment, affecting the health, property, lives and lives of people. people. To proactively prevent forest fires and minimize damage caused by forest fires, the Prime Minister requires:

1. Chairman of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities is responsible for forest fire prevention and fighting in the area, and urgently directs the implementation of the following key and urgent tasks:

- Request the People's Committees at all levels and functional agencies to: strictly carry out management responsibilities for forest fire prevention and fighting, strengthen inspection and supervision of forest fire prevention and fighting, consider this a key task, Absolutely do not be subjective, negligent, or lose vigilance. Have specific and detailed plans and arrange permanent forces at checkpoints and stations to strictly control people entering and leaving forest areas with high fire risk; Review and make a list of forests at high risk of fire, especially focusing on forests in the North affected by the recent severe and harmful cold, creating a large layer of burning material in the forest. Organize on-duty duty and assign 24-hour duty forces in areas with forest fire risk warning levels of level III or higher; Strengthen patrolling, guarding, early detection of forest fires and ensure on-duty forces, ready to mobilize on-site forces to handle forest fires immediately. Arrange facilities, materials, and funds to well implement the "four on the spot" motto. Proactively arrange local reserve funds and other legal capital sources to ensure good implementation of forest fire prevention and fighting work. Have a ready and proactive plan to move people out of dangerous areas when necessary, ensuring the safety of life and property of the people and the state.

- Organize and effectively implement the Project to improve the capacity of forest rangers in forest management, protection and forest fire prevention in the period 2021 - 2030 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 177/QD -TTg February 10, 2022, promptly report difficulties and problems to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for synthesis, consideration and resolution according to authority and provisions of law.

- Strengthen propaganda and education to raise awareness and responsibility in forest fire prevention and fighting; Inspect, urge and guide people to control the use of fire in and near forests, especially slash-and-burn activities; Immediately stop using fire to treat vegetation and other fire practices that have the risk of causing forest fires during peak periods of high forest fire risk.

- Monitor information on forecasts, warnings of heat stress, forest fire risk and early detection of forest fires (Website of the Forest Protection Department:, Website of the National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasting Gia:; Information and immediate reporting of forest fires to the Forest Protection Department at phone number: 098 666 8 333; E-mail:, ensuring the provision of complete, accurate and timely information to coordinate, direct and mobilize forest fire fighting forces in case of necessity.

2. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for directing and organizing forest fire prevention and fighting nationwide, including urgently directing the implementation of the following key and urgent tasks:

- Organize close monitoring of weather developments, especially key areas at high risk of forest fires, providing information to localities to proactively implement forest fire prevention and control plans; Maintain, forecast, warn, and warn of forest fire risks for timely information on the media.

- Strengthen direction and inspection of forest fire prevention and fighting in localities, especially in key areas of forest fires; ready to support localities with firefighting forces, equipment, fire location information, and command when a large forest fire occurs; Promote the application of high technology in forecasting, warning of forest fire risks and early detection of forest fires; Maintain a permanent regime of forest fire prevention and fighting according to regulations.

- Develop a national forest fire prevention plan, to be ready to support localities with firefighting forces, equipment, fire point information, and command work when forest fires occur. Summarize the need for urgent financial support for forest fire prevention and forest protection from development investment sources of ministries, branches and localities, send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis, and submit it to competent authorities for decision. to contribute to improving the quality and efficiency of forest fire prevention and fighting.

3. The Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises direct the electricity industry and Vietnam Electricity to preside and coordinate with local authorities and relevant agencies to ensure absolute safety. of the national electricity system, avoiding incidents in transmission and supply of electricity to serve production and people's lives.

4. The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security review and proactively support plans to fight forest fires in the areas where military units are stationed, ready to mobilize forces and means to participate in fighting forest fires when required.

5. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment ensures the quality of forecasting, promptly providing information on weather and extreme weather phenomena to relevant agencies and people, serving forest fire prevention and fighting. .

6. The Ministry of Planning and Investment presides and coordinates with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance to synthesize the urgent need for forest fire prevention and fighting funding in 2024 according to Decision No. 177/QD-TTg dated February 10, 2022 of the Prime Minister, reporting to competent authorities for consideration and decision.

7. Ministry of Information and Communications, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television, Vietnam News Agency and other media agencies continue to do well in information and communication on forest protection and forest fire prevention. ; promptly provide information on forest fire warnings and forecasts.

8. Other ministries and branches proactively direct, coordinate and support localities in implementing forest fire prevention and fighting according to assigned state management functions.

People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities; Ministries: Agriculture and Rural Development, National Defense, Public Security, Planning and Investment, Finance, Industry and Trade, Natural Resources and Environment, Information and Communications; The Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises, the Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television, Vietnam News Agency, Vietnam Electricity Group and relevant agencies strictly implement the content of this Official Letter. ./.

Editorial board

Strengthen urgent measures to prevent and fight forest fires

09:24 - 30/05/2024

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang has just signed Official Telegram 31/CD-TTg dated April 4, 2024 of the Prime Minister on proactively and strengthening urgent measures for forest fire prevention and fighting.

The dispatch stated:

Currently, heat conditions are becoming complicated and unusual in the Southern provinces, the Central Highlands, and some Northern provinces. Many forests are at level IV and V forest fire warning levels ( dangerous level, extremely dangerous level). Recently, there have been continuous forest fires in the provinces: Lao Cai, Son La, Yen Bai, Khanh Hoa, Dak Nong, Lam Dong, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Kien Giang,...

Strengthen urgent measures to prevent and fight forest fires.

According to forecasts of the National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasting, due to the impact of climate change and the influence of the El Nino phenomenon, in 2024 severe heat will occur in many localities, with higher temperatures. 2023. Heat accompanied by a lack of rainfall makes the risk of forest fires in many places very high, causing damage to forests and the environment, affecting the health, property, lives and lives of people. people. To proactively prevent forest fires and minimize damage caused by forest fires, the Prime Minister requires:

1. Chairman of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities is responsible for forest fire prevention and fighting in the area, and urgently directs the implementation of the following key and urgent tasks:

- Request the People's Committees at all levels and functional agencies to: strictly carry out management responsibilities for forest fire prevention and fighting, strengthen inspection and supervision of forest fire prevention and fighting, consider this a key task, Absolutely do not be subjective, negligent, or lose vigilance. Have specific and detailed plans and arrange permanent forces at checkpoints and stations to strictly control people entering and leaving forest areas with high fire risk; Review and make a list of forests at high risk of fire, especially focusing on forests in the North affected by the recent severe and harmful cold, creating a large layer of burning material in the forest. Organize on-duty duty and assign 24-hour duty forces in areas with forest fire risk warning levels of level III or higher; Strengthen patrolling, guarding, early detection of forest fires and ensure on-duty forces, ready to mobilize on-site forces to handle forest fires immediately. Arrange facilities, materials, and funds to well implement the "four on the spot" motto. Proactively arrange local reserve funds and other legal capital sources to ensure good implementation of forest fire prevention and fighting work. Have a ready and proactive plan to move people out of dangerous areas when necessary, ensuring the safety of life and property of the people and the state.

- Organize and effectively implement the Project to improve the capacity of forest rangers in forest management, protection and forest fire prevention in the period 2021 - 2030 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 177/QD -TTg February 10, 2022, promptly report difficulties and problems to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for synthesis, consideration and resolution according to authority and provisions of law.

- Strengthen propaganda and education to raise awareness and responsibility in forest fire prevention and fighting; Inspect, urge and guide people to control the use of fire in and near forests, especially slash-and-burn activities; Immediately stop using fire to treat vegetation and other fire practices that have the risk of causing forest fires during peak periods of high forest fire risk.

- Monitor information on forecasts, warnings of heat stress, forest fire risk and early detection of forest fires (Website of the Forest Protection Department:, Website of the National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasting Gia:; Information and immediate reporting of forest fires to the Forest Protection Department at phone number: 098 666 8 333; E-mail:, ensuring the provision of complete, accurate and timely information to coordinate, direct and mobilize forest fire fighting forces in case of necessity.

2. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for directing and organizing forest fire prevention and fighting nationwide, including urgently directing the implementation of the following key and urgent tasks:

- Organize close monitoring of weather developments, especially key areas at high risk of forest fires, providing information to localities to proactively implement forest fire prevention and control plans; Maintain, forecast, warn, and warn of forest fire risks for timely information on the media.

- Strengthen direction and inspection of forest fire prevention and fighting in localities, especially in key areas of forest fires; ready to support localities with firefighting forces, equipment, fire location information, and command when a large forest fire occurs; Promote the application of high technology in forecasting, warning of forest fire risks and early detection of forest fires; Maintain a permanent regime of forest fire prevention and fighting according to regulations.

- Develop a national forest fire prevention plan, to be ready to support localities with firefighting forces, equipment, fire point information, and command work when forest fires occur. Summarize the need for urgent financial support for forest fire prevention and forest protection from development investment sources of ministries, branches and localities, send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis, and submit it to competent authorities for decision. to contribute to improving the quality and efficiency of forest fire prevention and fighting.

3. The Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises direct the electricity industry and Vietnam Electricity to preside and coordinate with local authorities and relevant agencies to ensure absolute safety. of the national electricity system, avoiding incidents in transmission and supply of electricity to serve production and people's lives.

4. The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security review and proactively support plans to fight forest fires in the areas where military units are stationed, ready to mobilize forces and means to participate in fighting forest fires when required.

5. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment ensures the quality of forecasting, promptly providing information on weather and extreme weather phenomena to relevant agencies and people, serving forest fire prevention and fighting. .

6. The Ministry of Planning and Investment presides and coordinates with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance to synthesize the urgent need for forest fire prevention and fighting funding in 2024 according to Decision No. 177/QD-TTg dated February 10, 2022 of the Prime Minister, reporting to competent authorities for consideration and decision.

7. Ministry of Information and Communications, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television, Vietnam News Agency and other media agencies continue to do well in information and communication on forest protection and forest fire prevention. ; promptly provide information on forest fire warnings and forecasts.

8. Other ministries and branches proactively direct, coordinate and support localities in implementing forest fire prevention and fighting according to assigned state management functions.

People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities; Ministries: Agriculture and Rural Development, National Defense, Public Security, Planning and Investment, Finance, Industry and Trade, Natural Resources and Environment, Information and Communications; The Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises, the Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television, Vietnam News Agency, Vietnam Electricity Group and relevant agencies strictly implement the content of this Official Letter. ./.

Editorial board