Organizing activities to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the People's Public Security Traditional Day and the 20th anniversary of the Festival of All People Protecting National Security

09:25 - 30/05/2024

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just signed Decision No. 280/QD-TTg dated April 4, 2024 approving the Project to organize activities to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Traditional Day of the Vietnam People's Police (August 19, 2024). 1945 - August 19, 2025) and 20 years of the Festival of All People Protecting National Security (August 19, 2005 - August 19, 2025).

According to the Project, organizational activities include: Propaganda, education, emulation and reward activities; cultural, artistic, physical training and sports activities; seminars, discussions, meetings and exchanges; mass mobilization activities, gratitude; foreign affairs activities; activities to ensure security and order and build the People's Public Security force (CAND)...

Organizing activities to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Traditional Day of Vietnam People's Public Security (August 19, 1945 - August 19, 2025) and the 20th anniversary of the Festival of All People Protecting National Security (August 19, 2005 - August 19, 2025). August 2025).

In particular, the Prime Minister requested the Central Propaganda Department to direct relevant agencies to organize commemorative propaganda activities with the theme: "Building a truly clean, strong, and regular People's Public Security Forces." elite and modern"; "Building a posture of people's hearts associated with a solid people's security posture" in central and local media inside and outside the People's Public Security Forces. 

The Ministry of Public Security presides and coordinates with the Ministry of Information and Communications and relevant units to organize the mobilization of artists and intellectuals nationwide to participate in creating and promoting literary, artistic and journalistic works. with the theme "Security with life"; organize thematic exhibitions (on-site, mobile) about the achievements of the People's Public Security force (achievements, victories, weapons, technical equipment, security industry, literature and art, journalism...); Key cultural, artistic, physical training and sports activities to celebrate the event, including the organization of "Festival of All People Protecting National Security" in localities to attract interest and attention the will of the masses towards the cause of protecting security, order and the People's Public Security force.

The Prime Minister also requested the Central Propaganda Department to direct and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, and the National Truth Political Publishing House to organize a national scientific conference. and a number of thematic and specialized seminars; Request the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front to direct and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and relevant units to implement key activities to help people build new rural areas, eliminate hunger and reduce poverty sustainably. , "repaying gratitude", supporting the removal of temporary houses for poor households, especially in localities with historical relics of the People's Public Security and revolutionary bases.

The Ministry of Public Security directs police units and localities to organize meetings, give gifts, and honor representatives of people with meritorious services, relatives of martyrs, and senior police officers through the ages; Meeting with outstanding former police officers on the occasion of the anniversary...

The decision clearly states that organizing activities to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Traditional Day of the People's Public Security of Vietnam and the 20th anniversary of the Festival of All People Protecting National Security must be comprehensive, extensive, and close to the functions and tasks of the People's Public Security Forces and other agencies. Central and local departments, ministries, branches in the spirit of solemnity, thrift, practicality, efficiency and appropriateness; Inheriting and promoting the results and experience in preparing and organizing activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Traditional Day of the Vietnam People's Public Security and the 10th anniversary of the Festival of All People Protecting National Security and other important anniversaries in CAND.

Editorial board

Organizing activities to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the People's Public Security Traditional Day and the 20th anniversary of the Festival of All People Protecting National Security

09:25 - 30/05/2024

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just signed Decision No. 280/QD-TTg dated April 4, 2024 approving the Project to organize activities to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Traditional Day of the Vietnam People's Police (August 19, 2024). 1945 - August 19, 2025) and 20 years of the Festival of All People Protecting National Security (August 19, 2005 - August 19, 2025).

According to the Project, organizational activities include: Propaganda, education, emulation and reward activities; cultural, artistic, physical training and sports activities; seminars, discussions, meetings and exchanges; mass mobilization activities, gratitude; foreign affairs activities; activities to ensure security and order and build the People's Public Security force (CAND)...

Organizing activities to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Traditional Day of Vietnam People's Public Security (August 19, 1945 - August 19, 2025) and the 20th anniversary of the Festival of All People Protecting National Security (August 19, 2005 - August 19, 2025). August 2025).

In particular, the Prime Minister requested the Central Propaganda Department to direct relevant agencies to organize commemorative propaganda activities with the theme: "Building a truly clean, strong, and regular People's Public Security Forces." elite and modern"; "Building a posture of people's hearts associated with a solid people's security posture" in central and local media inside and outside the People's Public Security Forces. 

The Ministry of Public Security presides and coordinates with the Ministry of Information and Communications and relevant units to organize the mobilization of artists and intellectuals nationwide to participate in creating and promoting literary, artistic and journalistic works. with the theme "Security with life"; organize thematic exhibitions (on-site, mobile) about the achievements of the People's Public Security force (achievements, victories, weapons, technical equipment, security industry, literature and art, journalism...); Key cultural, artistic, physical training and sports activities to celebrate the event, including the organization of "Festival of All People Protecting National Security" in localities to attract interest and attention the will of the masses towards the cause of protecting security, order and the People's Public Security force.

The Prime Minister also requested the Central Propaganda Department to direct and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, and the National Truth Political Publishing House to organize a national scientific conference. and a number of thematic and specialized seminars; Request the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front to direct and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and relevant units to implement key activities to help people build new rural areas, eliminate hunger and reduce poverty sustainably. , "repaying gratitude", supporting the removal of temporary houses for poor households, especially in localities with historical relics of the People's Public Security and revolutionary bases.

The Ministry of Public Security directs police units and localities to organize meetings, give gifts, and honor representatives of people with meritorious services, relatives of martyrs, and senior police officers through the ages; Meeting with outstanding former police officers on the occasion of the anniversary...

The decision clearly states that organizing activities to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Traditional Day of the People's Public Security of Vietnam and the 20th anniversary of the Festival of All People Protecting National Security must be comprehensive, extensive, and close to the functions and tasks of the People's Public Security Forces and other agencies. Central and local departments, ministries, branches in the spirit of solemnity, thrift, practicality, efficiency and appropriateness; Inheriting and promoting the results and experience in preparing and organizing activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Traditional Day of the Vietnam People's Public Security and the 10th anniversary of the Festival of All People Protecting National Security and other important anniversaries in CAND.

Editorial board