Leaders of the Ministry of Public Security received the Venezuelan Ambassador to Vietnam

09:24 - 30/05/2024

On the afternoon of April 10, 2024, in Hanoi, Lieutenant General Le Van Tuyen, Deputy Minister of Public Security, received Mr. Juan Carlos Fernandes Juárez, Venezuelan Ambassador to Vietnam.

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen stated that in recent times, the traditional friendship and comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and Venezuela has continued to be promoted and strengthened on all three pillars, Party diplomacy, state diplomacy and people's diplomacy. In addition, parliamentary diplomatic relations and relations between localities of the two countries have also been promoted. In the field of law enforcement, Vietnam and Venezuela are both members of many international treaties and organizations on crime prevention and combat.

Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen and Ambassador Juan Carlos Fernandes Juárez.

In the coming time, Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen emphasized that the two countries, Vietnam and Venezuela in general, and the Ministry of Public Security and Venezuela's law enforcement agencies in particular, need to pay attention to expanding cooperation in the fields that the two sides are interested in. have strengths. In particular, increase the exchange of delegations at all levels between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the Ministry of Interior of Venezuela to improve mutual understanding, learn and expand cooperation needs in the fields of security and police. Coordinate and share information and experience in preventing and combating transnational crimes... 

Promote negotiations towards signing cooperation documents such as the Extradition Agreement, the Agreement on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, the Agreement on Prevention and Combat of Transnational Crime... to create a basis for relations cooperation in crime prevention and combat between the two countries. Coordinate to protect and ensure absolute security and safety for high-level delegations of each country when operating in each other's territory; Closely coordinate in citizen protection work...

Overview of the meeting.

Sincerely thank Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen for taking the time to receive, Ambassador Juan Carlos Fernandes Juárez affirmed that he will make efforts to promote the two countries Venezuela - Vietnam to elevate their bilateral relationship as well as cooperation in the field of cooperation. security, crime prevention and control, for the benefit of the people of each country. The Ambassador wished Vietnam - Venezuela relations to grow more and more deeply and effectively as both sides desire.

Nguyen Anh

Leaders of the Ministry of Public Security received the Venezuelan Ambassador to Vietnam

09:24 - 30/05/2024

On the afternoon of April 10, 2024, in Hanoi, Lieutenant General Le Van Tuyen, Deputy Minister of Public Security, received Mr. Juan Carlos Fernandes Juárez, Venezuelan Ambassador to Vietnam.

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen stated that in recent times, the traditional friendship and comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and Venezuela has continued to be promoted and strengthened on all three pillars, Party diplomacy, state diplomacy and people's diplomacy. In addition, parliamentary diplomatic relations and relations between localities of the two countries have also been promoted. In the field of law enforcement, Vietnam and Venezuela are both members of many international treaties and organizations on crime prevention and combat.

Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen and Ambassador Juan Carlos Fernandes Juárez.

In the coming time, Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen emphasized that the two countries, Vietnam and Venezuela in general, and the Ministry of Public Security and Venezuela's law enforcement agencies in particular, need to pay attention to expanding cooperation in the fields that the two sides are interested in. have strengths. In particular, increase the exchange of delegations at all levels between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the Ministry of Interior of Venezuela to improve mutual understanding, learn and expand cooperation needs in the fields of security and police. Coordinate and share information and experience in preventing and combating transnational crimes... 

Promote negotiations towards signing cooperation documents such as the Extradition Agreement, the Agreement on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, the Agreement on Prevention and Combat of Transnational Crime... to create a basis for relations cooperation in crime prevention and combat between the two countries. Coordinate to protect and ensure absolute security and safety for high-level delegations of each country when operating in each other's territory; Closely coordinate in citizen protection work...

Overview of the meeting.

Sincerely thank Deputy Minister Le Van Tuyen for taking the time to receive, Ambassador Juan Carlos Fernandes Juárez affirmed that he will make efforts to promote the two countries Venezuela - Vietnam to elevate their bilateral relationship as well as cooperation in the field of cooperation. security, crime prevention and control, for the benefit of the people of each country. The Ambassador wished Vietnam - Venezuela relations to grow more and more deeply and effectively as both sides desire.

Nguyen Anh