Innovate programs, textbooks, teaching methods and scientific research in the new situation

09:22 - 30/05/2024

Continuing the working program with People's Public Security (CAND) schools, on the morning of April 23, 2024, in Hanoi, Lieutenant General, Associate Professor Dr. Tran Quoc To, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security and The Ministry's delegation worked at the People's Police Academy (NDPC).

Participating in the Working Group were representatives of leaders of units under the Ministry. On the side of the People's Police Academy were comrades in the Party Committee, Board of Directors and all leaders of functional units under the Academy.

Delegates attended the working session.

In recent years, education and training at the People's Police Academy has developed in both scale and quality, contributing to the training and fostering of high-quality human resources for the People's Police, the People's Army, and other agencies. officials in the internal affairs sector and police forces of neighboring countries Laos and Cambodia, creating prestige in the People's Public Security education system, recognized by leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, police units, localities, and generations of students. receive and appreciate. 

From 2020 up to now, the Academy has organized recruitment and admission for a total of more than 25,300 students. In addition to organizing training at university, master's and doctoral levels, the Academy has coordinated with Police units and localities to organize advanced training in political theory and intermediate theory. politics; fostering and training in audio and video recording in interrogation of the accused, court attendance skills for Investigators in the People's Public Security Forces, on fighting and preventing crime...; Coordinate and organize training in the operation, administration and exploitation of the National Population Database system and the system of Producing, issuing and managing Citizen Identification for officials and students of the Republic Lao People's Democracy. 

Leaders of faculties and functional offices of the Academy reported at the working session.

The Academy has successfully organized socio-political practice sessions for students in "three together" courses (eating together, living together, working together) with people in Tuyen Quang and Nghe An provinces. , Quang Binh. Organize students to practice and successfully perform drum performances at important holidays and events. The Academy's scientific research work continues to be focused and has many positive changes in the direction of focusing deeply on theoretical and practical issues of fighting crime and ensuring order. social safety…

In international cooperation, the Academy has actively established bilateral cooperative relationships with 24 regional and international police and law enforcement training establishments and has multilateral relations with nearly 20 organizations, forums, and international police associations. The People's Police Academy is also invested in developing step by step in the direction of building a digital, modern, synchronous Academy, effectively serving teaching, practical training, learning activities, scientific research, and students. activities and training of staff, lecturers and students of all academic systems. 

Regarding party building and force building, the Academy Party Committee has paid attention to directing and improving the quality of activities at party committees, grassroots party committees, and party cells; Focus on developing party members. The Academy has completed the review, arrangement, and placement of staff according to the school's new organizational structure; is a higher education institution tasked with organizing foreign language proficiency testing according to the 6-level Foreign Language Competency Framework for Vietnam.

Leaders of units under the Ministry answered the Academy's difficulties, problems, and recommendations.

The quality of staff and lecturers is increasingly improved (currently, the Academy has 02 professors, 38 associate professors, 222 doctors, 540 masters). From 2020 up to now, the Academy has sent more than 300 lecturers on field trips, rotating for a limited time at police units and localities. The Academy has 02 officers participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions; 02 officers were recognized as official instructors of the United Nations in training instructors and pre-deployment of UN peacekeeping missions... 

At the meeting, delegates discussed and clarified the current difficulties and problems of the People's Police Academy; propose solutions to effectively implement the key tasks of education and training of the People's Public Security force, associated with the roadmap for implementing Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo on promoting the building of a real People's Public Security force. clean, strong, regular, elite, modern, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation. 

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To directly answered a number of difficulties, problems and recommendations of the School in Party building, force building, education and training work... ; At the same time, we request functional units under the Ministry to absorb and focus on researching and proposing solutions in the near future. 

Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To spoke at the working session.

Regarding the key tasks that need to be performed in the coming time, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To suggested that the People's Police Academy continue to perform well the work of Party building and force building in the School. Pay special attention to inspection, supervision and Party discipline; Management and education of students, prevention and control of shortcomings and violations early and remotely. Follow closely the contents related to education and training in Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo and Plan No. 118 of the Central Public Security Party Committee to organize the implementation of professional tasks on education, training as well as the tasks of Party building and building quality and effective forces in the School.

Research and propose innovative content in education and training, focusing on innovation in programs, textbooks, teaching methods and scientific research. In particular, attention should be paid to innovating the work of compiling textbooks to be consistent with the situation in the country, the region and the world, in accordance with the new organizational model of the current People's Public Security force, and to innovate in accordance with the current situation. new technology situations and trends.

The Deputy Minister wishes that the School promotes the spirit of solidarity within the unit; Strengthen coordination with functional units under the Ministry to well perform assigned tasks, strive to soon turn the People's Police Academy into a key national higher education institution...

Hoang Thanh

Innovate programs, textbooks, teaching methods and scientific research in the new situation

09:22 - 30/05/2024

Continuing the working program with People's Public Security (CAND) schools, on the morning of April 23, 2024, in Hanoi, Lieutenant General, Associate Professor Dr. Tran Quoc To, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security and The Ministry's delegation worked at the People's Police Academy (NDPC).

Participating in the Working Group were representatives of leaders of units under the Ministry. On the side of the People's Police Academy were comrades in the Party Committee, Board of Directors and all leaders of functional units under the Academy.

Delegates attended the working session.

In recent years, education and training at the People's Police Academy has developed in both scale and quality, contributing to the training and fostering of high-quality human resources for the People's Police, the People's Army, and other agencies. officials in the internal affairs sector and police forces of neighboring countries Laos and Cambodia, creating prestige in the People's Public Security education system, recognized by leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, police units, localities, and generations of students. receive and appreciate. 

From 2020 up to now, the Academy has organized recruitment and admission for a total of more than 25,300 students. In addition to organizing training at university, master's and doctoral levels, the Academy has coordinated with Police units and localities to organize advanced training in political theory and intermediate theory. politics; fostering and training in audio and video recording in interrogation of the accused, court attendance skills for Investigators in the People's Public Security Forces, on fighting and preventing crime...; Coordinate and organize training in the operation, administration and exploitation of the National Population Database system and the system of Producing, issuing and managing Citizen Identification for officials and students of the Republic Lao People's Democracy. 

Leaders of faculties and functional offices of the Academy reported at the working session.

The Academy has successfully organized socio-political practice sessions for students in "three together" courses (eating together, living together, working together) with people in Tuyen Quang and Nghe An provinces. , Quang Binh. Organize students to practice and successfully perform drum performances at important holidays and events. The Academy's scientific research work continues to be focused and has many positive changes in the direction of focusing deeply on theoretical and practical issues of fighting crime and ensuring order. social safety…

In international cooperation, the Academy has actively established bilateral cooperative relationships with 24 regional and international police and law enforcement training establishments and has multilateral relations with nearly 20 organizations, forums, and international police associations. The People's Police Academy is also invested in developing step by step in the direction of building a digital, modern, synchronous Academy, effectively serving teaching, practical training, learning activities, scientific research, and students. activities and training of staff, lecturers and students of all academic systems. 

Regarding party building and force building, the Academy Party Committee has paid attention to directing and improving the quality of activities at party committees, grassroots party committees, and party cells; Focus on developing party members. The Academy has completed the review, arrangement, and placement of staff according to the school's new organizational structure; is a higher education institution tasked with organizing foreign language proficiency testing according to the 6-level Foreign Language Competency Framework for Vietnam.

Leaders of units under the Ministry answered the Academy's difficulties, problems, and recommendations.

The quality of staff and lecturers is increasingly improved (currently, the Academy has 02 professors, 38 associate professors, 222 doctors, 540 masters). From 2020 up to now, the Academy has sent more than 300 lecturers on field trips, rotating for a limited time at police units and localities. The Academy has 02 officers participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions; 02 officers were recognized as official instructors of the United Nations in training instructors and pre-deployment of UN peacekeeping missions... 

At the meeting, delegates discussed and clarified the current difficulties and problems of the People's Police Academy; propose solutions to effectively implement the key tasks of education and training of the People's Public Security force, associated with the roadmap for implementing Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo on promoting the building of a real People's Public Security force. clean, strong, regular, elite, modern, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation. 

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To directly answered a number of difficulties, problems and recommendations of the School in Party building, force building, education and training work... ; At the same time, we request functional units under the Ministry to absorb and focus on researching and proposing solutions in the near future. 

Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To spoke at the working session.

Regarding the key tasks that need to be performed in the coming time, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To suggested that the People's Police Academy continue to perform well the work of Party building and force building in the School. Pay special attention to inspection, supervision and Party discipline; Management and education of students, prevention and control of shortcomings and violations early and remotely. Follow closely the contents related to education and training in Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo and Plan No. 118 of the Central Public Security Party Committee to organize the implementation of professional tasks on education, training as well as the tasks of Party building and building quality and effective forces in the School.

Research and propose innovative content in education and training, focusing on innovation in programs, textbooks, teaching methods and scientific research. In particular, attention should be paid to innovating the work of compiling textbooks to be consistent with the situation in the country, the region and the world, in accordance with the new organizational model of the current People's Public Security force, and to innovate in accordance with the current situation. new technology situations and trends.

The Deputy Minister wishes that the School promotes the spirit of solidarity within the unit; Strengthen coordination with functional units under the Ministry to well perform assigned tasks, strive to soon turn the People's Police Academy into a key national higher education institution...

Hoang Thanh