Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To visited and worked in Yunnan province, China

09:48 - 30/05/2024

Continue to join the high-level Vietnamese delegation led by comrade Vuong Dinh Hue, Politburo member, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, on an official visit and working visit to China. , April 12, 2024, Senior Lieutenant General Tran Quoc To, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security led a high-ranking delegation of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam to visit , works at Yunnan Provincial Police and Yunnan Police Academy, China.

*At the Yunnan Provincial Police, receiving and working with the delegation was comrade Nhac Tu Ho, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee, Director of the Provincial Police.
Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To stated that in recent years, the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the Ministry of Public Security of China have signed and implemented many MoUs on security assurance, order, fight against crime and protect border areas, in which the Police of Yunnan Province, China and the Police of 04 provinces of Lao Cai, Lai Chau, Dien Bien, Ha Giang have signed a Mechanism Agreement cooperated with the Port Authority in June 2014. 
After 10 years of implementing the Agreement, coordination has shown to be increasingly developed, effective and more practical, especially coordination in: Exchanging information to prevent and combat organized and transnational crime. family; drug crimes; criminals using high technology; human trafficking crime; smuggle; Managing free migration; Manage trails and openings to prevent and combat illegal immigration; Verify and handle cases of violation of the laws of the two countries, arrest wanted subjects; Building people-to-people diplomatic relationships. 
Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To and comrade Nhac Tu Ho, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee, Director of Yunnan Provincial Police.
In order to continue promoting the achievements achieved between the two sides in recent times and promote more positive and effective cooperation in the coming time, especially law enforcement cooperation between the Police of 4 border provinces. Vietnam's border with the Yunnan Provincial Police, China, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To expressed his hope that the two Parties continue to thoroughly and effectively implement the Memoranda of Understanding and Cooperation Agreements signed at the ministerial level and other agencies. cooperation mechanisms at provincial and district levels; Soon organize a preliminary review of the implementation of the Police Cooperation Mechanism Agreement, and on that basis, research and propose amendments to some contents of the Agreement to suit the new situation.
Continue to maintain and increase contact and exchange periodically and unexpectedly; Strengthen the organization of survey activities on border lines, trails, and openings to serve the construction and implementation of plans and options to ensure security and order on border lines, especially prevention and combat. crackdown on cross-border crimes, criminal crimes, drugs, human trafficking, economics, currency, crimes using high technology, crimes related to weapons and explosives, arrest wanted subjects.
Strengthen cooperation in the field of entry and exit management, preventing activities of illegally sending people across the border; Coordinate patrols and strictly control border areas. Pay special attention to strengthening propaganda for people in the border areas of the two countries to properly implement the Agreement on Land Border Management Regulations. The two Parties have well implemented the work of ensuring security and safety for agencies, businesses, and citizens of one country coming to work and live in the other country; Yunnan Provincial Police create the most favorable conditions to help Vietnamese women complete marriage and residence paperwork when eligible.
Actively deploy cooperation in training and advanced training in all aspects including foreign languages ​​(Chinese - Vietnamese) for officers of law enforcement agencies in border areas; Enhance the sharing of experiences, support and aid in equipment and facilities, and improve the work efficiency of law enforcement forces in border areas. Proactively overcome some difficulties and obstacles in coordination work in the coming time, which are: Uncompleted issues regarding cooperation mechanisms, information exchange, and coordination in the fight against crime. emerging, especially criminals using high technology, taking advantage of the network to commit crimes...
Overview of the meeting.
Welcoming Comrade Deputy Minister and the delegation of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam to visit and work, Comrade Nhac Tu Ho affirmed that this will continue to consolidate and deepen law enforcement security cooperation. China - Vietnam, promote cooperation between law enforcement agencies in the border areas of the two sides to serve the creation of an increasingly safe, stable and harmonious socio-economic development environment.
Comrade Nhac Tu Ho emphasized that over the past many years, within the framework of the Ministerial Conference mechanism on crime prevention and combat cooperation between the two countries' Ministries of Public Security, Yunnan Provincial Police and Lao Cai Provincial Police, Lai Chau, Dien Bien and Ha Giang of Vietnam continue to cooperate steadily. The two sides coordinated closely and achieved many results in exchanging delegations at all levels, cooperating in crime prevention and combat, and constantly expanding the field of law enforcement cooperation in border areas.
In the coming time, comrade Nhac Tu Ho hopes that the two sides will continue to consolidate and deepen the law enforcement cooperation mechanism in the Vietnam - China border area. Deploy the organization of annual rotating talks between the Police of Yunnan Province and the Police of 04 Vietnamese provinces in 2024. Promote the implementation of law enforcement cooperation in border areas. Strengthen attacks and suppress cross-border crimes...
*On the same day, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To and a high-ranking delegation of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam visited and conducted a field survey at the Drug Prevention and Propaganda Center of the Yunnan Police Academy.
Welcoming the delegation was comrade Ho Thuy Vuong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yunnan Police Academy, China.
Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To and the delegation visited and conducted a field survey at the Drug Prevention and Propaganda Education Center of the Yunnan Police Academy.
Here, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To and the delegation listened to comrade Ho Thuy Vuong introduce the Drug Prevention and Control Propaganda Center and the Academy's Drug Prevention and Control Department. Accordingly, the Academy's Drug Prevention Department has many outstanding achievements such as training many excellent officers in drug prevention and combat. Every year, training and refresher courses are organized for officials carrying out drug prevention and control work nationwide. The Drug Prevention and Propaganda Center of the Yunnan Police Academy is also considered the No. 1 typical center nationwide...
Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To hopes that the Yunnan Police Academy will continue to thoroughly and effectively implement the Memoranda of Understanding and cooperation agreements signed at the ministerial level, and the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the People's Police Academy and the People's Police Academy. Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and Yunnan Police Academy. Enhance exchanges and cooperation in training, fostering, exchanging experience and scholarship, and supporting capacity training for Vietnam in the fields and professional specialties in which the Yunnan Police Academy has advantages...
Kim Anh

Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To visited and worked in Yunnan province, China

09:48 - 30/05/2024

Continue to join the high-level Vietnamese delegation led by comrade Vuong Dinh Hue, Politburo member, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, on an official visit and working visit to China. , April 12, 2024, Senior Lieutenant General Tran Quoc To, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security led a high-ranking delegation of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam to visit , works at Yunnan Provincial Police and Yunnan Police Academy, China.

*At the Yunnan Provincial Police, receiving and working with the delegation was comrade Nhac Tu Ho, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee, Director of the Provincial Police.
Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To stated that in recent years, the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the Ministry of Public Security of China have signed and implemented many MoUs on security assurance, order, fight against crime and protect border areas, in which the Police of Yunnan Province, China and the Police of 04 provinces of Lao Cai, Lai Chau, Dien Bien, Ha Giang have signed a Mechanism Agreement cooperated with the Port Authority in June 2014. 
After 10 years of implementing the Agreement, coordination has shown to be increasingly developed, effective and more practical, especially coordination in: Exchanging information to prevent and combat organized and transnational crime. family; drug crimes; criminals using high technology; human trafficking crime; smuggle; Managing free migration; Manage trails and openings to prevent and combat illegal immigration; Verify and handle cases of violation of the laws of the two countries, arrest wanted subjects; Building people-to-people diplomatic relationships. 
Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To and comrade Nhac Tu Ho, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee, Director of Yunnan Provincial Police.
In order to continue promoting the achievements achieved between the two sides in recent times and promote more positive and effective cooperation in the coming time, especially law enforcement cooperation between the Police of 4 border provinces. Vietnam's border with the Yunnan Provincial Police, China, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To expressed his hope that the two Parties continue to thoroughly and effectively implement the Memoranda of Understanding and Cooperation Agreements signed at the ministerial level and other agencies. cooperation mechanisms at provincial and district levels; Soon organize a preliminary review of the implementation of the Police Cooperation Mechanism Agreement, and on that basis, research and propose amendments to some contents of the Agreement to suit the new situation.
Continue to maintain and increase contact and exchange periodically and unexpectedly; Strengthen the organization of survey activities on border lines, trails, and openings to serve the construction and implementation of plans and options to ensure security and order on border lines, especially prevention and combat. crackdown on cross-border crimes, criminal crimes, drugs, human trafficking, economics, currency, crimes using high technology, crimes related to weapons and explosives, arrest wanted subjects.
Strengthen cooperation in the field of entry and exit management, preventing activities of illegally sending people across the border; Coordinate patrols and strictly control border areas. Pay special attention to strengthening propaganda for people in the border areas of the two countries to properly implement the Agreement on Land Border Management Regulations. The two Parties have well implemented the work of ensuring security and safety for agencies, businesses, and citizens of one country coming to work and live in the other country; Yunnan Provincial Police create the most favorable conditions to help Vietnamese women complete marriage and residence paperwork when eligible.
Actively deploy cooperation in training and advanced training in all aspects including foreign languages ​​(Chinese - Vietnamese) for officers of law enforcement agencies in border areas; Enhance the sharing of experiences, support and aid in equipment and facilities, and improve the work efficiency of law enforcement forces in border areas. Proactively overcome some difficulties and obstacles in coordination work in the coming time, which are: Uncompleted issues regarding cooperation mechanisms, information exchange, and coordination in the fight against crime. emerging, especially criminals using high technology, taking advantage of the network to commit crimes...
Overview of the meeting.
Welcoming Comrade Deputy Minister and the delegation of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam to visit and work, Comrade Nhac Tu Ho affirmed that this will continue to consolidate and deepen law enforcement security cooperation. China - Vietnam, promote cooperation between law enforcement agencies in the border areas of the two sides to serve the creation of an increasingly safe, stable and harmonious socio-economic development environment.
Comrade Nhac Tu Ho emphasized that over the past many years, within the framework of the Ministerial Conference mechanism on crime prevention and combat cooperation between the two countries' Ministries of Public Security, Yunnan Provincial Police and Lao Cai Provincial Police, Lai Chau, Dien Bien and Ha Giang of Vietnam continue to cooperate steadily. The two sides coordinated closely and achieved many results in exchanging delegations at all levels, cooperating in crime prevention and combat, and constantly expanding the field of law enforcement cooperation in border areas.
In the coming time, comrade Nhac Tu Ho hopes that the two sides will continue to consolidate and deepen the law enforcement cooperation mechanism in the Vietnam - China border area. Deploy the organization of annual rotating talks between the Police of Yunnan Province and the Police of 04 Vietnamese provinces in 2024. Promote the implementation of law enforcement cooperation in border areas. Strengthen attacks and suppress cross-border crimes...
*On the same day, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To and a high-ranking delegation of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam visited and conducted a field survey at the Drug Prevention and Propaganda Center of the Yunnan Police Academy.
Welcoming the delegation was comrade Ho Thuy Vuong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yunnan Police Academy, China.
Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To and the delegation visited and conducted a field survey at the Drug Prevention and Propaganda Education Center of the Yunnan Police Academy.
Here, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To and the delegation listened to comrade Ho Thuy Vuong introduce the Drug Prevention and Control Propaganda Center and the Academy's Drug Prevention and Control Department. Accordingly, the Academy's Drug Prevention Department has many outstanding achievements such as training many excellent officers in drug prevention and combat. Every year, training and refresher courses are organized for officials carrying out drug prevention and control work nationwide. The Drug Prevention and Propaganda Center of the Yunnan Police Academy is also considered the No. 1 typical center nationwide...
Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To hopes that the Yunnan Police Academy will continue to thoroughly and effectively implement the Memoranda of Understanding and cooperation agreements signed at the ministerial level, and the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the People's Police Academy and the People's Police Academy. Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and Yunnan Police Academy. Enhance exchanges and cooperation in training, fostering, exchanging experience and scholarship, and supporting capacity training for Vietnam in the fields and professional specialties in which the Yunnan Police Academy has advantages...
Kim Anh