Dak Nong Provincial Police visited and wished New Year to the Mondulkiri Provincial Police Force, Kingdom of Cambodia

09:24 - 30/05/2024

On the occasion of the traditional Tet Chol Chnam Thmay, April 9, 2024, a working delegation of Dak Nong Provincial Police led by Colonel Nguyen Thanh Liem, Director of the Provincial Police, visited and wished the Provincial Police force a Happy New Year. Mondulkiri, Kingdom of Cambodia.

Colonel Nguyen Thanh Liem, Director of Dak Nong Provincial Police, wished the Mondulkiri Provincial Police force a Happy New Year

In a warm and friendly atmosphere, the leaders of the two provinces' police informed each other about the situation and outstanding results of each side in the fields of economy, culture, social security, security, quiet. At the same time, he emphasized that in recent times, the cooperative relationship between Dak Nong Provincial Police and Mondulkiri Provincial Police has been increasingly consolidated and strengthened in all fields, especially in ensuring security and order. on one's own; Prevent and combat crime and law violations on the border. In particular, the police of the two provinces regularly exchange information, coordinate patrols, control, proactively prevent and stop illegal border crossers, human trafficking criminals, wanted subjects, drug criminals and other types of crimes, contributing to ensuring security and order, building a border of peace, friendship and the common socio-economic development of the two sides.

Director of Dak Nong Provincial Police and Director of Mondulkiri Provincial Police chaired the meeting

On behalf of the leaders and all officers of the Dak Nong Provincial Police, Colonel Nguyen Thanh Liem, Director of the Provincial Police, sent the Board of Directors and the Mondulkiri Provincial Police force and their families wishes for a healthy and happy new year. , prosperity. At the same time, we hope that in the coming time, the Police of the two provinces will continue to increase the exchange of information related to security and order, promote coordination in the field of fighting crime, contributing to building a peaceful border. peace, friendship, cooperation, and mutual development with the motto "Good neighbors, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation, long-term sustainability".

The relationship and cooperation between Dak Nong Provincial Police and Mondulkiri Provincial Police is increasingly consolidated and enhanced in all fields.

Lieutenant General Lao So Kha, Director of Mondulkiri Provincial Police, respectfully thanked the good and valuable sentiments of the leaders and officers of the Dak Nong Provincial Police for the Mondulkiri Provincial Police and the Cambodian People. At the same time, he affirmed that the Mondulkiri Provincial Police force will continue to strengthen cooperation with Dak Nong Police in all aspects of work, creating conditions to help each other in carrying out the task of fighting and preventing all types of crimes. ensuring security and order along the border..., contributing to fostering and building the friendship between the two countries and the two provinces to become more and more sustainable...

Hong Long - Ba Hien

Dak Nong Provincial Police visited and wished New Year to the Mondulkiri Provincial Police Force, Kingdom of Cambodia

09:24 - 30/05/2024

On the occasion of the traditional Tet Chol Chnam Thmay, April 9, 2024, a working delegation of Dak Nong Provincial Police led by Colonel Nguyen Thanh Liem, Director of the Provincial Police, visited and wished the Provincial Police force a Happy New Year. Mondulkiri, Kingdom of Cambodia.

Colonel Nguyen Thanh Liem, Director of Dak Nong Provincial Police, wished the Mondulkiri Provincial Police force a Happy New Year

In a warm and friendly atmosphere, the leaders of the two provinces' police informed each other about the situation and outstanding results of each side in the fields of economy, culture, social security, security, quiet. At the same time, he emphasized that in recent times, the cooperative relationship between Dak Nong Provincial Police and Mondulkiri Provincial Police has been increasingly consolidated and strengthened in all fields, especially in ensuring security and order. on one's own; Prevent and combat crime and law violations on the border. In particular, the police of the two provinces regularly exchange information, coordinate patrols, control, proactively prevent and stop illegal border crossers, human trafficking criminals, wanted subjects, drug criminals and other types of crimes, contributing to ensuring security and order, building a border of peace, friendship and the common socio-economic development of the two sides.

Director of Dak Nong Provincial Police and Director of Mondulkiri Provincial Police chaired the meeting

On behalf of the leaders and all officers of the Dak Nong Provincial Police, Colonel Nguyen Thanh Liem, Director of the Provincial Police, sent the Board of Directors and the Mondulkiri Provincial Police force and their families wishes for a healthy and happy new year. , prosperity. At the same time, we hope that in the coming time, the Police of the two provinces will continue to increase the exchange of information related to security and order, promote coordination in the field of fighting crime, contributing to building a peaceful border. peace, friendship, cooperation, and mutual development with the motto "Good neighbors, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation, long-term sustainability".

The relationship and cooperation between Dak Nong Provincial Police and Mondulkiri Provincial Police is increasingly consolidated and enhanced in all fields.

Lieutenant General Lao So Kha, Director of Mondulkiri Provincial Police, respectfully thanked the good and valuable sentiments of the leaders and officers of the Dak Nong Provincial Police for the Mondulkiri Provincial Police and the Cambodian People. At the same time, he affirmed that the Mondulkiri Provincial Police force will continue to strengthen cooperation with Dak Nong Police in all aspects of work, creating conditions to help each other in carrying out the task of fighting and preventing all types of crimes. ensuring security and order along the border..., contributing to fostering and building the friendship between the two countries and the two provinces to become more and more sustainable...

Hong Long - Ba Hien