Outstanding operating instructions of the Ministry of Public Security in the week of April 8 - April 13, 2024

09:32 - 30/05/2024

Highly focused, proactive in identifying, preventing, and fighting crime; Organize the construction of digital platforms and information systems that can exploit and use digital data to create information and knowledge; The People's Public Security (CAND) engraved the admonition "Honor is the most sacred and noble thing"; Ensuring traffic order and safety during the April 30-May 1 holiday and the summer tourism peak of 2024; Strengthen the implementation of measures to prevent and combat heat, drought, water shortage, saltwater intrusion and help people; Ensuring equipment and facilities to meet work and combat requirements and building the People's Public Security force... are the outstanding instructions of the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security in the week from April 8 - April 13, 2024.

Ensuring traffic order and safety during the April 30-May 1 holiday and the summer tourism peak of 2024

Thoroughly grasp the direction of Official Dispatch No. 36/CD-TTg dated April 11, 2024 of the Prime Minister on ensuring traffic order and safety to serve the travel needs of people during the April 30 - 01 holiday. /5 and the summer tourism peak of 2024, the Ministry of Public Security directs to strengthen patrols, control, and strictly handle violations of traffic order and safety on roads, railways, and waterways, such as The vehicle driver violates regulations on alcohol and drug concentration, carries an overload, exceeds the prescribed number of people; Transport business vehicles violate regulations on technical safety and environmental protection...; proactively prevent, stop and strictly handle acts of gathering that disrupt public order and illegal racing; Resolutely handle and suppress those who commit acts against officials on duty; Have a plan to regulate and properly divide traffic flow, guide safe and smooth circulation, especially on roads and areas that are forecast to have increased traffic volume during the holiday. Holiday April 30 - May 1 and summer vacation 2024... (see more)

Highly focused, proactive in identifying, preventing, and fighting crime

The Ministry of Public Security requires investigative police forces at all levels to be highly focused, proactively identify, prevent, and fight crime, closely combining professional prevention and social prevention; Limit conditions for crime to occur at the facility, along with improving the quality of crime investigation and handling. Carry out basic investigation work well in cross-cutting areas of force systems; Improve the quality of crime investigation and handling, strive to reduce by at least 5% the number of social order and order crimes, and increase the rate of recovery of criminal assets. Police investigation agencies at all levels synchronously deploy solutions to improve the quality of receiving and resolving crime reports, speeding up the progress of cases and cases under the Steering Committee for Prevention and Control. anti-corruption, negative monitoring and direction; implement a unified view of "clarify each part, how clear it is, conclude, propose to handle it", improve the quality of investigation and verification to minimize the number of wanted subjects that arise. Strengthen international cooperation of the Police Investigation Agency in crime prevention and combat; accelerate the progress of digital transformation and application of science and technology... contributing to successfully completing all assigned tasks... (see more)


Organize the construction of digital platforms and information systems that can exploit and use digital data to create information and knowledge

Leaders of the Ministry of Public Security requested the Steering Committee on Digital Transformation of the Ministry of Public Security to act more strongly and decisively, bringing into full play the role of members of the Steering Committee of the Ministry to together with the leaders of the Ministry promote and Complete the set programs and work plans, true to the role of "exemplary and leading", contributing to promoting the Government's digital transformation task. On the basis of collected digital data sources, it is necessary to organize the construction of digital platforms and information systems that can exploit and use digital data to create information and knowledge. Ensure resources for digital transformation because digital human resources are a team of officials capable of mastering digital technology equipment, capable of quickly adapting to changes in science and technology, and professionally qualified. to realize the goals and requirements of digital transformation... (see more)


*During the week, the Ministry of Public Security had a working session with the delegation of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front on the digital transformation project of the Vietnam Fatherland Front for the period 2025-2030, with a vision to 2035. ... (see more)

Strengthen the implementation of measures to prevent and combat heat, drought, water shortage, saltwater intrusion and help people

The Ministry of Public Security requests police units and localities to organize monitoring and understanding of the situation of heat, drought, water shortage, saltwater intrusion, and lack of fresh water in the area; proactively coordinate with relevant agencies and units to promptly deploy response measures appropriate to the actual situation in the locality according to the motto "4 on the spot"; Proactively develop plans and solutions to ensure absolute safety for forces participating in the response. Proactively grasp factors affecting people's lives and production, promptly advise local Party Committees and authorities on solutions to stabilize life and production for people in areas affected by invasion. saltwater intrusion, high tide. Direct the Mobile Police Force, the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police and Rescue Police to use specialized vehicles, boats and ships to promptly transport fresh water to support residential areas at risk of water shortage and water intrusion. saltwater intrusion to ensure fresh water for people's production and daily life... (see more)

Focus on solutions to firmly ensure security in strategic areas

At the National Domestic Security Force Training Conference, leaders of the Ministry of Public Security required training participants to proactively discuss remaining issues and share real-life situations occurring in the police. work to ensure internal security. From there, unify awareness, viewpoints, guiding ideas as well as measures and countermeasures... In addition, the Domestic Security force needs to focus on solutions to firmly ensure security in war zones. comb. Proactively prevent, fight, prevent and neutralize all plots and activities of reactionary and oppositional numbers. Prevent from afar and early on plots, terrorist activities, and violent sabotage... (see more)


The People's Police engraved the admonition "Honor is the most sacred and noble thing"

To further spread the value of the General Secretary's advice in the People's Public Security Force (CAND) in the new situation, the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security request that party committees and organizations at all levels need to focus on directing Implement well the thematic activities on the content: CAND engraves the admonition "Honor is the most sacred and noble thing". The Department of Party and Political Work closely coordinates with relevant units of the National Political Publishing House Truth to select, supplement, complete, edit, and publish the book: CAND engraves words advised "Honor is the most sacred and noble thing" as a document to serve research and propaganda work in the People's Public Security Forces. Police units and localities, based on assigned functions, tasks and specific situation characteristics of their units, research and compile lectures and documents on political activities to serve training courses. , training and teaching for officers and soldiers upon request... (see more)


Ensure equipment and facilities to meet the requirements of work, combat and building the People's Public Security force

The Ministry of Public Security requests that police units and localities need to innovate their thinking on logistics, technology, and finance in general; change the status from "passive" logistics to "active, one step ahead" logistics; Procurement and allocation based on the actual needs of police units and localities. Investment and procurement must be focused, key, synchronous, practical and effective. Proactively take advantage of maximum resources and support from party committees, local authorities and other legal resources to invest and purchase equipment and facilities, ensuring synchronization and timely service. work and combat requirements of the entire People's Public Security force. Strengthen inspection and examination in the management and use of equipment and facilities; Perform well the maintenance and upkeep of allocated equipment and vehicles... (see more)


Program on practicing savings and combating waste in 2024 in People's Public Security

Implementing Decision No. 1764/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2023 of the Prime Minister on promulgating the Government's Master Program on practicing thrift and combating waste in 2024, Directive No. 01/CT -TTg dated January 4, 2024 of the Prime Minister on enhancing savings in state budget expenditures, the Ministry of Public Security issued the 2024 Program on practicing savings and combating waste in the People's Public Security Forces. With the goal of thoroughly making Party Committees, Heads of Police at all levels and officers and soldiers of Police units and localities deeply aware of the role and meaning of practicing thrift, combating waste and implementing seriously, synchronously, drastically, effectively, and substantively implement targets, tasks, and solutions to practice savings and combat waste in areas that contribute to mobilizing, allocating, and effectively using resources. resources to create salary reform, serve work, fight, and build the People's Public Security force; create more substantive changes in the awareness and actions of police leaders at all levels, officers and soldiers on practicing thrift and combating waste... (see more)

Editorial board

Outstanding operating instructions of the Ministry of Public Security in the week of April 8 - April 13, 2024

09:32 - 30/05/2024

Highly focused, proactive in identifying, preventing, and fighting crime; Organize the construction of digital platforms and information systems that can exploit and use digital data to create information and knowledge; The People's Public Security (CAND) engraved the admonition "Honor is the most sacred and noble thing"; Ensuring traffic order and safety during the April 30-May 1 holiday and the summer tourism peak of 2024; Strengthen the implementation of measures to prevent and combat heat, drought, water shortage, saltwater intrusion and help people; Ensuring equipment and facilities to meet work and combat requirements and building the People's Public Security force... are the outstanding instructions of the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security in the week from April 8 - April 13, 2024.

Ensuring traffic order and safety during the April 30-May 1 holiday and the summer tourism peak of 2024

Thoroughly grasp the direction of Official Dispatch No. 36/CD-TTg dated April 11, 2024 of the Prime Minister on ensuring traffic order and safety to serve the travel needs of people during the April 30 - 01 holiday. /5 and the summer tourism peak of 2024, the Ministry of Public Security directs to strengthen patrols, control, and strictly handle violations of traffic order and safety on roads, railways, and waterways, such as The vehicle driver violates regulations on alcohol and drug concentration, carries an overload, exceeds the prescribed number of people; Transport business vehicles violate regulations on technical safety and environmental protection...; proactively prevent, stop and strictly handle acts of gathering that disrupt public order and illegal racing; Resolutely handle and suppress those who commit acts against officials on duty; Have a plan to regulate and properly divide traffic flow, guide safe and smooth circulation, especially on roads and areas that are forecast to have increased traffic volume during the holiday. Holiday April 30 - May 1 and summer vacation 2024... (see more)

Highly focused, proactive in identifying, preventing, and fighting crime

The Ministry of Public Security requires investigative police forces at all levels to be highly focused, proactively identify, prevent, and fight crime, closely combining professional prevention and social prevention; Limit conditions for crime to occur at the facility, along with improving the quality of crime investigation and handling. Carry out basic investigation work well in cross-cutting areas of force systems; Improve the quality of crime investigation and handling, strive to reduce by at least 5% the number of social order and order crimes, and increase the rate of recovery of criminal assets. Police investigation agencies at all levels synchronously deploy solutions to improve the quality of receiving and resolving crime reports, speeding up the progress of cases and cases under the Steering Committee for Prevention and Control. anti-corruption, negative monitoring and direction; implement a unified view of "clarify each part, how clear it is, conclude, propose to handle it", improve the quality of investigation and verification to minimize the number of wanted subjects that arise. Strengthen international cooperation of the Police Investigation Agency in crime prevention and combat; accelerate the progress of digital transformation and application of science and technology... contributing to successfully completing all assigned tasks... (see more)


Organize the construction of digital platforms and information systems that can exploit and use digital data to create information and knowledge

Leaders of the Ministry of Public Security requested the Steering Committee on Digital Transformation of the Ministry of Public Security to act more strongly and decisively, bringing into full play the role of members of the Steering Committee of the Ministry to together with the leaders of the Ministry promote and Complete the set programs and work plans, true to the role of "exemplary and leading", contributing to promoting the Government's digital transformation task. On the basis of collected digital data sources, it is necessary to organize the construction of digital platforms and information systems that can exploit and use digital data to create information and knowledge. Ensure resources for digital transformation because digital human resources are a team of officials capable of mastering digital technology equipment, capable of quickly adapting to changes in science and technology, and professionally qualified. to realize the goals and requirements of digital transformation... (see more)


*During the week, the Ministry of Public Security had a working session with the delegation of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front on the digital transformation project of the Vietnam Fatherland Front for the period 2025-2030, with a vision to 2035. ... (see more)

Strengthen the implementation of measures to prevent and combat heat, drought, water shortage, saltwater intrusion and help people

The Ministry of Public Security requests police units and localities to organize monitoring and understanding of the situation of heat, drought, water shortage, saltwater intrusion, and lack of fresh water in the area; proactively coordinate with relevant agencies and units to promptly deploy response measures appropriate to the actual situation in the locality according to the motto "4 on the spot"; Proactively develop plans and solutions to ensure absolute safety for forces participating in the response. Proactively grasp factors affecting people's lives and production, promptly advise local Party Committees and authorities on solutions to stabilize life and production for people in areas affected by invasion. saltwater intrusion, high tide. Direct the Mobile Police Force, the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police and Rescue Police to use specialized vehicles, boats and ships to promptly transport fresh water to support residential areas at risk of water shortage and water intrusion. saltwater intrusion to ensure fresh water for people's production and daily life... (see more)

Focus on solutions to firmly ensure security in strategic areas

At the National Domestic Security Force Training Conference, leaders of the Ministry of Public Security required training participants to proactively discuss remaining issues and share real-life situations occurring in the police. work to ensure internal security. From there, unify awareness, viewpoints, guiding ideas as well as measures and countermeasures... In addition, the Domestic Security force needs to focus on solutions to firmly ensure security in war zones. comb. Proactively prevent, fight, prevent and neutralize all plots and activities of reactionary and oppositional numbers. Prevent from afar and early on plots, terrorist activities, and violent sabotage... (see more)


The People's Police engraved the admonition "Honor is the most sacred and noble thing"

To further spread the value of the General Secretary's advice in the People's Public Security Force (CAND) in the new situation, the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security request that party committees and organizations at all levels need to focus on directing Implement well the thematic activities on the content: CAND engraves the admonition "Honor is the most sacred and noble thing". The Department of Party and Political Work closely coordinates with relevant units of the National Political Publishing House Truth to select, supplement, complete, edit, and publish the book: CAND engraves words advised "Honor is the most sacred and noble thing" as a document to serve research and propaganda work in the People's Public Security Forces. Police units and localities, based on assigned functions, tasks and specific situation characteristics of their units, research and compile lectures and documents on political activities to serve training courses. , training and teaching for officers and soldiers upon request... (see more)


Ensure equipment and facilities to meet the requirements of work, combat and building the People's Public Security force

The Ministry of Public Security requests that police units and localities need to innovate their thinking on logistics, technology, and finance in general; change the status from "passive" logistics to "active, one step ahead" logistics; Procurement and allocation based on the actual needs of police units and localities. Investment and procurement must be focused, key, synchronous, practical and effective. Proactively take advantage of maximum resources and support from party committees, local authorities and other legal resources to invest and purchase equipment and facilities, ensuring synchronization and timely service. work and combat requirements of the entire People's Public Security force. Strengthen inspection and examination in the management and use of equipment and facilities; Perform well the maintenance and upkeep of allocated equipment and vehicles... (see more)


Program on practicing savings and combating waste in 2024 in People's Public Security

Implementing Decision No. 1764/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2023 of the Prime Minister on promulgating the Government's Master Program on practicing thrift and combating waste in 2024, Directive No. 01/CT -TTg dated January 4, 2024 of the Prime Minister on enhancing savings in state budget expenditures, the Ministry of Public Security issued the 2024 Program on practicing savings and combating waste in the People's Public Security Forces. With the goal of thoroughly making Party Committees, Heads of Police at all levels and officers and soldiers of Police units and localities deeply aware of the role and meaning of practicing thrift, combating waste and implementing seriously, synchronously, drastically, effectively, and substantively implement targets, tasks, and solutions to practice savings and combat waste in areas that contribute to mobilizing, allocating, and effectively using resources. resources to create salary reform, serve work, fight, and build the People's Public Security force; create more substantive changes in the awareness and actions of police leaders at all levels, officers and soldiers on practicing thrift and combating waste... (see more)

Editorial board